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l4d 2 demo! thoughts??



  • _Calix_
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    Here's a good thread with all the weapon stats, pretty handy:


    Seems like the SPAS does more damage then the auto shotty, but has less spread/pellets.

    AK kicks arse too. I was a shotty man before, but that AK has changed my life :)
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    hmm that chart states both the snipers are exactly the same stats.. that doesn't sound right
    edit: oh, except the mag size, and rate of fire.. yeah maybe it is. that confirms my suspicions that the military sniper is just flat out better than the hunting. same with the two uzis
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    That's a pretty handy thread indeed - thanks for posting.

    Has anyone else found that, generally speaking, the kind of people playing has been better than you'd typically get lumbered with in L4D? Aside from my very first run through (which was a fucking nightmare), people I've played with have seemed pretty switched on, fairly decent players and - dare I say it - almost courteous, by today's online gaming standards.

    Anyone else found that? Or is it just wishful thinking on my part? If it is just a fluke, then it's definitely made the demo much more enjoyable, which has made my first impressions of the game much more favorable.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    I found that during the preorder period of the demo.. but since general release I've had a lot more games with total rejects deliberately TKing etc.
  • AlanSMitchell
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    AlanSMitchell polycounter lvl 14
    so I scrolled through everything I think the colors in L4D2 are drastically different from the blackness of the first. Personally I think it fits. but I miss L4D1's color pallet it felt a little more scary.
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    I'm getting the stuttering glitch. Couldn't play. Suxxx0rz.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    The combat shotty was definitely useful for things like the run to that tower alarm in the demo, and the other tight spots, but I find myself usually going for something that'll let me keep a bit more range between myself and the infected masses. :D
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    If you get stuttering try going into the console and type:

    mat_queuemode 0

    I had a similar problem on my work computer (during lunch breaks!) with L4D1 and that command helped. I read in a thread it disables multicore support which for some reason can cause stuttering.
  • ScudzAlmighty
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    Reviews are in and it's looking good!
  • seven
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    seven polycounter lvl 13
    played through dark carnival... it got pretty freaking hard on the corridor after you open up the gate that goes into the stadium... the infected kept coming... pretty insane.

    Over all I think the weapons and new infected feel better. It does feel like a more polished game. I'm happy with spending the money for it.

    I agree with what most of the reviews are saying... If you never really liked l4d then you probably won't convert with this one.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    fucking impossible to make it to the end as the survivors, it's bullsh*t.
    (F*cking l*ve it!)

    good times :)
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    God dammit I love the game. But it just seems so damn hard for the survivors to make it through... I do like the "team versus" system. It seems more fair then a good team being pitted a bunch of random kids.
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    Haven't got it yet, so I gotta ask those who have played the full game a couple questions. First, do you still have to cock the gun every time you go from gun to melee/pistol, to gun? That's driving me nuts on the demo. Are there more weapons than was in the demo (besides the nade launcher, and similar)? And do you still get zombie's running at you backward, or all weird?

    I'm really curious about the whole having to cock the gun every time you select it. I'm so jealous of you guys that are playing it right now. :)
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    Got it for 360 last night. Played through the first campaign on normal with my roommate and we had to do the final event where you collect gas cans like 5 times before we beat it. And we both have beaten all the campaigns of the first game on expert. seems like the game got much harder in the sequel.
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