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The Pacific

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glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17

Just came across this. Goddamn, I loved Band of Brothers.

"From Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg and Gary Goetzman--a new epic miniseries about the Pacific Theatre of World War II."

Coming in 2010.


  • Martin Henriksson
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    Martin Henriksson polycounter lvl 9
    Yeah, really looking forward to it! Band of Brothers is awesomeeeee.
  • Dippndots
    Looks so sick, was wondering when they were going to release it, can't wait
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Dammmmnnn... I am also on the boat of HUGE ASS FAN of Band of Brothers, still one of my favourite series of all time...

    I can't wait!
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    war is hell

    fap fap fap fap fap
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    I found that so corny it made my toes curl..

    "those actors were so into it they were living the moment not acting the moment..!" dude STFU...
  • Disco Stu
    Yeah they totally were :D. Anyone here ever had the pleasure to spend a day with an actor? They are horrible people!
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    I've been waiting for this since I heard they were making another series. Band of Brothers is one of my favourite shows to date. So if the new one holds up just as well as the original, it'll be rad!
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    The dialogue in these WWII documentaries is so trite and overdone its getting to be laughable, and i do hate saying that. The cinematography looks amazing.

    Makes you realize how boring our time in history is, considering the number of times WWII gets rehashed.
  • martinszeme
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    martinszeme polycounter lvl 8
    Been waiting for this since they announced they are going to make it. Big fan of Band Of Brothers, imo the best war movie/show out there. Will have to watch it again.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Crazyfingers. Join the war on terror. That will get you some excitment. Point being, I don't think our time is that boring and a war certainly doesn't make it more awesome. Sure, Some lasers and human/alien war would be cool right about now but eh :)

    PS: Band of brothers fuck ye. Really looking forward to the pacific. Have been waiting for it since I first heard of it waaaaaay back.
  • Dr Stench
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Band of Brothers = best mini series
  • EarthQuake
    yeah heard about this a while ago, REALLY looking forward to it. Me and my fiance often have Band of Brothers marathons.

    this is gonna give me a HUGE WAR BONER
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter

    Band Of Brothers is the best Television ever filmed.

    REALLY looking forward to this.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    just one question will we see cast from band of brothers 1 ? that would be cool :D
  • doc rob
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    doc rob polycounter lvl 19
    I think some of Easy Company shipped off to the Pacific after they were done in Germany, but I doubt this series would focus on them, maybe just a cameo or two ;)
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    If its anything like band of brothers then this is a definite watch!

  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
  • Acid.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Two episodes have aired... Who's been watching and what are your thoughts?

    For me, this show makes me sad face. After the epic that is Band of Brothers, this seems like a cheap immitation knock off.
    Tom Hanks doing a monologue at the start of each episode?
    You're thrown right in without any real character development.
    The setting is basically explained with stock footage in the first 5 mins instead of through out the course of the first episode.
    The whole thing seemed really rushed. You only got bits and pieces of the events and you had no real indication how long anything was lasting (could have been overnight, could have been a week, a month, a year).
    It almost feels like an "America! FUCK YEAH!" mini series. Lame.

    I'll keep watching, just in case it's just the Band of Brothers fan boy in me that's not really into this show.

    So, yeah. Thoughts?
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    At first I was very apprehensive about the show being a big fan of BOB. However after some time I think it will grow on you and the characters will develop further ..

    This is the Pacific front and the Marines which are a far cry from the specially trained paratroopers of the 101st from BOB or Rangers from SPR.

    I realized that if i kept drawing comparisons to Band of Brothers that I wouldn't be able to enjoy the series so I am starting to leave my pretenses and expectations behind.

    That said, I thought the composited special effects of navy vessels were particularly bad. Overlit, weird perspective.. It just didnt work and felt low budget. In Band of Brothers those kind of shots were very rare but in the Pacific they are a bit more prominent in regularity and length.

    Overall I am really enjoying the show.
  • Martin Henriksson
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    Martin Henriksson polycounter lvl 9
    Really enjoying it! Not as good as BoB sure but you would have to be a fool to think it would be. I think the characters was abit hard to relate to in the beginning of BoB aswell wich is why its probably a better series on the second watch.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    I think its pretty good so far, the character development is happening on the feild so Im gussing by the end of the series the characters will be far more flushed out. Im thinking they did this to make if feel as if you are tossed in with a bunch of people you dont know and thrown into war, learning about them as the series progresses.

    it seems a bit more brutal than BoB, up close face shootings and bombed out craters with heads and arms, a bit more graphic i suppose. the time thing is kinda weird, it is hard to tell if it was days or weeks. the younger cast was a bit offputting at 1st but when they die atleast to me its like wow, that was his one chance at life and they died at 17 or 18.

    Like others have said, if you keep constantly comparing this to BoB you will probably not enjoy it as much, so take it as its own. the production values are still miles above most shows on tv and I think itll look awesome on blu-ray when it comes out.
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    I've been a bit disappointed thus far, given the potential of the series from its directors. There has been a real lack of character development and there has been no real strong focus or introduction to John Basilone, one of the most important figures in the battle for the Pacific and one of the most infamous Marines of all time. There are some very revealing scenes that depict the actions and events at an incredible visual level, but the lack of narration really leaves the viewer confused.

