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Buy Nothing Day 2009



  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    lulz, help the poor people by not buying stuff. How about donate some money or something, maybe to the 40,000 retail workers who lost their jobs last month.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Wow, so we raise people to be retail associates? To do or have no other options or goals in their life to what they want to spend their life as/doing 8+ hours a day? Is that what your admitting? ;)

  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    Lol, youTube.

    Care to state your case in your own words?
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    screw buy nothing day howabout buy a homeless family dinner day? I'm sure they are way hyped about all the hemp shirts making due without a soy-latte but it aint helping them any.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Why purchase more luxury items that are crap, because of consumerist ideas of capitalism that in order for it to work as is, we must consume more than we save.

    That instead of the focus being on another we must outdo one another with purchases. That unless we have X we aren't as good as another.

    That we are seen as simply bits of data on a marketers sheet as to how and where to promote sales for items we never would want or need otherwise.

    That in order to get the cheapest price over the competitor, we sacrifice quality and have items produced in countries with less human rights and environmental controls. So we can sit back and say how much we have improved, whiles others make our crap half the world away.

    The BIG answer is.
    Entropy. We cannot dig/use/throw away. We also cannot recycle indefinitely. The earth is a limited resource.

    Another answer would be read "Brave New World". Where other than take Soma, all the upper class people do is spend. I would argue that we use the euphoria feeling of initial ownership (no matter if it exists for such a short time) as the substitue for Soma in our reality.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    screw buy nothing day howabout buy a homeless family dinner day? I'm sure they are way hyped about all the hemp shirts making due without a soy-latte but it aint helping them any.

    Good idea. Instead of going out Friday, you do such instead?
  • EarthQuake
    Do we really have to have this same lame thread every year? I mean honestly, this shit is pretty retarded.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    None of these videos explained how buying nothing supposedly benefits anybody, nor how homelessness is directly related to over-consumption. They all looked like they were shot by students on MiniDV, and the third one down couldn't even be bothered to spell check their 'message'.

    I'm all for supporting local businesses and locally-produced goods and services, but these anti-globalization, anti-consumerist rants don't accomplish anything other than to highlight how futile 'events' like this really are.
  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    I buy something maybe every couple weeks? I'm with whomever suggests charity in place of luxury.
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    Fuckin hippies...
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    Do we really have to have this same lame thread every year? I mean honestly, this shit is pretty retarded.

    Yep. So is Black Friday. So unless you want to call for the ending of both?

    danshewan: Here is one, having something made overseas with cheaper labor to make at lower cost so puts labor in country out of job. But really. Does not this recession that was caused by our banking practices not show you flaws? Convinced to buy houses we can not afford? This fallout is making more homeless. And now, we have to supposedly rely on the same system that got us into this, to save us.

    The Irony.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    oXYnary wrote: »
    Here is one, having something made overseas with cheaper labor to make at lower cost so puts labor in country out of job.

    Refusing to purchase things isn't going to stop manufacturers having all their products made in China, or basing their call center personnel in India. If people really bought into this shit beyond paying lip service like this 'event' encourages, they'd boycott any manufacturer that didn't produce goods domestically, using domestic labor. But then, they'd be sitting in a virtually empty house.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I'm not going to brag about how charitable I may or may not be. Typically the only thing I buy on black Friday is beer because you never seem to buy enough to last through Turkey day.
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 17
    haha you really need a specific day for this? durp...
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    It had better be an American beer or shame on you!
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    danshewan wrote: »
    Refusing to purchase things isn't going to stop manufacturers having all their products made in China, or basing their call center personnel in India. If people really bought into this shit beyond paying lip service like this 'event' encourages, they'd boycott any manufacturer that didn't produce goods domestically, using domestic labor. But then, they'd be sitting in a virtually empty house.

    Heh. You need to see my place then.* :) But seriously, its more educational awareness to help us not get so caught up in buying things to make us happy, that we loose track of what not only the humdrum for this day is supposedly for, but how we treat one another. That is, each other. Justin made a valid idea in example. Instead of buying crap on this day, you could use that money to help someone in need. Justins idea is just the type of thing this is to promote. Discussion.

    *Oh, Im not innocent by no means. I do when I get the choice, choose more locally.
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    I'm all for simplifying your life and cutting back on shit you don't need, but these buy-nothing-this-day events are proven to actually benefit the businesses that are being boycotted against (see gas boycots). The following day, when people are 'allowed' to purchase, always have RECORD sales. All you're doing is shuffling numbers.

