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Fight the machine Bitches!!

ngon master
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almighty_gir ngon master
so anyway, there's a pretty huge uprising in the UK with people buying Rage Against the Machine's - Killing In The Name Of en masse!

pretty much the reason why, is because they're fed up of simon cowell running the pop industry over here, deciding what we should listen to, timing the x-factor so that whoever wins gets a number 1 christmas record and blah blah blah!

so!!! anyone else bought it (i've bought it for the second time now, already had it) for this reason? or planning to?

even Tom Morello is enjoying it :D


  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 18
    bought it yesterday, will know on sunday who won
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    John B made a great point about this on facebook:

    X-factor artists get signed to a Sony sublabel, Syco. Rage was signed to Epic .... another Sony sublabel. So in the end, profits just go to the same corporation :)

    Fight the power, eh? I guess it's the gesture that counts....
  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    it's all a marketing ploy lmao (it's like protesting against mcdonalds' unhealthy food eating at burger king)
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Xoliul wrote: »
    John B made a great point about this on facebook:

    X-factor artists get signed to a Sony sublabel, Syco. Rage was signed to Epic .... another Sony sublabel. So in the end, profits just go to the same corporation :)

    Fight the power, eh? I guess it's the gesture that counts....

    oh i agree, but it's not about which label the money goes to, more about people ACTUALLY having their voice.

    morello made a great point, that in programmes like x-factor, and american idol in the states, the viewing public can only vote for the acts on the show, but not against the show itself, and that's what's being done here. the people who hate the show, and the dictatorship of what is "right" to listen to in the industry, giving their voice.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    You vote against the show by not watching it. You vote against the winners by not buying their albums. You vote against radio stations that play songs you don't like by not listening to them.

    "Well you've made it through several months of auditions, weekly live performances, public scrutiny. Spent weeks recording your album and finally with it's release you've made it big. Your family won't have to worry about bills or money issues again (as long as you're smart). But wait! Rage Against the Machine and their fans think you and the show that made your career suck and are doing everything they can to keep you from being at the top of the charts.
    Don't feel bad though! Your just a casualty so that other people who don't listen to your music anyway can have a choice (dictate) what music is good and gets played."
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Even Tom Morello is enjoying it :D

    I'll bet he is - even more royalties from a song he contributed to seventeen years ago.

    Asherr nailed it.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    wait wait... public scrutiny? the same public that let john and edward stay in while actual TALENT was voted out?

    cut the crap.
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    Got my copy on monday :)
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    god this annoys me so intensely i can barely contain it

    x-factor does NOT MATTER. Ignore it. I've completely ignored it, i had to look up on the internet who the winner was. I didn't try to ignore it, i didn't make a conscious decision, it just washed over me like the inconsequential fluff it is. It was a TV programme on saturday night. ITV at that, so it's not like it was taking up valuable airtime.

    simon cowell has not damaged music with this or Pop Idol or whatever, as one of the standard criticisms goes. Not one jot. The public are actually as apathetic to chronic blandness as you'd hope them to be, how many of the winners slipped into almost immediate obscurity once the first single was out? Most of them. And when you look at it, the ones who have enjoyed actual success - Will Young, Leona Lewis - are really not all that bad. Fluff again, but with a certain amount of charm.

    Rage against the Machine, on the other hand, are just shit. Always were. As obvious and essentially cloying as a fucking Phil Collins song in a disney film. Who decided that music aimed directly at hormonal teenagers was more worthy at music aimed at the kids and the mums? Cos it's shouty and has noisy guitars in it? What a load of wank.

    Bah, humbug.
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    I just bought all of Kelly Clarksons albums because I hate rage of the machine so much... the war is ON baby! :poly142:
  • ChrisG
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    ChrisG polycounter lvl 14
    Im on board with this, you can gift copies on 7digital, i have gifted about 8 to friends as they said they dont care about it, I brought the RAGE to them. also got one from play and itunes for my house players. thats right I totally buy a song per device
  • ImSlightlyBored
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    ImSlightlyBored polycounter lvl 13
    danr wrote: »
    god this annoys me so intensely i can barely contain it

    x-factor does NOT MATTER. Ignore it. I've completely ignored it, i had to look up on the internet who the winner was. I didn't try to ignore it, i didn't make a conscious decision, it just washed over me like the inconsequential fluff it is. It was a TV programme on saturday night. ITV at that, so it's not like it was taking up valuable airtime.

    simon cowell has not damaged music with this or Pop Idol or whatever, as one of the standard criticisms goes. Not one jot. The public are actually as apathetic to chronic blandness as you'd hope them to be, how many of the winners slipped into almost immediate obscurity once the first single was out? Most of them. And when you look at it, the ones who have enjoyed actual success - Will Young, Leona Lewis - are really not all that bad. Fluff again, but with a certain amount of charm.

