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Buy Nothing Day 2009



  • Bruno Afonseca
    Colemerson wrote: »
    I never once heard buy nothing day having anything to do with helping the homeless. Idk where that came from as I didn't watch the videos.

    I don't think the day is suppose to make a difference on that day. Its suppose to educate people about their purchases and whether or not they really need this shit. Instead of buying stuff cause the commercial says its cool or its the latest fad item. The amount of hate towards this is mind boggling.

    Lets also forget the fact that pretty much every damn store in the known universe increases its product prices before large mark downs. Obviously there is no way anyone would dream of doing this on black Friday.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a day to point out to people they should be more educated on a subject. Why have any day, lets say screw Remembrance Day. Screw Women s Rights day. Everyone just gonna go back to beating women the next day anyways.

    People seriously need to relax

    An art collective which I'm member of do stuff on this day. Last time we gave away rocks wrapped in flyers with a bow to random people on street.


    It's not like we're trying to dissuade people into buying their stuff. We're just trying to encourage them into thinking deeper into the whole holiday shopping thing, on how much useless crap they buy, if that makes them happier or serves any purpose at all. Because, you know, most stuff people buy are pretty much as useful as rocks.
  • Colemerson
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    Colemerson polycounter lvl 10
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    Yes because Buy nothing day is essentially on the same level as the civil rights movement. Inflated sense of self-importance much?

    Are they on the same level? Not at all. Do they exist for the same reason? To me, yes. They are there to remind you and bring the subject to the forefront of your thoughts. And then hopefully allow you to become a little more educated on the subject through the discussion that is presents.

    What is your reason for hating this day beyond viewing it as "Typical hippie shit"? I can understand how "Hippie" stuff can be annoying as but there might be some reason or thought behind it beyond the "Fight the Powah" crap.

    People get trampled to death on days like Black Friday cause of how crazy people are to get through the doors so they can buy some useless shit. You don't think there is anything wrong with that??? Seriously of all the ways to die, that's gotta the worst. You don't' think that says anything about western culture or society? Fuck people getting stomped to death I gotta get my Mac Makeup cause its 80% off...
  • EarthQuake
    jerry wrote: »
    I understand that people think spending more is helping people. Sure when you buy stuff you don't need, the person selling it will make money, the person who made it makes money, the complete value chain gets their share, everybody happy right?

    1. You just bought something you don't care about or need or you never use.
    2. That whole value chain producing the item has created alot of waste and done damage to the environment and/or people.

    Now that you bought the item and two days later your happiness is gone. What happened? You bought a useless item but you saved peoples jobs.

    When I think about that, I question the system that makes it this way because that just seems STUPID. Too bad capitalism is the best thing we could come up with.

    At its center this is a good thing to think about, but when we get to the point where we are pretending to not be part of the system, to try to fix the system.... That is where we have a serious problem, it just doesn't work.
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 18
    OK, so I am going to ride the fence on this one.

    I agree that the idea of "Buy Nothing Day" is, at its heart, a generally good idea. It's trying to get across the idea that acting looney and stomping and trampling people to get Trendy Item XYZ is a bad thing. Honestly, I do support anything that may at some point kill Black Friday entirely because, to me, that day brings out the absolute worst in people. I hate Black Friday with every tiny bit of my soul and cringe at the very thought of it coming up very quickly.

    However, the points about buying nothing only preaching to the choir are fairly well spot on. The only people who are really going to buy nothing are the people, much like myself, who wouldn't have been shopping on that day anyway. It's not going to create any new converts and the people who are still going to shop are just going to look at those who support BND as a "bunch of nutters."

    I don't know, I'd rather see a "Take Responsibility for Your Own Goddamn Actions" day.

    oh, and ScudzAlmighty, we do still practice slavery. EarthQuake is totally my slave bitch 4 life. :D
  • EarthQuake
    Colemerson wrote: »
    Are they on the same level? Not at all. Do they exist for the same reason? To me, yes. They are there to remind you and bring the subject to the forefront of your thoughts. And then hopefully allow you to become a little more educated on the subject through the discussion that is presents.

    What is your reason for hating this day beyond viewing it as "Typical hippie shit"? I can understand how "Hippie" stuff can be annoying as but there might be some reason or thought behind it beyond the "Fight the Powah" crap.

    People get trampled to death on days like Black Friday cause of how crazy people are to get through the doors so they can buy some useless shit. You don't think there is anything wrong with that??? Seriously of all the ways to die, that's gotta the worst. You don't' think that says anything about western culture or society? Fuck people getting stomped to death I gotta get my Mac Makeup cause its 80% off...

    I've never once said i disagree with the main purpose here, if you read what i've said i've been attacking the method. This extremist/sensational mentality does more to hurt what you're trying to accomplish than helps it, THAT is the problem. I mean honestly just look at peta or any other equivalent group, are they doing serious good for their cause? Or are they just creating more of a divide between the people who support them, and the people who think they are insane.

