Hi guys, I present you the demo i was working on during my school year at
Gamagora (french 1 year school for video game) for the last 3 months.
Download link - 700mb -
So here it is, our project was presented yerterday to some profesionnals, teachers and random people who just want to learn more about the school.
Who has never dreamed to fly as a bird … On Mars! Shadow diveris the revisited myth of Icarus, a crossover between extreme sport and science fiction. A free fall dive game in a futuristic urban environment.
Shadow Diver is an ambitious project, carried out by a team of 17 students who aim to develop a game demo in only 3 months. Shadow Diver is also a story-based game which is built around a succession of missions. The success or failure of the player will have an impact on the way the story unfolds.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Rb451CdvP4"]Shadow Diver Teaser [/ame]
That's the official speech. Unofficially, we have a 8 minutes video of gameplay with 3 (or 4) cinematics.
The goal is to fly from point A to point B, flying and falling in the Martian canyon.
All this in with 6 gadgets (slow motion, vision cones detections turrets, extra battery for the wingsuit, breathing mask for hazardous area, shield drones, and large EMP) that the player can get by unlocking trigger placed in the canyon.
The player will have a choice between two factions to deliver them a package. He may also land on some platforms on the ground and take the opportunity to buy his equipment (6 gadgets) as well as an access for spying the canyon by hacking drones, camera and turrets.
In short, we have some nice mechanisms. A map of 17km long. Yeah yeah. A player launched between 110 and 200 km / hour.
I was responsible for environment assets, some props and buildings. I also did all the UI (menu, hud, etc) of the game. I also did the main character, designing, modeling and animating it (doing rigging and skinning).
I participated both to the art direction of the game and gameplay design as well all my schoolmates did.
You can check some of my work on my portfolio and feel free to download the game
I'll try and figure out what buttons to press to be able to play lol
Thanks to take the time downloading the game, i'll mp you and add the patching files in this thread !
You can follow the pathcing status on facebook : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Shadow-Diver/280279288698388
Also I HAD to track down the music as it goes great with this trailer, and I`m not sure if its credited right. I couldn't find anybody by the name "Silent Sir" but when I goggled "uptight programmer" I found Fred RED. Maybe he goes by several different names?
Amazing work guys! I wish I got to make games in college! *shakes fist!*
Thanks for the kind words. As you find well, Fred Red is the compositor of our teaser (he is the bro of one of ours), but we were helpd by 2 others excellent Sound Designer that you can track in our website ^^
I hope you will not get troubles from our bad settings, we are making a new ini file to you. ^^ One trick is to turn your keyboard in french in windows settings (I bet no games asked you this before
The game is also compatible with Xbox pad ^^
5 artists, 6 coders and 4 game designer / level designer working on it fulltime in 3 months.
That was a risky gamble because none of us use to know UDK before we started :
We reached the UDK limits two or three time and killed the engine some times. The game itselft was prepared for a visual presentation that's why it isn't well optimized and need a badass computer tu run it correctly.
Poor quality but complete gameplay walkthrough !
+ controls.
+ You can just download the .ini file or download the new cooked game.
+ you choose witch keyboard setup you want when installing the game.
Some news from mars : we won the "best student game" prize at the European Indie Game Day !
But we are also aiming some others competitions : in particular the Ganuta Contest that allow creative and talented people or projet to be known !
You can vote for our project here just by droping a +1 thumb up !
Also, some good old screens !