    Rage against the Machine, on the other hand, are just shit. Always were. As obvious and essentially cloying as a fucking Phil Collins song in a disney film. Who decided that music aimed directly at hormonal teenagers was more worthy at music aimed at the kids and the mums? Cos it's shouty and has noisy guitars in it? What a load of wank.

    Bah, humbug.
    quoting for truth
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    Yeah if you really want to fight the power, just don't watch TV. Ever. I do that, and I buy and find all my music exclusively online from labels that care more about music than profits.
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    I got my copy because im sick of Simon Cowell's stranglehold over the charts and the way it stops real musicians from getting anywhere because all radios seem to play these days is his brand mass produced pap.
    There are tons or brilliant real musicians who work for years just to get nowhere because of stuff like xfactor is played so much there is no room on the airwaves for anything else.
    I am so tired of this stuff being spoon-fed too the nation and the fact that i cant go anywhere without hearing it.
    I dont even like Rage...hell i would have bought a single from any real musician who actually love what they do for the art and not the money
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    Yeah, radio used to be *ace before simon cowell came along didn't it? Did it bollocks.

    They threw the same tedious argument at Pete Waterman in the late 80's - he just replied "fuck off, its what people want" and jumped happily onto his yacht. Music progressed as ever.
  • easterislandnick
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    easterislandnick polycounter lvl 17
    Wow, everyone is taking this so seriously! It's only pop music and a bit of a laugh! I hate Pop idol and all it stands for so I bought the Rage tune. Both songs are pretty silly in their own way but sticking it to Simon Cowell is fun and the profits Rage make from it are going to kids music charities so I'm in!
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    its the Christmas Number One, it's a serious business. The lives of at least two of Santa's elves depend on it.

    speaking of which, a couple of years back i nearly started a similar campaign to get this


    to the number one slot

    Top of the Pops!
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    wow, I thought Rage was pop music too, all the radio play they got when they were popular, getting their songs in movie soundtracks, and getting number 1 on the charts (in the US at least).

    Anti- is a indy lable, still pretty large but the money doesn't go to Sony
  • Mark Dygert
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    Yea pop is short for popular... so raging against whats popular by listening to more pop! It makes you cool.

    Cool like fonzi!
  • ScudzAlmighty
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    Fonzie FTW!

    so lemme see if i get this, Simon Cowell knows what 14yr old girls want and he gives it to them, and people think buying lots of Rage will change that?
    as depressing as it is, the tweens drive the market in music (and film: new moon anyone?) and if the girls like something the boys will too; and girls wont be getting into Rage anytime soon.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Don't you have some kind of radio station over there that caters to the sort of youth demographic that find commercial pop abhorent? The ABC runs it over here. Perhaps you should be lobbying the BBC to set you up an equivelant of Triple J instead of this empty protest.
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    "What are you two years old? Hasn't history proven that Marx's vision of egalitarian utopia is unobtainable, inevitable creating an oligarchy more oppressing to the proletariat than the bourgeoisie it vilifies?"

    -Dr. Quinn, Sealab 2021

    Also, I find it funny that in an age where you can find entire indie music scenes with a few mouse clicks that the way to protest the monopolization of the music industry is to buy an album from like 10 years ago put out by a major record label.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    These music shows and such are to music what the wii is to video games. You may say they don't damage the medium, but they do, in imitation. They're like a sponge that soaks up talent advertising and all that. All the effort goes into the worthless poppy bullcrap, because that's where the profit is.

