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Dragon Age

polycounter lvl 19
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rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
So after preloading it all day monday and then spending 3 HOURS decrypting files through this buggy steam thing yesterday i finally got to play some of it. Played through 2 different starting race/background combos and i thought that was pretty awesome, the blood splatters everywhere all over everyone are COMPLETELY F!@#$%ING RETARDED, it has to be the dumbest implementation of the whole battle gore thing ... ever... i went and killed a dozen rats and then for like the next half hour my whole character was drenched in blood from head to toe... i mean ... come on...

that said the game is actually really cool! :) i like it alot, i dig the combat, i like how you can go back and forth between 3rd person and tactical cam, i like that its actually relatively challenging even on normal, you actually HAVE to use your abilities otherwise you die ALOT, putting your rogues behind dudes and backstabbing the hell out of everyone so far has been pretty satisfying. The story so far seems pretty neat, i guess kind of a typical bioware fare, i can buy into it.


  • bounchfx
    the way they handle blood splats on people is kinda weird..

    but the game is fucking AWESOME.

    I didn't have to fiddle with any of the steam shit (bought this one retail), and played for a good 5 hours last night. holy shit it's well done.
    It is a challenging game as you said, even on normal.

    http://social.bioware.com/playerprofile.php?sku=dragonage1_pc&nid=2256743365 is my character (does the link work?)
    the community stuff is kinda pointless but cool as hell. it automatically (if you choose) uploads stuff to their server, like your level, screenshots of important events, your kills, equipment, stats, etc. as well as time played at certain checkpoints. It's not updating as often as I'd expect.. (it's still out of date as of last night..) but I'm assuming the servers are clogged.

    I think my favorite part though is that I actually care about the story. in most games I try to enjoy their story but wind up not caring after 5-10 minutes. the writing/voice acting and even some of the animations of the characters so far are great, and it has been really interesting so far. i look forward to playing more tonight
  • ericdigital
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    ericdigital polycounter lvl 13
    I started as a mage, but I really want to try a melee out. The templars look really cool, love their design. I've sucked getting the rogues to backstab so far and have such a bad habit of lighting my own teammates on fire =P

    I really like the conversations parts though, animation and all that is pretty much what I expected I suppose. I like the camera work during conversations, so much better than fallout/oblivion straight ahead camera. Totally agree with the blood being kinda goofy but oh well. It's been pretty fun so far though haven't felt im glued to it but once I put it down I want to start playing again.
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    Man I just ordered the thing using money made from this freelance gig I'm doing. It's so satisfying mostly because I played Baldur's Gate II on my first year of uni (it was like 3 years old by then) and it still is the best game I've ever played so far. Here's hoping that Dragon Age is better, it feels like the completion of a circle for me or some shit like that.

    I sound like a fanboy, jeez.
  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    I really like Guild Wars & Titan Quest, but Oblivion not so much. I'm curious about this game but not sure. I did enjoy the online flash version of this game... =P
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    My copy should arrive tomorrow. Too many good games out this month, I'm finding it hard to finish them. :)
  • Xaltar
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    Xaltar polycounter lvl 17
    Buying this one for sure. I have been waiting for it since it was announced.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not a big RPG fan so I probably won't play this, but I took a look at the character creator they released.
    Some stuff is alright, but the female dwarf just looked hilarious, proportioned like some sort of crazy chimpanzee... madness!
    Also the in-game cinematics and trailers they've released look... uh... brown? And crazy specular with super-bright ambient, not a good look.

    That said, it's been getting some very good review scores. Sounds like a decent game.
  • ArtsyFartsy
    It sounds like a great game. But I can't play these 60+ hours mega-epics anymore.

    I'm lucky if I get 4-5 hours a week to play games. This thing is just too much commitment.