    Educate people to make better life choices, not pick a certain day to observe as if it was important. Same reason that bullshit 'charitable' attitude people have around Christmas pisses me off. "Oh, it's Christmas, I should be less of a dick and maybe give a dollar to the Salvation Army....then go right back to not giving a fuck Dec 26."
  • EarthQuake
    Hey i've got a great idea, how about for this entire holiday season everyone stops buying video games. This is such a fantastic idea, none of us need any of this useless shit anyway! We're making the world a better place here.

    Yeah, its not so much fun when it directly affects people you know in an industry you care about, so why would you want to do the same to others in other industries? Clearly you're not going to call for a boycot on videogames, so why would you want even more people unemployed because of another year of poor holiday says?

    This whole thing is criminally misguided, thinking any of this "helps" people, especially in this economy.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    oXYnary wrote: »
    Yep. So is Black Friday. So unless you want to call for the ending of both?

    Black friday is fucking awesome. Everything is cheap as hell, and tons of people go out and buy all sorts of various items giving the economy and businesses a much needed boost in this recession.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    (EQ) You forget, this downturn was caused by this system, yet, you are trying to defend it.

    Criminal. ;)
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    8FtSpider wrote: »
    I'm all for simplifying your life and cutting back on shit you don't need, but these buy-nothing-this-day events are proven to actually benefit the businesses that are being boycotted against (see gas boycots). The following day, when people are 'allowed' to purchase, always have RECORD sales. All you're doing is shuffling numbers.

    Educate people to make better life choices, not pick a certain day to observe as if it was important. Same reason that bullshit 'charitable' attitude people have around Christmas pisses me off. "Oh, it's Christmas, I should be less of a dick and maybe give a dollar to the Salvation Army....then go right back to not giving a fuck Dec 26."

    This is true, however, it could be said by at least if nothing else, shuffling people so they all do not go at once, there is less chance of accidents and people being crushed by crowds.

    Your also correct about charitable seasonal giving.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    LOL... Seriously this thread is full of laughs. So instead of going to pick up say a special toy on discount for my son for xmas I should follow what you guys say and give that money to a homeless person that I have no idea why he or she is homeless? Could be because of the loss of his job, family or he's just a god damn junkie. But hey who cares here's 40 bucks dude. Go on a bender.

    So take something away from my 4 year old son that would have no idea in the world why he didn't get that special gift from Santa for Xmas to "better" a homeless persons day? YEAH FUCK THAT!

    We all have tough situations. We all have had the shit fall down around us but I am not going to stop my lifestyle for a bum. Now I say this because I have had an experience with this in the past.

    Living in San Diego I was walking into a 7-11 when a dude was begging for money so he could get something to eat. I just walked by and didn't say a thing. Instead I bought the dude a sandwich when I was inside and when I gave it to him. You know what he did. He threw it on the ground and said I should have just given him the money. Oh ok. So he could buy booze with it. So yeah fuck that.
  • adamlewis
    The idea of a "buy nothing" day does seem pretty misguided. It's like attempting to solve the obesity epidemic with an "eat nothing" day. The point being, the answer to obesity isn't anorexia; it's education about healthy eating habits and a fundamental shift in one's lifestyle. Likewise, the answer to wasteful and unsustainable consumerism isn't self-flagellation on Black Friday, it's about changing our conception of what we value in our culture coupled with a greater awareness of how our choices impact others - unsurprisingly, a change like this doesn't happen very quickly.

    The trouble with this solution though, is that it's completely unsexy. It's not the type of solution you make Youtube videos about and tell your friends about and make forum posts about. But more often than not, it's how change actually takes place. When we so extremely compartmentalize our behavior into single days, all we're really doing is giving ourselves an excuse to not make the right choice the other 364 days of the year (see: New Year's resolutions), so when we load up our shopping carts come Nov 28th, we can feel a little less shame as we proceed to checkout.
  • NyneDown
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    NyneDown polycounter lvl 11
    Yea, it sucks we're all puppets of our own government but if I have to do my part by spending a little extra $$$ to stimulate MY economy to create MORE jobs....then that's a no brainer. The best way to make sure we all secure work in the gaming industry is not by fighting the system...we ARE the system. Think about it.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Every day is 'buy nothing day' when you're broke.

    You know what I like? Days I can buy stuff 80% off.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Obviously, because the social issues in american society are all derived from our free market, and only a masochistic fantasy of crippling it and devolving into mass poverty will save the innocent.

