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GFX upgrade

polycounter lvl 18
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rolfness polycounter lvl 18
Right in anticipation of MW2 I was going to upgrade my rig,

I currently have a BFG GTX260 896MB

now do I SLi it which will cost £139
get GTX295 £360 -..-;

Then thers the processor which is currently a tweaked E2200

and Im looking at Q9950 12 mb cache £200.


  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17


    This. If you want you can buy the better/more expensive 5890. They are sexy sex on a sex-biscuit and will plow through anything. :)
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11


    This. If you want you can buy the better/more expensive 5890. They are sexy sex on a sex-biscuit and will plow through anything. :)

    ATI eww ;P

    Sounds like a decent rig, I say SLI it, no reason to go higher...maybe make this a stop-gap setup and get a DX11 compatible (nvidia) card later.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18

    not really wanting to start another thread like the Mac v PC, but Ive always had problems with ATi and thier drivers. The current card is actually superb and its been rock solid since I installed it. its kinda sad that I want to upgrade. And personally I only see myself going for Nvidia
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Id stay away from the 295gtx, seems overpriced and no DX11.

    You current card should't be a slouch, especially for MW2. If i was upgrading now, the 5890 would be a good investment and should be future proof for a good couple of years.

    I got a 4870x2 at the start of the year and would've switched to a 5890, but from the benchmarks i've seen, there roughly equal in most games at DX9/10.

    Only reason i would upgrade would be for DX11, which still is like DX10 in that there arnt that many DX11 games yet.

    Also what with the ATI hate? Always found ATI cards alot cheaper : performance ratio to Nvidia.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    Its not hate, just a preference from previous experience.

    I think I will SLI the cards and get a new processor
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    As a dev, we've had lots of issues with ATI with our game, and my personal experience with ATI's have all been poor. :(

    ATI's always been on my shit list since back in the day they released those 'dev' drivers that allowed anyone to cheat in any 3d game by rendering wireframe modes. :D
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    lol dekard

    Btw any of you know if there will be a problem with a 260 thats a year old and one bought now ?
    Has there been ay core revisions or differences in the actually GPU chip that would affect the SLI performance?

    Im going to buy the GTX260 from the same 3rd party mfr (BFG) and same GTX260 896MB
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I'm waiting for USB 3.0 mobo's and DX11 before I upgrade my pc again.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    ATI hardware seems like garbage. I am using it now, and will never buy anything from ATI again. I could list all the problems I have had with it, but it is long enough to get tedious.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Just use what you got now and wait for a dx11 card. That is what I would do.

    I have a gtx 9800gtx and it plows through anything. You shouldn't have any issues with COD.
  • Cybroxide
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    Cybroxide polycounter lvl 17
    I've used ati cards for a long time (since the rage 128 i believe) and never ever had a problem with them, it may depend on the board manufacturer. I have been getting the sapphire boards for my ATI cards and they have been great.
    I feel kind of lucky because I've owned many many cards both nVidia and ATI and I've never had a problem with any of them ever.
    I think it's the hot girls on the ATI boxes sell me on them ;)
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    Just use what you got now and wait for a dx11 card. That is what I would do.

    I have a gtx 9800gtx and it plows through anything. You shouldn't have any issues with COD.

    My reason for upgrading is two fold firstly I want to have custard in my pants when I play MW2 and secondly in Aion, the card has trouble rendering all the characters in large PVP battles. and sometimes the mesh is there but its all greyed out. I wonder if this is the GFX card running out of memory?

    Also when are DX11 cards due out ?
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    I wouldn't get one of the first gen DX11 cards. Let them work out kinks that year.
  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    I think I'm just going to see how long I can stick it out with my Q6600, GTX280, and 8GB ram. It all still seems like enough for me. I don't game much. The computer is for max and zbrush whenever I'm on it. Only really looking forward to Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3.

    Is not having Dx11 going to be a problem? Developers still seem to be doing just fine with Dx9 and didn't care about Dx10. The Dx11 Dirt2 demo isn't impressive enough IMO.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Dx11 is probably a marketing gimmick for Windows 7, just like Dx 10 was for Vista
  • Xaltar
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    Xaltar polycounter lvl 17
    mm, ati have been behind the game driver wise for years now but the new card ranges have been looking pretty impressive. Have the drivers improved at all since the AMD buyout? I'm also in the market for a new GPU, my 8600gt is getting seriously tired and needs to be retired to my HTPC so I was looking at a radeon 5870 seeing as its DX11 compliant and scores well in reviews. It looks a good option when compared to Nvidia's nearest competition atm. I would wait untill december and see Nvidia's new offerings but I get the feeling they will be, as usual, fucking stupidly priced and not quite ready for release. So I am going to get something now and maybe in 6 months or so pick up the 2nd rev model of the nvidia dx11 card. I needs me some high detail gaming again lol.

    Good call on the gtx260 SLI. Don't spend a bundle now then regret it later when the DX11 cards hit the market. Tide yourself over with the SLI rig till the 2nd rev cards come out next year sometime.
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 18
    ZacD wrote: »
    I'm waiting for USB 3.0 mobo's and DX11 before I upgrade my pc again.


    So, why are you waiting? :)
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    bearkub wrote: »

    Overpriced, only 3 usb 3.0 ports, enough said.
  • SyncViewS
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    SyncViewS polycounter lvl 13
  • MonkeyMHz
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    I like Nvidia and ATI. I do have to say Nvidia has had more solid drivers in the past. However now days I find ATI perfectly fine. Maybe there's some oddities but I made OpenGL applications and used my ATI card and had no issues.

    Anyways this is why I choose ATI. Its probably just a fluke but its my experience.

    Geforce 2 *Dead, Won't Work*
    Geforce 6200 *Kinda Dead, Fan Died*
    Geforce 6800GT *Dead, Won't Work*
    Geforce 8600M GT *Dead, Faulty GPU*

    ATI Mach32 *Worked, Murdered in 2001 (I Ripped the chip out with the logo)*
    ATI 9000 *Still Works & Runs nearly 24/7/365*
    ATI 3850M *Works*
    ATI 4890XT *Works, Currently What I Use*

    So. I choose ATI, but I'm flexible.
    But I really am liking ATI, was very skeptical at first.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    All I know is that every time I have to use a computer with an ATI card I run into some stupid, annoying little problem. Not major things like the card breaking down or overheating, or not supporting certain games. No, it's always "doesn't remember your gamma settings" or "screws with the depth sorting in a 3D app" or some other little non-mission-critical-but-still-a-pain-in-the-ass problem.

    So I just got myself a GTX 275. Perhaps Nvidia offers a worse performance-per-dollar ratio than ATI these days but for me they've always have a much higher not-having-to-deal-with-stupid-shit-per-dollar rating.
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