    I flunked most of my 11th grade high school classes because of Baldur's Gate II.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Game is awesome. Dual wielding dwarf commoner warrior here. Raising some hell topside.
    Soooo. Anyone checked out the female models yet. *cough* They're quite detailed.
  • bounchfx
    Junkie_XL wrote: »
    I really like Guild Wars & Titan Quest, but Oblivion not so much. I'm curious about this game but not sure. I did enjoy the online flash version of this game... =P

    the battle system is like a mix of uh, Baulders Gate 2/nwn, guild wars, KOTOR, and FFXII (in terms of setting priorities/tactics for ai).

    the graphics aren't OMFG AMAZING but they definitely serve their purpose, and aren't 'bad' (though some are questionable..)
  • BHJ
    I'm picking this up when it comes out here on friday. Cannot wait to get my hands on it - massive NWN and BG fan.
  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    I would probably disable blood splatters on people if I could after long, assuming I didn't get used to it; just looks silly here with identical splattering on the faces: http://pc.ign.com/dor/objects/682217/dragon-age-origins/images/dragon-age-origins-20091103033923448.html - better than the early symmetrical bloodsplattering, but still.

    Female bodies look like slender men with boobs, but eh, maybe that's what they look like in the world of Dragon Age? http://pc.ign.com/dor/objects/682217/dragon-age-origins/images/dragon-age-origins-20090910034421381.html - that is all some seriously nitpicky shit though.
  • slipsius
    im going to warn people now. check out player reviews. its not a game for everyone. i have yet to play it, but from all the reviews im hearing alot of ppl arent liking it, because well, most of the battles are spent in pause mode. it does not have the dynamic, free flow battle system most rpgs have. its more tactical/turn based (in a way). you dont just run around hitting buttons like in wow or guild wars or anythin g like that.
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    Because its like baldurs mighty gate! :)
  • BHJ
    slipsius wrote: »
    im going to warn people now. check out player reviews. its not a game for everyone. i have yet to play it, but from all the reviews im hearing alot of ppl arent liking it, because well, most of the battles are spent in pause mode. it does not have the dynamic, free flow battle system most rpgs have. its more tactical/turn based (in a way). you dont just run around hitting buttons like in wow or guild wars or anythin g like that.

    While it is not a game for everyone - this is precisely one of the reasons im so excited about egtting my hands on it. A return to NWN/BG tactical battles :)
  • bounchfx
    slipsius wrote: »
    im going to warn people now. check out player reviews. its not a game for everyone. i have yet to play it, but from all the reviews im hearing alot of ppl arent liking it, because well, most of the battles are spent in pause mode. it does not have the dynamic, free flow battle system most rpgs have. its more tactical/turn based (in a way). you dont just run around hitting buttons like in wow or guild wars or anythin g like that.

    true - it doesn't play that because the game challenges you to think a little.

    however I'm sure playing on easy mode would be like that :P

    the first boss battle was tough, but not unfair. I died a couple times, but after planning out how I wanted to attack and whatnot it was much more rewarding actually clearing him.
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    I'm a big Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights fan, but the character creation tool didn't inspire me much. That said, it seems that the story alone will be worth it so I'm going to go ahead and buy it on PC. It seems that Bioware are using the same character upgrading system in all of their games nowadays.
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    slipsius wrote: »
    im going to warn people now. check out player reviews. its not a game for everyone. i have yet to play it, but from all the reviews im hearing alot of ppl arent liking it, because well, most of the battles are spent in pause mode. it does not have the dynamic, free flow battle system most rpgs have. its more tactical/turn based (in a way). you dont just run around hitting buttons like in wow or guild wars or anythin g like that.
    Because its like baldurs mighty gate! :)

    Exactly. The beauty of these games lies in playing certain battles over and over again while trying to figure out the correct way/ lucky combination that will help you defeat a huge fucking silver dragon. (Yeah, I killed that arrogant twat cause it pissed me off. Had quite the loot on it too.)
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Hmm. At first I have to admit the vids I have seen for it didn't really inspire me much. Too much about cutscenes and less about a more freeflowing world like NWN or BG. But since the same fans of those two are liking it. Is it set in the same DnD universe? Or is this a totally different IP? Not that I have the time. Since I already plan to get torchlight before anything else when I get done this month with my crunch.
  • BHJ
    oXYnary wrote: »
    Hmm. At first I have to admit the vids I have seen for it didn't really inspire me much. Too much about cutscenes and less about a more freeflowing world like NWN or BG. But since the same fans of those two are liking it. Is it set in the same DnD universe? Or is this a totally different IP? Not that I have the time. Since I already plan to get torchlight before anything else when I get done this month with my crunch.