    Good music making it on its own, good games making it on their own? Pipedreams. They're being suffocated by the idiotic purchases of the masses.
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    MattQ86 wrote: »
    Also, I find it funny that in an age where you can find entire indie music scenes with a few mouse clicks that the way to protest the monopolization of the music industry is to buy an album from like 10 years ago put out by a major record label.

    its the way the "other mass public" do it. You know, the mass that dont agree with the bigger mass public.
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    Also, I keep reading the thread title as "fight the machine-bitches", which would have been a way better topic.
  • crazyfingers
  • scourgewarper
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    'errr, you do know that rage are on the same label as simon cowell nnnnyeerrrr?!?'

    'if you really wanna rebel and boycott x-factor, don't watch it nnnnyerrrrr'

    *take satan's cock out of mouth*

    >insert other naive assessment of what this is all about<

    Buy rage for no other reason than you know it's deluded , teenage anarchy thinking but will be funny if it's xmas number 1. Does what it sez on the tin innit

    Put down your cum-soaked copy of manufacturing consent, take some deep breathes and back away slowly...

    i'd have preferred slayer's angel of death but there you go!
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] polycounter lvl 18
    The whole thing would make a little more sense if it was Cannibal Corpse instead of RATM. At least they're owned by Warner Bros instead of Sony.

    But I really don't see how it's got anything to do with anyone's voice counting or anything like that. The fact of the show's existence doesn't make the records sell. The records sell because a lot of people actually like the show and have a desire to go out and buy that kind of music. I don't personally see why, but it's not like Simon (or anyone) is forcing it on them.

    Radio airplay is a different story though, and I kind of dislike that whole system. I couldn't go anywhere for the last 2 months without hearing that Miley Cyrus song at least twice a day. In my car, I listen to the local modern/classic rock station, and despite there being literally billions of things they could be playing at any given point, I hear the same 30 or so approved songs from the 70s and 90s, and then whatever 5 new Seether or Nickelback songs just came out this month. It's not something I care about a whole lot, but I'm really not into how Clear Channel (etc.) runs that kind of thing. (Just saying, because it's kind of related.)
  • ChrisG
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    ChrisG polycounter lvl 14
    rage was chosen because of their message of standing up to the machine, the machine in this case is x factor (not wrong but a terrible thing) and the fact that they expect to get to number one.
    It has nothing to do with hte fact sony owns the music, cowell wont get anything from this his is on a sub branch of sony.
    So yer RAGE ON
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    I don't turn the radio on often, but every time I do - and this is not an exaggeration or a lie - I hear the Killers or Kings of Leon

    other than that track the Killers did with Lou Reed, it just makes me wish for X-factor
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I only buy music from independent labels. Any punk or alternative "anti-mainstream" band on a major label is just stupid.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    ZacD wrote: »
    I only buy music from independent labels. Any punk or alternative "anti-mainstream" band on a major label is just stupid.


    I only buy music I like.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Sectaurs wrote: »

    I only buy music I like.

    +1. And I like Rage Against The Machine.

    I've also got a spotify subscription.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    whats up with protesting by slapping yourself ?
  • CheeseOnToast
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    CheeseOnToast greentooth
    Buy rage for no other reason than you know it's deluded , teenage anarchy thinking but will be funny if it's xmas number 1. Does what it sez on the tin innit

    Yup, when I first heard about this it made me grin. *fondly remembers kicking stink bombs into MacDonalds as a teenager* Fuck, kicking a small vial of clear liquid into a fast food joint would get you shot these days.
  • carlo_c
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    Fuck, kicking a small vial of clear liquid into a fast food joint would get you shot these days.

    Thats the best thing i've read in this thread haha.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Why does anyone care about what OTHER people listen to?

    Why would you buy an album from a music group, that's aimed at complaining about what people listen to?

    Has it occured to you that some people actually LIKE that music? Why does that bother you so much?

    I doubt the average Kelly Clarkson fan would buy a Rage album anyways.

    This is just stupid.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Jackablade wrote: »
    Don't you have some kind of radio station over there that caters to the sort of youth demographic that find commercial pop abhorent? The ABC runs it over here. Perhaps you should be lobbying the BBC to set you up an equivelant of Triple J instead of this empty protest.

    Yeah thats Radio 1. Its supposed to hit the popularist teen market, but misses it by a margin.
  • ES_139
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    Im a massive RATM fan and Im entitled to be, just as the people who post that RATM are shit are entitled to their opinion but remember it is just that, an opinion.

