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How you model dem shapes in maya.

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malcolm polycount sponsor
Seriously, this should be the easiest shit in the world to make. See screenshot. I want to make a cube and have edge loops at each corner evenly spaced. In maya we have this tool called offset edge loop tool which offsets the edges loops but it offsets them relatively so after you've done one the next one you do is not symetrical. I'm quite tired at the moment and I haven't modeled shit in like 2 years so I am guessing I am totally missing something.



  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    Split the rings first so you have two centre loops to base the offset edge loop tool on. That way, both new loops will be relative to a centre edge and properly spaced.

    But actually if you meant how do you get all the different loops to be exactly the same distance from the edge, go into the history and expand "polyDuplicateEdge" (offset edge ring tool's history) and change the offset value to match on all 3. I think this is what you were actually asking and I didn't realize how to do it myself until just now, so thanks for making me figure it out.
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11

    Ofcourse this only works if you have equal length edges, but you can do your scaling afterwards.
  • Whargoul
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    Whargoul polycounter lvl 18
    Fuck that shit, just eyeball it. If it's not the exact same, it will just feel more organic. :)
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Gayness. Thanks for the replies but that is how I made my above screenshot by splitting the center loops and then using the history to offset them correctly. I would have thought there would be a way to do the whole cube at the same time rather than entering the history 8 times.
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    polySplitRing -ch on -splitType 1 -weight 0.5 -smoothingAngle 0 ;
    This will split a ring selection in half. Then use the method Frump mentioned.
    malcolm wrote: »
    Gayness. Thanks for the replies but that is how I made my above screenshot by splitting the center loops and then using the history to offset them correctly. I would have thought there would be a way to do the whole cube at the same time rather than entering the history 8 times.
    polyCube -w 1 -h 1 -d 1 -sx 2 -sy 2 -sz 2 -ax 0 1 0 -cuv 4 -ch 1;
    rename "lazyCube_TEMP";
    polyDuplicateEdge -ch on -of 0.9 lazyCube_TEMP.e[6:7] lazyCube_TEMP.e[14:15] lazyCube_TEMP.e[42:43] lazyCube_TEMP.e[46:47] ;
    polyDuplicateEdge -ch on -of 0.9 lazyCube_TEMP.e[17] lazyCube_TEMP.e[20] lazyCube_TEMP.e[23] lazyCube_TEMP.e[26] lazyCube_TEMP.e[29] lazyCube_TEMP.e[32] lazyCube_TEMP.e[35] lazyCube_TEMP.e[38] lazyCube_TEMP.e[53] lazyCube_TEMP.e[61] lazyCube_TEMP.e[64] lazyCube_TEMP.e[71] ;
    polyDuplicateEdge -ch on -of 0.9 lazyCube_TEMP.e[2:3] lazyCube_TEMP.e[10:11] lazyCube_TEMP.e[40:41] lazyCube_TEMP.e[44:45] lazyCube_TEMP.e[49] lazyCube_TEMP.e[57] lazyCube_TEMP.e[67] lazyCube_TEMP.e[75] lazyCube_TEMP.e[89] lazyCube_TEMP.e[101] lazyCube_TEMP.e[104] lazyCube_TEMP.e[115] ;
    select -cl;
    select lazyCube_TEMP;
    rename "lazyCube_01";
    select -cl;
    print "Lazy Cube is ready for manual editingn";

    Last line is supposed to say

    print "Lazy Cube is ready for manual editing\n";

    I wish I knew enough mel script to get this to stay in the display but its wiped out immediately by other outputs... :poly127:
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