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Mudbox not running on new laptop

polycounter lvl 12
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dand3d polycounter lvl 12
Hey poly counters,

I am having an issue. I bought a new laptop so I can do work on the go...

But after installation, when I try to open mudbox, I get this error.

Unsupported Graphics Hardware
Mudbox requires ATI or NVIDIA graphics.
Please Click on this link: blada blada blada.

But that is the damnest thing, because I have a NVIDIA geforce GT 540M in this laptop.

I updated the drivers for the card, but it still is not working =(.

Anyone know of a solution for this?


  • PolyHertz
    Online / Send Message
    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Laptop and Desktop gpus use drivers differently. You might just need to trick it into thinking your running a desktop. See if anything here helps: http://laptopvideo2go.com/
  • dand3d
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    dand3d polycounter lvl 12
    Unfortunately I could not find what you were speaking about on that site. =(
  • Lamoot
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    Lamoot polycounter lvl 7
    Nvidia uses something called Optimus to seamlessly switch between integrated (intel) and discreet GPU (nvidia). This makes the laptop save energy while using integrated GPU while still having muscles when needed. A quick google shows this is probably the cause of your problem. Not exactly a solution, but a step towards it.

  • joeriv
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    joeriv polycounter lvl 7
    Give this a go:

    in the taskbar, go to all the little icons, and rightclick the Nvidia icon.
    And go to the Nvidia control panel (there are probably other ways, google it if the icon isn't there).

    Then in the nvidia control panel go to the thing that says something along the lines of "3D configuration"

    My control panel is in dutch, so I don't know what it will say in the english version.

    Either way, there should be a list of programs there (and if mudbox isn't in the list, add it to the list).

    And then there will be an option to choose wich GPU you want to use for that program (the integrated graphics (intell) or the "powerfull" nvidia processor).

    Switch that to the nvidia one, so it forces mudbox to use your actualy GPU and hopefully it should be solved.

    if it works, you might have to do this in the future, I have had some games where I had to do this to make the game run on the actual gpu.
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