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Should I upgrade to Windows 7. Main use is 3D art.

polycounter lvl 12
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Hayden Zammit polycounter lvl 12
Just wondering how people are finding Windows 7. I use XP at the moment and am thinking of upgrading. I'm a 3D artist and use the PC mainly for Photoshop and 3D programs like Maya. I also use the Unreal Editor on it. If it doesn't run Maya as well as XP does then I won't go to windows 7. I also use it for watching videos and stuff as well.



  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    If its an older machine, dont bother. If its like a dual core, go for it IF you plan to take advantage of 64bit programs. In that case though you will need more memory (4 gig min recommend).
  • Hayden Zammit
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    Hayden Zammit polycounter lvl 12
    Here are my specs:

    Intel(R) core(TM) 2 QUad CPU
    Q6600 @2.40GHz
    2.40 GHz, 3.00 GB of RAM

    got a Quadro FX 1700 graphics card.

    It says 3 gigs but its really 4. I think the Quadro uses up a gig itself. Is that a good system? I could get more and more ram with the new OS right?
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Here are my specs:

    Intel(R) core(TM) 2 QUad CPU
    Q6600 @2.40GHz
    2.40 GHz, 3.00 GB of RAM

    got a Quadro FX 1700 graphics card.

    It says 3 gigs but its really 4. I think the Quadro uses up a gig itself. Is that a good system? I could get more and more ram with the new OS right?

    Pretty decent rig, the graphics card isn't too great, I wouldn't buy a quadro next time, if your making stuff for gamer cards, why wouldn't you use one yourself? You'll see a greater performance difference with more ram and if you use 64bit apps.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    I've been considering making the switch from XP to Windows 7 recently, but from more of a longer-term perspective. I'm as happy with XP as someone can be happy with Windows, and I don't really see any incentive to change other than upgrading for the sake of support. I mean, XP's pretty old now. How much longer will they continue to support it?
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Here are my specs:

    Intel(R) core(TM) 2 QUad CPU
    Q6600 @2.40GHz
    2.40 GHz, 3.00 GB of RAM

    got a Quadro FX 1700 graphics card.

    It says 3 gigs but its really 4. I think the Quadro uses up a gig itself. Is that a good system? I could get more and more ram with the new OS right?

    It says 3 gigs because Windows XP 32bit is limited to 3 gigs. 32bit systems cant really see much beyond 3 gigs. So you have a gig of memory wasted. Given, the new OS would probably use that, but that leaves 3 gigs for your apps.
  • alexk
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    alexk polycounter lvl 12
    danshewan wrote: »
    I've been considering making the switch from XP to Windows 7 recently, but from more of a longer-term perspective. I'm as happy with XP as someone can be happy with Windows, and I don't really see any incentive to change other than upgrading for the sake of support. I mean, XP's pretty old now. How much longer will they continue to support it?

    according to the wiki, support on XP will end April 8, 2014

    I made the switch from XP 32bit to win7 64bit, and I'm pretty happy. I replaced my old ram with 8gigs, and things are so nice now. Though, not without issues. Such as, some graphics and games couldn't access a microsoft visual something something, so it would have problems installing. I also have problems with my Logitech mouse SetPoint software not actually saving the setting each reboot. I also had issues installing Crysis wars SDK plugins for Max 2009.

    So yah, I think I may be the rare case, because it seems like everyone else made a smooth transition. But overall, I felt it was a great upgrade.

    My cpu is a Intel core 2 duo 2.66 ghz
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    alexk wrote: »
    according to the wiki, support on XP will end April 8, 2014

    I made the switch from XP 32bit to win7 64bit, and I'm pretty happy. I replaced my old ram with 8gigs, and things are so nice now. Though, not without issues. Such as, some graphics and games couldn't access a microsoft visual something something, so it would have problems installing. I also have problems with my Logitech mouse SetPoint software not actually saving the setting each reboot. I also had issues installing Crysis wars SDK plugins for Max 2009.

    That's good to know. I've been thinking of upgrading to more RAM recently anyway, so this might be the ideal time to make the transition. Seems that most people are having a decent enough experience with it, anyway.

    Thanks for the input.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    alexk wrote: »
    according to the wiki, support on XP will end April 8, 2014

    I made the switch from XP 32bit to win7 64bit, and I'm pretty happy. I replaced my old ram with 8gigs, and things are so nice now. Though, not without issues. Such as, some graphics and games couldn't access a microsoft visual something something

    Probably needs a Visual Studio dll for an older version. These usually don't ship with the OS. But if you find out which version, you can usually download the correct end user runtime from Microsoft.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    Here are my specs:

    Intel(R) core(TM) 2 QUad CPU
    Q6600 @2.40GHz
    2.40 GHz, 3.00 GB of RAM

    got a Quadro FX 1700 graphics card.

