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The Saboteur

polycounter lvl 8
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danshewan polycounter lvl 8
Anyone else picked this up?

Controls on the PC aren't great, especially driving, but it looks quite stylish and seems like it'll be fun. The combat seems a little clunky after playing so much Batman, but hopefully it'll get a bit easier with time. Definitely a game I wish I had a control pad for.

From the screenshots I've seen so far, it looks like there's quite a lot of mission variety - looking forward to some rooftop sniping, though fearlessly climbing up the sides of buildings like Spiderman in the pissing rain does seem a bit silly. Kneeing Nazi lookouts in the nuts then throwing them off the tops of said buildings is definitely great fun, though.

EDIT: Well, just finished playing through the prologue, and I'm really enjoying it. The driving sequences are pretty good, and the story seems suitably dramatic. Just tried my luck at the first mission, and I'm guessing it's going to be a case of quiet in, loud out for most missions. I didn't know how much stealth would factor into the game play, but it seems to be considerably, which is great.


  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    How is the stealth in this game? Need something to tie me over till Thief 4.

    I orginally thought it was a stealth game until i saw the previews of it showing you shooting guys in the face and blowing shit up.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Ark wrote: »
    How is the stealth in this game? Need something to tie me over till Thief 4.

    Silent kills (with or without weapons), a suspicion area-of-effect system around your character to indicate Nazi guard awareness similar to Metal Gear's alertness levels, stealing / wearing enemy disguises to infiltrate facilities, and a set of behaviors that affect how the guards react to you. Whether or not the area has the support of the French resistance is also a factor in how your actions affect your cover.

    Haven't played that far into it, but already I'm enjoying the stealth aspect of the game. Yeah, there's some pretty intense gunfights / explosions / action sequences, but from what I've seen so far, stealth will play a significant role.
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    just looking at the trailer, what sets this apart from thief is that it's so cliche. this may be an awesome game but the content is soooo boring

    we can only hope for thief4...
  • Flaringo
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    Flaringo polycounter lvl 11
    Wish I could play it, but it seems I am unfortunate enough to own an ATI card.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    shotgun wrote: »
    just looking at the trailer, what sets this apart from thief is that it's so cliche. this may be an awesome game but the content is soooo boring...

    That's what I thought initially, even playing through the first short 'mission', but thankfully playing through Sean's memories leading up to the beginning of the game managed to break it up a little. The rest of the game remains to be seen, but I'm hoping that the mission variety will compensate for another WWII scenario.

    It's definitely fun, but it's going to have to be pretty special to shake off the Nazis / WWII stigma for any lengthy appeal.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Well, after a short hiatus, I've been playing this pretty much non-stop. I'm actually really pleasantly surprised by both the quality and length of the campaign, and the cinematic feel of some of the missions.

    There's some seriously stealthy moments, some wildly over-the-top James Bond-style missions, and I'm really enjoying it. It did take a while to get into, but once you start unlocking some of the perks (which function as bonuses and extras to your base abilities) and the sports cars, it gets really addictive.

    Still not quite finished with it yet, but I'm expecting the end missions to be pretty spectacular stuff.
  • bbob
    Will a solid knowledge of the events of WWII make you wince at the contents of this game? Or is it comic-book-ish without trying to be real in any way. Oh, and is there any nazi-mecha-death-robot-doomday-suit-with-gatlinguns?

    Cause my PS3 needs goodies, and I just finished AC2..
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    bbob wrote: »
    Will a solid knowledge of the events of WWII make you wince at the contents of this game? Or is it comic-book-ish without trying to be real in any way.

    Well, I'm not familiar with the specifics of the French resistance in WW2, but the storyline seems pretty accurate, or at least convincing if the historical scenarios are a little off. It doesn't deal with specific historical events as much as a self-contained storyline dealing with the characters themselves within the context of the war.

    The missions themselves are very 'comic book-ish', though, which is probably why it's so much fun. The plot itself goes for drama rather than tongue-in-cheek humor, aside from the odd one-liner here and there. It doesn't take itself too seriously, though.
    Oh, and is there any nazi-mecha-death-robot-doomday-suit-with-gatlinguns?

    Haven't seen any yet, but I'm still hopeful...
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Only had a chance to play a little bit of it so far, but from what I've experienced... I really like it. The controls as well as feedback seem realllly nice, the movement and gun play I find really satisfying.

    I'm pumped to play more once i get back :)
  • brokenpoly
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    brokenpoly polycounter lvl 9
    I played it for a couple of hours and must say I`m pretty impressed so far. Even though it`s still pretty buggy with random crashes and strange graphics artifacts, I actually enjoy just destroying nazi installations all around Paris. I haven`t done a lot of missions yet, but hopefully I`ll be able to play some more today.

    It`s definitely no Assassins creed or GTA, but a good game that will entertain you for a couple of days :)
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