    Again im sure people will ask for "facts" here, but this is simple common sense. I could ask you guys for "facts" to show that what you're doing is the best method too. Its a double edged sword and you would have about as much success backing this up with cold hard facts as i would.
  • EarthQuake
    bearkub wrote: »
    I don't know, I'd rather see a "Take Responsibility for Your Own Goddamn Actions" day.

    oh, and ScudzAlmighty, we do still practice slavery. EarthQuake is totally my slave bitch 4 life. :D

    Insightful to the highest degree.
  • Kovac
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    Kovac polycounter lvl 18
    I love all the shit I buy... nuff said.
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
  • Colemerson
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    Colemerson polycounter lvl 10
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    At its center this is a good thing to think about, but when we get to the point where we are pretending to not be part of the system, to try to fix the system.... That is where we have a serious problem, it just doesn't work.

    Well I have no problems with this argument if this is where your issues lies with the subject and apologize if I came off dickish.
    I don't know, I'd rather see a "Take Responsibility for Your Own Goddamn Actions" day.
    Hahaha... obviously agree but the amount of shit to discuss.... would blow my mind O.o
    This extremist/sensational mentality does more to hurt what you're trying to accomplish than helps it, THAT is the problem.
    I agree to some extent as I notice this with other subjects. But I personally don't see how changing it is going to make a difference. People who aren't going to care aren't going to care whats its called. If you aren't willing to educate yourself about it to understand there is more to it than "buying nothing", Are you really gonna educate yourself when it comes to "Be more consumer aware day."? Maybe.. idk.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Here's the way I see it. Buy Nothing day, especially now, will mean nothing to the stores. They already have low sales, so they probably won't notice it. So, but skipping this day, the only person that losses out is the consumer. You'll skip good deals, then buy the same items later, at a higher price.

    If you want them to stop these sales, then the boycott should be to ONLY buy items that are heavily cut. Don't buy anything else on these days. The retailer's plan is to take a loss on the sale items, then make money back on non-sale items that people will pickup while in the store. If you only buy the sale items, they'll lose money on the day.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Why is anyone even debating this subject?

    Am i the only person here who caught that

    'maybe if we all buy nothing on black friday capitalism will grind to a halt and we can replace the free markets with... Well, uh, what kind of other markets are there? We'll figure something out!'

    is an outright ridiculous idea?
  • EarthQuake
    I agree to some extent as I notice this with other subjects. But I personally don't see how changing it is going to make a difference. People who aren't going to care aren't going to care whats its called. If you aren't willing to educate yourself about it to understand there is more to it than "buying nothing", Are you really gonna educate yourself when it comes to "Be more consumer aware day."? Maybe.. idk.

    Again this just falls back into the whole "preaching to the choir" point i made earlier.

    I'm not suggesting that you can simply "rebrand" the day, because the skapegoating of black friday is flawed, it has less to do with anything retailers do any more to do with the insanity of your every day consumer that creates the mess. Again, simply re-branding black friday is not going to help the issue, or changing the date... We're ignoring the problem thinking with that mentality.

    Now to me, and this just seems like common sense, a much more productive use of everyone's energy would be to calmly, sensibly, try to encourage people to do a little better in our every day lives. People dont pay attention to the guy wearing a sign screaming at the top of his lungs on the corner of the street.

    Like kub says, if everyone could just take some personal responsibility, and stop blaming capitalism, or blaming black friday, we would make a lot more progress.
  • Colemerson
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    Colemerson polycounter lvl 10
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    Like kub says, if everyone could just take some personal responsibility, and stop blaming capitalism, or blaming black friday, we would make a lot more progress.

    I'm not blaming those, I just view black friday as the peak of retardness and the extreme that things can become. I agree driving a giant pink van with signs all over demanding people buy nothing isn't the way to go about it, but i only ever see the odd poster and that's about it. So I've never viewed it in the same way.

    Obviously if everyone would just take more personal responsibility that would be great and there would be no need for it. But unfortunately that's gonna take a crap load more effort :(
  • EarthQuake
    Well that is the problem at its core then isnt it? Real change will take real, solid effort, not just November 27th but everyday. People just want the quick fix, they just want to sit on their asses signing online petitions and "participating" in do-nothing days instead.
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    As an art school grad with a mountain of debt and no job I have "buy nothing day" all the damn time. Where's my ass-backwards pitchouli scented hippie parade?

    And blaming capitalism? Capitalism might not be the most noble of ideals but it has ended and prevented wars. The secret to world peace is trade. For 800 years France and England went to war and for good reasons, but now they both trade on the Europeon Union. Why, because they'd rather have the good life. Same with Russia wanting America's blue jeans and rock music. And really, that's showing the respect for the people who make a product and the respect of the company to the people who work to purchase the product. It's perhaps one of the most unappreciated and noble social contracts we have.

    And, what the fuck is with this pretense that I'm buying things I don't want need or use? Really, what are these items that serve no practical or entertainment purpose? Pet rocks and truck nuts? Strawman much?

    Also, I'll buy what I want when I want you fucking fascists.
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    'I don't know, I'd rather see a "Take Responsibility for Your Own Goddamn Actions" day. '

    Chalk me up for this one.
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    Oxynary has a point*, don't buy anything on Black Friday...

    ...just save your money for Cyber Monday. :poly129:

    *Remark is not a real endorsement of "Buy nothing day".
  • jerry
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    At its center this is a good thing to think about, but when we get to the point where we are pretending to not be part of the system, to try to fix the system.... That is where we have a serious problem, it just doesn't work.

    I agree.

    Some goods points were made by others. I think we can all understand that progress can be made by peronal insights and personal responsibility but that it will not be created by an initiative like Buy nothing day.
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