    They didn't get the liscence for the DandD ruleset - so its set in a different world with a modified combat system. It's more of a spiritual successor to BG than an actual sequel.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    I like pausing, lets me stop impeding doom so I can think and save myself.

    Although I had one odd hardware issue. I picked up the collectors edition PC, and my DVD drive read the bonus disc fine, but could not detect the game DVD, Tested on another drive and it worked fine. I ended up swapping a DVD drive so I could actually play :P
  • RazorBladder
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    RazorBladder polycounter lvl 18
    Due to their pathetically horrid slant on their marketing campaign and trailers... I was severely underwhelmed for a pretty long time. It's only recently that I've started warming up to it, maybe my expectations were way too high to begin with, or they truely need to just fire their marketing department.
    After the recent torrent of reviews and some actual gameplay footage, I'm pretty damn sold on this game. Hoping to purchase it and play it real soon despite all the other games released in recent months that I've still yet to play.

    I really do wish European Steam prices weren't so incredibly outrageous.
  • bounchfx
    the marketing was awful.. it's not very indicative of the game at all, outside of the fantasy elements. the music is also beautiful so far in the game. If you liked any previous Bioware game you're probably going to enjoy this one a lot. that's the most accurate recommendation I can give :poly121:
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    I really do wish European Steam prices weren't so incredibly outrageous.

    Same here, Steam has it priced at £29.99 whilst Amazon has it at £24.99, and you get the physical copy. Not hard to make the correct decision.
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    LOL @
    it does not have the dynamic, free flow battle system most rpgs have.

    most rpgs being wow and guild wars? lol

    The combat is pretty much the same as all the other bioware games + FF12, its really good. You don't HAVE to pause, in fact if you setup your tactics you can probably play through most fights without having to pause, just setup ur dudes to do the right thing and mow through.

    also lol @
    I really like Guild Wars & Titan Quest, but Oblivion not so much.

    i am still scratching my head trying to figure out what that statement has to do with dragon age... they are all made by different companies and they are all fundamentally different types of games... guild wars is an online game, titan quest is basically a diablo clone, and oblivion is a first person sandbox game.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Ark wrote: »
    Too many good games out this month, I'm finding it hard to finish them. :)

    I know what you mean. Torchlight is dominating most of my meager gaming time lately, and I've still not finished RE5. This has been on my radar for ages, but I think I'll probably wait until nearer Christmas when I'm not so busy so I can really get stuck in.

    I had no idea the combat was more tactical / turn-based - I thought it was straight-up action swordplay, so that might add an extra element of interest to what already looks a pretty solid title.
  • buddikaman
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    buddikaman polycounter lvl 18
    I was expecting this game to be atleast good enough to buy, boy was i wrong. Not to be a negative nancy but this game SUCKS!

    - The voice acting and story are super cheesy and cliche, i almost had seizures from the amount of times i rolled my eyes.

    -The characters and animations are extremely wonky and off.

    -Combat is boring as heck, Its not even half as engaging as any MMO ive played, which is bad news for a single player game.

    -UI is extremely cumbersume, i hate how you cant move and look at your map at the same time as well.

    Overall this game is just boring. There is no way this is the spiritual successor to Baldurs gate, this is the spiritual successor to neverwinter knights, it has the exact same gameplay and module feel to the levels.

  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
    great...just bought it and now i can't find the receipt.....

    is it really that bad?
  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    I wouldn't say it's as bad as buddikaman says if so many others are enjoying it. Depends on what you expect.
  • slipsius
    i wasnt trying to put the game down at all. i loved baulders gate. im just warning those people (i hear there's a few of them) that are use to other free flowing combat RPGs about it before they buy it because of the hype. I still plan on picking it up on my xmas vaca. too busy right now
  • bounchfx
    can't put the damn game down. 5 hours in.. 5% done lol. if you like w-rpg's at all you should like this.
  • buddikaman
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    buddikaman polycounter lvl 18
    Ok maybe it is not as bad as i made it out to be, as i progress it does seem to be getting a bit funner.