    Adam: Mechanically it's more like saying we should save fat people's feelings by destroying all food so nobody will ever have to eat again, and they wont be judged anymore.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    adamlewis wrote: »
    The idea of a "buy nothing" day does seem pretty misguided. It's like attempting to solve the obesity epidemic with an "eat nothing" day. The point being, the answer to obesity isn't anorexia; it's education about healthy eating habits and a fundamental shift in one's lifestyle.

    oh, i can see you have all the answers about obesity. why don't you go educate a fat person about living healthy, and see how much it actually does?
    NOTHING. its like trying to get a drug-addict off heroin. you can't simply walk over to a drug-addict, talk to him for 2 hours about how bad drugs are for him, and walk away, thinking you've changed this persons life. because you haven't. most fat people already know EVERYTHING about all the health risks, and more importantly FEEL them on their bodies every single day of their life.
    and those who don't, won't change their habits, even if you tell them.
    practically the only way to get drug-addicts off drugs, and fat people to slim down, is to stay in their homes, keep them off their drugs/over-eating, force them to train with you three times a week minimum.

    Actually, most people on this earth seem to be in a downward spiral of self-destruction.
    they smoke, they drink, they over-eat, they don't eat at all, they take drugs or they simply don't give a shit about themselves, or other people. the best thing you could hope to do for someone
    else, is actually what companies does for people. give them a job, give them some self-confidence, friends and something to do. make them happy with who they are.
    i think, if you're happy with who you are, you'll take care of yourself.
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    i think it should be think for yourself day, question authority.




    How about.... post random youtube videos day?
  • adamlewis
    dejawolf: it's probably best that we avoid this tangent, but just to clarify, when I refer to "education" with regards to obesity, I mean it in the broadest sense of the term (e.g. parents teaching their kids good eating habits at a very early age, clearer nutritional labeling etc.) The one thing I certainly don't mean by "education" is to berate or insult someone who is already overweight - that is obviously not helpful or appropriate (especially given the fact of how closely obesity is related to an individual's genetics).
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    This country is funny
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Haha, pior! I can't wait to move there.

    The part that bothers me most about your replies oXYnary, is that you end everything with a wink. I'm not sure whether you are just joking or are trying to minimise the blow of your arguement.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Seriously, this makes about as much sense as the "Don't buy gas on this day" shit that happened a while back. Cause cars will run off of dreams and rainbows for a day, right? All I remember from that was people either making sure their cars were filled up the day before or the day after. So....they still bought the same amount of gas.

    So people don't buy groceries or luxury items that day. I'm pretty sure they're still going to want it the day before or after. The thing about days like this is they are wasted because most people will still buy what they desire. Who cares what day of the week it falls on?

    A better idea would be to have some type of charity or lobbyists that support helping the homeless with halfway houses or shelters and donating to their cause.
  • TWilson
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    TWilson polycounter lvl 18
    Whatever... Just buy local products/food if you're able and interested in making life a little better imo
  • gavku
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Holy Fuck Gavku I watched 32 seconds and I think that was too much.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Um... I really believe, it can um, work out. Fix stuff, and magic and random magical horses uh, and store, and um.
  • fiveways
    I was gonna type a long reply to this thread and then I decided to just say fuck it. Like someone said earlier, these "boycott this" days really just shuffle numbers around. I grew up without a lot and now that I'm living on my own...if theres something that I've been waiting a year or two to buy or something that I've been saving up money for and its going on sale for half price for ONE day, theres not much you can tell me to change my mind, lol. Because the same people I could be "helping" by doing something else that day weren't doing shit for me when my family didn't have anything, haha. Volunteer my time at a soup kitchen or donate $5 to someone in need? Sure, not a problem. Miss out on being able to get a 37" 1080p hdtv for $500 in order to theoretically help someone? Fuck that.
  • EarthQuake
    oXYnary wrote: »
    (EQ) You forget, this downturn was caused by this system, yet, you are trying to defend it.

    Criminal. ;)

    Yes, but lets be reasonable here, not sensational. What does being dramatic and sensational ever do for these sorts of causes? All you're doing here is preaching to the choir, the only people who participate in these sort of "movements" are the people who are already doing their part, doing what they can to buy local, support quality companies etc. So the only thing that happens from a "buy nothing day" is that the companies that should be getting supported lose sales for a day.

    Being sensational like this just makes the reasonable people who are doing their part look like crazy whackjobs. You're not reaching out or informing the people who really need to be informed, all you're doing is creating a LARGER divide by showing the world how fucking retarded insane you are, and making the entire movement look bad in the process.

    Be reasonable, do your part, and stop PETA'ing up the place, because you just make us look bad here.

    Congratulations, you've convinced a bunch of vegans to stop eating meat for a day!
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    Joe , you are smart.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    i'm never going to buy anything ever again. i'm convinced.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Yup, buy nothing, THAT will help stimulate the economy AND the game industry. Buy food for the homeless instead? How about I buy products I want to with my money so people are able to KEEP their homes. How about I take personal responsibility for my spending instead of considering every non-essential purchase as me being sheep to the corporate consumerism of the USA?