    It says 3 gigs but its really 4. I think the Quadro uses up a gig itself. Is that a good system? I could get more and more ram with the new OS right?

    I think you might be using Win XP x86. Have you considered going to xp x64? They're doing wonders for my system.
  • Disco Stu
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    Xp pro 64bit with interface in windows 2000 mode fanboy here.
    If i wanted flashy seetrough windows windows id buy a mac.
    Heck my windows only show up as outlines when i move them!
    Theyre selling 7 for 35€ if your a student here but its only 32bits home so its not really
    of use to me.
  • CrazyButcher
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    CrazyButcher polycounter lvl 18
    if you are a student at university you get win7 pro 64 for free (along with other ms apps). just installed it on my home computer this weekend. but not for "main use" just to have something to test 64 bit compiles with.
  • Disco Stu
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    So what does no main use mean?
    How does it enforce it?
    Have to have it installed as second os?
  • Seaseme
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    Seaseme polycounter lvl 8
    I love win 7. I'm running an i7 920 with 12 gigs of ram atm, but so far Windows 7 has been smooth and really nice.
  • 3DLee
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    Running Win7 Professional 64-bit on a rig with a 3.4ghz Core 2 Quad, 8GB of DDR2 RAM and a GTX 285 2GB VRAM model. It's awesome, plain and simple. The Aero interface doesn't play nice with 3ds Max 2008, so I have it switched off for now.
  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    Running win7 here, upgraded from vista 64x.

    All i can say is "HOLY SHIT". 7 with aero enabled and no tweaks runs MUCH smoother than vista with aero turned OFF and every possible performance tweak in use.

    Core2 duo @ 2.6 ghz
    5 gig ram
    nvidia gts250
  • dolemite
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    I've used vista for the past year and a half, and will be upgrading to seven as soon as possible.

    Vista is a piece of shit.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    running windows 7 64bit professional on my core 2 duo laptop and it flies! There's a little problem with doing unreal3 with dual monitors, occasionally the generic browser goes wacky, but everything else loads quick and works great. RIP vista
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    Transferring all of my files to my external drive in preparation for the jump from Vista x86 to 7 x64! :)

    Nuking files sucks, but I needed to reformat anyway...

    In reference to the thread, there's no reason not to upgrade, besides needing money for the thing.
  • Hayden Zammit
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    Hayden Zammit polycounter lvl 12
    Still contemplating going to windows 7. I was looking at on the drivers site for my motherboard. When I select Windows 7 64 bit as my OS it shows no Chipset drivers. That means I can't use WIn 7, right?

    Here's the page: http://www.gigabyte.com.tw/Support/Motherboard/Driver_Model.aspx?ProductID=2747&ost=windows+7+32bit#anchor_os
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Still contemplating going to windows 7. I was looking at on the drivers site for my motherboard. When I select Windows 7 64 bit as my OS it shows no Chipset drivers. That means I can't use WIn 7, right?

    Here's the page: http://www.gigabyte.com.tw/Support/Motherboard/Driver_Model.aspx?ProductID=2747&ost=windows+7+32bit#anchor_os

    You can. They are just listing older drivers on gigabytes site. Go to the chipset manufacturer (ie intel). You will have drivers with the OS as well.
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    Disco Stu wrote: »
    Xp pro 64bit with interface in windows 2000 mode fanboy here.
    If i wanted flashy seetrough windows windows id buy a mac.
    Heck my windows only show up as outlines when i move them!

    Theyre selling 7 for 35€ if your a student here but its only 32bits home so its not really
    of use to me.

    Exactly the same case here. I hate the bubbly green start button. Oldskewl ftw.
  • Hayden Zammit
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    Hayden Zammit polycounter lvl 12
    A lot of people are noticing problems with win7 and 3ds. This has been acknowledged by autodesk.

    I use Maya, Photoshop, Real Flow and Vue as my main programs. As long as they run, I'll be happy
  • StJoris
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    I'd say go for it. A long time user of XP, I never made the jump to vista. But alot of stuff in XP is totally retarded and backwards, 7 really makes more sense and more userfriendly.
  • Michael Knubben
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    per: wasn't that the case in xp too? Maybe only home, but I clearly remember having to turn it on.

    edt: "such as, some graphics and games couldn't access a microsoft visual something something, so it would have problems installing."

    Another thing that really wasn't any different before.
    What's next, people whining about having to install flash?
    "UGh, like, why can't it do this for me? XP totally had it"
  • Kylen
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    Kylen null
    dolemite wrote: »
    I've used vista for the past year and a half, and will be upgrading to seven as soon as possible.

    Vista is a piece of shit.

    Dude, I totally agree. Vista has been killing me for the past year now.
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