  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    buddikaman wrote: »
    Ok maybe it is not as bad as i made it out to be, as i progress it does seem to be getting a bit funner.


    Playing on 360 or PC?
  • Ancient-Pig
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    Ancient-Pig polycounter lvl 18
    Getting my copy soon - pretty stoked to try it out!
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    i've been looking forward to this game for a while but i have to admit. Bioware games have slowly been getting worse since baldurs gate2 imo. I really really really love the "OH SHIT!!!!" tactical combat that made you pause the game every 5 seconds in those games. I know that the move to 3D more detailed worlds made it harder to make wide open worlds. just hope this lives up to the hype. gonna put off buying this till christmas. got too many other games and things consuming my time.
  • 2cool4school
    Will probably try it, but after the disappointment of the NWN titles I'm reluctant. I want a Baldurs Gate 3!!! I love those games.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    I kinda thought it was funny that my friends were playing the 360 version in 3rd person, and didn't know what I was talking about top down view on the PC one heh heh.
  • buddikaman
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    buddikaman polycounter lvl 18
    Will probably try it, but after the disappointment of the NWN titles I'm reluctant. I want a Baldurs Gate 3!!! I love those games.

    Well you probably wont like this than, its essentially NWN 3. Its "ok", it can be enjoyable at times, but it lacks the depth and tacticle combat that the Baldurs gate presented.

    Im playing the PC version.

  • buddikaman
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    buddikaman polycounter lvl 18
    Edit: posted twice
  • bounchfx
    buddikaman wrote: »
    Well you probably wont like this than, its essentially NWN 3. Its "ok", it can be enjoyable at times, but it lacks the depth and tacticle combat that the Baldurs gate presented.

    Im playing the PC version.


    I'm inclined to disagree, and I think you should try it yourself and decide 2cool4school. I think there's a demo out on PC/steam.
    The story is good, combat is fun, and overall it's well done imo.
  • Vrav
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
  • bounchfx
    the only way to play!
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    yessssss, a cloth map!
  • Elhrrah
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    Elhrrah polycounter lvl 8
    I'm waiting until the modding community is established before I buy this one; then there will be nothing to complain about.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    slipsius wrote: »
    im going to warn people now. check out player reviews. its not a game for everyone. i have yet to play it, but from all the reviews im hearing alot of ppl arent liking it, because well, most of the battles are spent in pause mode. it does not have the dynamic, free flow battle system most rpgs have. its more tactical/turn based (in a way). you dont just run around hitting buttons like in wow or guild wars or anythin g like that.

    Yeah, no surprise some people don't like it-- it was billed as a tits filled rock n' roll bloodfest. Many 14 year olds will be sorely disappointed.
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    I'm about an hour in, so far so good although theres a little bit too much dialouge in this game for my liking. More action please. :)
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    I can't wait to play this game. Biggest NwN and BGII fan. I remember modding them alot too. Is there any mod/editor that come with dragon age, or a sigh of one to come in the future?

    I would love to recreate my Staff of Wing Buffet that I hacked together for BG2 multi player shits and giggles. :D

    I will definitely be playing this game :D The graphics don't do much for me (I'm starting to tire of the whole normal mapping look especially if it has high spec and noisy textures :p) but I know the game is by bioware and it will be awesome <3
  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
    heh....the Youtube comments crack me up. They do point out that this is early in the game though. I absolutely love internet / armchair game designer comments:
    This has to be one of the WORSE AI's I've ever seen.. The problem with consoles is they spend so much time, and effort on making it look good, they skim over some essentials like good AI. Probably because they don't have the CPU grunt to have a decent AI.. Most console games ported to the PC, you notice a MASSIVE change in the AI... CPU power HAS to be the reason.
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