    If you don't know, John Basilone and his unit held off a force of over 3000 Japanese soldiers, and the key thing to note is that he had lost all but two men in his unit but continued to repel the Japanese and retrieve ammunition. He would also play a pivotal role in the future battle of Iwo Jima.

    I do appreciate the role that Eugene Sledge (the kid with the heart murmer who's father wont let him join) plays because he does make a large contribution to the history of the war in the future. There has been a much more of a connection with him, in terms of those wishing to joining the military but unable to.

    The action has been great, and the battle sequences very intense but I hope the story connects audiences a lot more with the individual Marines that served in those historical battles, rather than focusing on the battles themselves. Anyone could watch History channel and learn the details of those battles any time. The show just needs a stronger narration.
  • skylebones
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    skylebones polycounter lvl 10
    I wish it gave more story to the characters. I like how BOB started with a group in boot camp and went from there. It was a pretty linear story. The pacific jumps right into the action at Guandal Canal, and I still have no idea who any of these guys are. It feels very disjointed.
  • vcortis
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    vcortis polycounter lvl 9
    Yeah I aggree I was a huge fan of BOB mainly because of the character development. The guys had real depth and each episode seemed to narrow in on a few characters so you really got to know them. There was action, but purpose and truth to every episode... This is quite the opposite, I have no idea who is who, and what their personality is. There are a few characters that kind of stand out but overall it feels lacking. Great cinematography for the most part, a couple of blunders here and there (with obvious green screening/sets with terrible lighting).

    It's still enjoyable just not quite the caliber of BOB. I think it would've benefitted from an episode similar to the training camp of BOB, where there is a bit more backstory for each character, I felt that the first episode moved too fast and just threw things into motion to get to some fighting.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    I'm with PixelMasher on this. I think they tossed you into the action without knowing the people, as if you're one of the soldiers alongside them. As the story progresses, we're learning more and more about the soldiers it's based on and it's becoming whole.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    Comparing Band of Brothers directly with a series on the Pacific theatre is a mistake. The Pacific theatre during WWII had very little in common with the war in Europe. The European theatre is often lionized, and is the aspect of the war most often covered in popular media. From all the accounts I've heard, the Pacific was a ugly, dirty conflict. While European veterans speak fondly of their band of brothers, Pacific veterans often refuse to speak of their experiences. My grandfather was an army chemical weapons engineer in the Pacific, and fought alongside the Marines. Over 70% of the unit he shipped out with died. He never talked about the war.
  • bbob
    Just watched the first episode, and I was utterly pleasantly surprised, as this topic had my expectations grounded.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Just playing devil's advocate here.
    So I'm not allowed to compare the two shows because they are set in a different setting, have different characters and was fought differently? Seriously?
    It's the same production company doing the show (HBO, Dreamworks), I bet a lot of the same crew are still on board. They hint at the The Pacific towards the end of Band of Brothers. In a way, it's a sequel that's not really a sequel.

    Besides, I'm not comparing the stories of the two shows, because that would in fact be stupid. I'm comparing the way the show is done and presented.
    I know that Tom Hanks was involved in the production of Band of Brothers, but he's far more involved now and you can tell he has taken The Pacific in a different direction. So far the only real similarities I've seen between the two is the opening theme music.
    I guess I went in with the expectation that The Pacific was going to be pretty much the same deal as Band of Brothers, only in a different setting and with new characters.
    By this, I mean that the story would be told the same way, they'd use the same visual style (but maybe colour graded differently to match the setting) and the same structure to the show. But basically it's a whole new show, but with a similar title sequence.

    Also, as brutal as the some of the fighting scenes are. I don't think they had anywhere near the amount of impact as the fight scenes in Band of Brothers. Everything is too in your face about it, and once you've seen one point blank headshot, then you've seen them all. It seems very Hollywood (sure, I can imagine that some of the fighting was done very much like this... Realism!).
    The suspence is poor as they put you in the trench with the soldiers then are told that "The Japanese soldiers are coming...", cue closeups of a few key characters and then open fire for the next 10 mins. BRILLIANT! Give the man an Oscar.

    I'll shut up, now. As I'm within the minority here and I guess I'm just wanting more for less.
  • bbob
    On the suspense bit, I have to disagree on one count, and that is the moving shrubbery bit at Alligator Creek. That one had a very band of brothers feel, especially as the whole episode was building up to that moment, and there had been a lot of false alarms with impatient shrubbery leading up to that..

    But as for the second episode on that topic, I have to agree with you completely.

    Anyway! I am really looking forward to seeing if the rest of it as all "boom boom pow bang", I sorta feel like after these first two episodes, we have been introduced to the characters, now I just hope they will build on it..
  • catstyle
    just watched the first episode

    it was excellent - cant wait to see more
  • martinszeme
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    martinszeme polycounter lvl 8
    Watched the third episode last night and I have to say that this was the best so far! Lots of character development and finally starting to care for the main characters. Can't wait for more!
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    yea 3rd episode was good and it was all character dev. interesting seeing the war taking a toll on these guys already and they are only 1 battle in.
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    yea 3rd episode was good and it was all character dev. interesting seeing the war taking a toll on these guys already and they are only 1 battle in.

    Yeah I got that impression too until I read the wiki article on it. Apparently it was more than just a couple of battles but a huge campaign.

    Guadalcanal Article


    Don't know if the guys in the show were on the island this long but the entire campaign took about a year.
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