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First Aid Sack

polycounter lvl 9
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Nemecys polycounter lvl 9
A large First aid bag, my influence was taken from Left 4 Dead mainly just thought id try my own hand at it first model in about 6 months and a vast improvement i feel, A piece of work i am very proud of.

In comparison to my previous work it has come along greatly i would say ...


There was one small problem that my friend pointed out, not sure if its just his personal experience or whether i just can't see it

So comment and critique please i would like to see if you pull out the same flaw




  • Mark Dygert
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    Looks pretty good. =) Looks like it was a zombies favorite chew toy, heh. I'm not sure I would trust supplies coming out of that bag ha.

    But seriously normally first aid supplies are not used on a daily basis and when they are they are quickly discarded. For the most part they're ignored so they look really new. This also helps distinguish the items from the rest of the heavily crapified environment.

    The techniques used are pretty good for an average item, but I'm not sure they belong on a first aid bag.
  • Nemecys
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    Nemecys polycounter lvl 9
    that is a very fair and true comment, i suppose in my defence i wasnt really going for an interactable item more of a character accessory or at least thats how i saw it it as in what it would look like on the characters person so it would blend in more, and cause of its general design to be rather durable it was sort of a bag kept on the character for longer periods of time just as a container really but...

    Thank you very much though i appreciate the comment and will remember to keep that in mind for making interactable items
  • Acid.
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    I second Vig's advice. Too worn down for something that wouldn't be used often. To me it doesn't look like you based your work of any reference images. Remember to gather as much refs on whatever your doing, so you know the variety of the object. There may even be worn down first aid kits, but the way you expressed yours didn't seem accurate imo.

    Since you mentioned Left 4 Dead as an inspiration, perhaps you could have studied the material definition of the bag more.
    This image here shows the bag is in a good condition and isn't really worn down much.
    Textures a very subtle, When I look at yours it seems you use the dodge burn tools too much?

    Basically you need to work on laying the basics for your textures, what the material it is made of first which is most important, than laying little bits of grime and dirt. Your bag looks like it's been thrown into a rubbish tip and run over by machinery a few times.

    As for the model it could have been more interesting, there are plenty of different shapes for bags.

    I would say try redo do the texture to be more clean, maybe with some minor mud/dirt stains, or otherwise make the model a little more interesting in shape and design.
  • Nemecys
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    Nemecys polycounter lvl 9
    Cheers for the comment Acid, the idea was to make the bag look as knocked up as possible, and i didnt have any real design for it it was an attempt to make a bag then i thought why not make it a first aid one for old times sake.

    There was no real refence images it was just a random model i was attempting to make for the sake of making it was mainly just happy with the way it turned out texture wise,

    i agree in a sense that conventionally the bag isnt quite right and that there was an over use of dodge and burn, but it was just a simple bag idea that i could practice techniques on but again i will bear that in mind the next time i try to go into detail texturing,

    i greatly appreciate the comments guys, it helps me improve

    i must say though on a side note those bags you linked, dont instantly remind me of bags they look rather over exaggurated, that could be my personal experience, i general go for generics so that theres no confusion as to what it is i make

    obviously that doesn't apply when im creatnig my own ideas but yea

    thank you very much guys
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