    And how about you realize that some silly one-day boycott doesn't do jack shit for you cause and makes about as much difference as a online petition?!
  • EarthQuake
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    Yes, but lets be reasonable here, not sensational. What does being dramatic and sensational ever do for these sorts of causes? All you're doing here is preaching to the choir, the only people who participate in these sort of "movements" are the people who are already doing their part, doing what they can to buy local, support quality companies etc. So the only thing that happens from a "buy nothing day" is that the companies that should be getting supported lose sales for a day.

    Yes, well Joe, insanity could work both ways. ;) (Yea ok, the winks are passive aggressive birdies really)

    But the above deserved response since it was reasoned.

    Per this idea only attracting people who wouldn't be spending the money anyways. You cannot have your cake and eat it too when saying that only X will participate, when X would have done so even without. Then go and say this will hurt everyone. That's a no go there. If X has no effect in the first place, then how is it hurting everyone?

    You do jump the gun though when you assume people will just wait a day. First not always. Again, given your own logic that only certain people would partake anyways. These certain people. Can you say for certain they all will just wait for the next day?

    Then you leave out causes beyond consumerism. Even waiting a day is good, for as one of the videos states, Black Friday is the deadliest day of the year for accidents. Spreading it out versus crushing everyone in for luxury crap would help alleviate some of this. Not to mention the pollution being less a factor.

    Per effecting local companies over global with this and hurting those "we" are supposedly trying to support. I would require some data on this other than your opinion. My own opinion is I don't see the Mom and Pop shops opening up at 5:00am with deals they could only get from massive bulk buys from cheap overseas labor. All I see are big box conglomerates. Another dead end argument.

    So now, we are left with since your arguments you give you have invalidated yourself. Whats your real issue then? You don't like the POV? That's cool. I don't like the POV of bragging about crap being bought at these, and how happy we all should be, but I wont go and make judgments about the sanity level or intelligence (ignorance, yes) of these people.

    Now sensationalism. Attracts attention. We will have to agree to disagree on this, but there is the school of thought that any PR is PR, I could argue that you even bothering to have this discussion is a sign this has effected you. That its in your conscious now. Its like being observed changes the observed response.

    Finally, I think there is much misconception with the principle, or at least my interpretation. I can only speak for me, but life is balance and compromise. The idea is to get more balance. To possibly yes, reach an accord with capitalist consumerism having its place, but not to the degree that we in a way worship it these days.

    PS, Dont use PETA and me in the same sentence. Your jumping way ahead of the gun. That would be like me calling you a hippie per some of your old pictures.
  • Mark Dygert
    TWilson wrote: »
    Whatever... Just buy local products/food if you're able and interested in making life a little better imo
    ^ This.
    Also buy sensible, practical items people will use.

    Please don't buy games this holiday season, we need more studio closures and people looking for work.
    Please don't buy things that enable other people to buy games.

    We need an economy if we're going to remake it. If it keeps people from breaking into my house by giving them a job, then I'm for it. We can work on getting them a better job that aligns more with the values I would like society to have later, but they gotta stay dry and they gotta stay sane until we get to that point.
  • Colemerson
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    Colemerson polycounter lvl 10
    I never once heard buy nothing day having anything to do with helping the homeless. Idk where that came from as I didn't watch the videos.

    I don't think the day is suppose to make a difference on that day. Its suppose to educate people about their purchases and whether or not they really need this shit. Instead of buying stuff cause the commercial says its cool or its the latest fad item. The amount of hate towards this is mind boggling.

    Lets also forget the fact that pretty much every damn store in the known universe increases its product prices before large mark downs. Obviously there is no way anyone would dream of doing this on black Friday.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a day to point out to people they should be more educated on a subject. Why have any day, lets say screw Remembrance Day. Screw Women s Rights day. Everyone just gonna go back to beating women the next day anyways.

    People seriously need to relax
  • EarthQuake
    Yes because Buy nothing day is essentially on the same level as the civil rights movement. Inflated sense of self-importance much?
  • ScudzAlmighty
    wait wait wait wait, you still practice slavery in the east????
  • jerry
    I understand that people think spending more is helping people. Sure when you buy stuff you don't need, the person selling it will make money, the person who made it makes money, the complete value chain gets their share, everybody happy right?

    1. You just bought something you don't care about or need or you never use.
    2. That whole value chain producing the item has created alot of waste and done damage to the environment and/or people.

    Now that you bought the item and two days later your happiness is gone. What happened? You bought a useless item but you saved peoples jobs.

    When I think about that, I question the system that makes it this way because that just seems STUPID. Too bad capitalism is the best thing we could come up with.
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