    Art is subjective remember that the next time your calling a band or a piece of art "shit" one persons memories of a certain piece of music will be entirely different from the next persons depending on when they heard it. Some may see RATM as a band of misplaced teenage angst and adore the X factor seeing it as an ideal way to discover unsigned talent, the flipside to this of course is some people may see RATM as the greatest band they have ever heard and see the x factor as a contentious showcase of egotistical wannabes.

    The point im trying to make is that for every person that thinks something is "shit" there is always another person who likes it and from my perspective this continues down the scale untill you reach the neutral point!

    Anyway sod them both mupets Bohemian Rhapsody for No1......
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    some of the contestants reminds me of that singer on father ted (Owen McLove) who had no penis.

    I just hate the fact that x factor seems to be on every fucking news bulletin, so its hard to ignore.

    It will all end in tears when susan boyle does a duet with enja. That's when you really have to despair of modern musical tastes.

    RATM are ok with me.

    I wish it was nine inch nails instead though
  • ES_139
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    Ruz, looks like you and me are in this together now ;)
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    Why Rage?
    Why an American band to topple the British pop charts?
    Why not support a British artist who DESERVES to be on top of the charts?
  • System
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    System admin
    Simon Cowell knows what 14yr old girls want and he gives it to them
    I've been drinking but... AHHAHAHRAHRIUARHUARHAHRAHR.
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    danr wrote: »
    god this annoys me so intensely i can barely contain it

    x-factor does NOT MATTER. Ignore it. I've completely ignored it, i had to look up on the internet who the winner was. I didn't try to ignore it, i didn't make a conscious decision, it just washed over me like the inconsequential fluff it is. It was a TV programme on saturday night. ITV at that, so it's not like it was taking up valuable airtime.

    simon cowell has not damaged music with this or Pop Idol or whatever, as one of the standard criticisms goes. Not one jot. The public are actually as apathetic to chronic blandness as you'd hope them to be, how many of the winners slipped into almost immediate obscurity once the first single was out? Most of them. And when you look at it, the ones who have enjoyed actual success - Will Young, Leona Lewis - are really not all that bad. Fluff again, but with a certain amount of charm.

    Rage against the Machine, on the other hand, are just shit. Always were. As obvious and essentially cloying as a fucking Phil Collins song in a disney film. Who decided that music aimed directly at hormonal teenagers was more worthy at music aimed at the kids and the mums? Cos it's shouty and has noisy guitars in it? What a load of wank.

    Bah, humbug.

    Another QFT for you, sir. I'm saluting you right now.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    ill tell you the one facet of this that does piss me off, because on the whole I'm with danr you can ignore it- but this gets to me: xfactor reports IN THE NEWS

    its NOT NEWS gawrdammit!
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    A scheme invented by Zach dela Rocha, I bet ;)

    This is just one group going against another group, about shit that doesn't matter. Like Mac vs PC, Max vs Modo or my beard vs that crap you call facial hair.

    RATM are massively mainstream rap-metal, which is kind of ew to me. Supporting them, an American band, is fine if you like them, but it won't make any difference to Simon Cowell's next new British pop "star" and it doesn't really make you a rebel, or some kind of protester. It just means you're buying some more shit you don't really need.

    Plus, there are far more under 14's, middle-aged girlfriends and over 40's that buy piles of this awful pop rubbish than there are people between the age of 20-35 who respond and follow everything Facebook tells them to, so RATM and this whole thing doesn't have half a single chance.

    I can understand people hating that X-Factor, Britain's got Talent, etc is the bane of Saturday (and Sunday) night television and would like it off the TV so we can get back to whatever was aired before that (Les Dennis, Bruce Forsythe and Michael Barrymore, I think), but surely a bunch of well written letters of protest, or one of those "I have no power but I'mma boycott this shit anyways with my pals" boycotts to either the BBC or ITV would resonate much more clearly to the people in control?

    Also. Do we even have number ones any more? I remember them in the 80's and early 90's, but since Top of the Pops finished, I haven't heard the term since :P
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Well sadly it looks like Rage has won. Weep for poor Joe.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    so when do we start noticing the aftershocks of this epic event
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    no aftershocks involved, just an event. thats it.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    but.. the machine.. and the fighting..
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