So started this 4 days ago after getting way too inspired by cedric's stuff (bit too much Arma2 as well). Really need a realistic and somewhat detailed character for my folio/knowledge. Also made a decision to basemesh the cabbage out of alot more stuff, was getting lazy making blobby sculpts all over the place.
Anyways, just my blockin and rough first pass biz so far (took the pouches a bit further as a proof of concept type thing, still not done tho). More basemeshing to go (and the head is still really buggin me).
(and im trying zb bpr ^______^)

freakin love the clothing folds.
darkleopard: thank you
mr_ace: cheers bro, hoping i can finish this dude too
Carrie1: bums to you too man : 3
Mad props for the kind words. Kindof a weak update but couldn't sleep. Still shifting things around on the head, not happy with it so far (not sure if texture will make it look "realistic" or what atm). Crits always welcome ^^
(also there's a hat now
Glad to see you back and postin.
Guedin: bonjour (cheers bro :P)
Constructor: thanks man, hope its turning out alright
Eight: ^_^
so umm, really loosin steam quick on this dude, not a good thing.
Still tweaking the head and sculpted some arms/gloves out. I might try making his m4 rifle next to change up the pace, see if i can get back into it propidos
Yeah get the gun done to get some fire back in your belly man, it would be awesome to see this guy finished.
Torch: thank you
praetor187: ^_^
Ok so kinda busted out/half assed the rest so i can start workin on the low pol and the m4 on the side. Gotta move some junk around still but yeh...
Serious business ^ _ ^
Also, I think that the pockets on his vest are just making the sillouette of his chest larger than usually, which fools the eye a bit. I think it is all perfectly fine-unless it is supposed to be Josh Brolin.:)
Other than that I like what you've got there, head seems the right size to me. Good to see your work again here on the forums. Did you ever end up finishing your necromancer girl? (now that I'm asking, might remember seeing something of her on cghub...)
I do have one crit though its that the hands or at least the fingers could do with one more pass, his middle finger is the same length as his pointer and ring fingers. Plus he doesn't have nails, small detail yes, but you have all the stitching on his vest so it wouldnt hurt if he had nails.
alex: defo, its somthing im still thinkin about, that and im not sure everything on his vest is 100% proper scale ^^; (might still take some tweaking)
meintevdS: thanks man, ill defo add it to mah list of revision biz. And i kinda finished that other chick, by finish i mean i screengrabbed what i had and called it finished ^^;
Guedin: hehe, come to far, cant give up now :P
Sukotto: Definitley! someone else mentioned the fingers too, that and the lack of deets is totes laziness on my part :P
duncan: no you ^___^ (thanks man)
alberto: agreed, triceps be going on the list
ericdigital: thank you
ravanna: haha, i have no idea (but im p sure you're right). I kinda jumped between ref but this totes should've been thinner since theres no padding armour in it. Ill see if i can get an easy workaround to it, good eye ^^
phew, thanks for the replies and awesome crits erryone, definitely helps. I'll make sure to go back over and tighten biz up in the next day or two.
In the meantime i'm working on his shooty gun (m4). And kinda just pooped out a super rough start on a fresh char just now which looks way to much like a man :shifty: (i swear imma finish one thing at a time).
The girls looking cool, but do make sure to finish this guy, I got passed over for work not too long ago because I didn't have something like this in my portfolio. Guess I better get started on one as well eh? Did you make your own stitch brush?
Kickass, keep it up!
One minor thing tho: You might want to turn the magazines around, so they're downside/up in the pouches.
In reality, if it's turned topside/up, then you're indicating that the magazine is either empty or you've used some of the ammunition in it. Just a heads up.
Kosai106: haha, i totes noticed that just after i made them, realised they should be the other way round :P Kinda hoping only the open pouch is visible, in which case he might've fired some shots from that mag previously? (maybe ^^)
sooo, got my retopo and uv's laid out today (they're horrible). Still got some sculpt tweaks which means rebaking biz but yeh... also had to take a sick day on friday so i spent most of the day sleeping but tried working out his m4, still really early i guess
Ended up with 9200-ish tris tho which i guess is alright. (just maya grabs an lc shader, gonna have to learn new marmo or cryengine mebbe ^^)
...time to watch new korra
Imma stop spamming useless crud and get some proper work in (guns modelling!) :poly136:
Awesome work. :-)
Yeah it actually is.
I complained about the fold before, but now that it's baked and lit differently it seems to work just fine. Sexy bake, keep it up!
his neck is looking kinda weird in that first pose, a little too much tapering into the head I think, maybe more Ryan Reynolds?
Kosai106: glad it looks about right scale ^^
MeintevdS: haha, its an assemble your own gun type deal... totes just missing a few bits ^^ (also cheers man, i was planning to go back in and fix them up too like i did on the hands/arms but hope the folds turned out alright)
Scudz: dude yuss! aws ref man, agree on the neck biz completley
frell: ill see how his wrists go after i get a proper rig/posing on him (and sent you a bundle of pm's, but for anyone else it is just the decim'd high poly sculpt back in maya and me making polygons from scratch over the top, no trickery from me).
uggh, so actually kindof busy with work this week... can't be doin nothing like i was last week
Feel pretty shitty about not posting art with a post but i gotta remind myself to finish this mofo. Got started on the texturing and did more gun stuff... and started learning cryengine, see if it makes a sexy final pic ^^
If anyone has some maya to cryengine fancy final pics tutorials, defo would be into checking them out
ferg: ^__________________^
switz: haha, thanks man, cloth is still p fun
soooo, its been like 2 weeks since i touched this shit wtf is wrong with me >:{
anyways, kinda wrapping up some work but its fuggin hot up in here and theres no ac in my apartment... anyways. Finally tried testing cryengine, still fuggin confusing v UDK but whatevs. Diggin xoliuls max shader, just started texturing btw, so mostly ao and flat cols.
also like an hour concept sculptin another char i gotta do for my folio, based off an awsome concept by my art hero salaryman (
you needa go find a airconditioned cafe to work at or something!
dpaynter26: haha, took it out... to make room for the cupcakes ^^ (srsly tho yeh, everyone always puts those mini bags on these vests, feel like this dude is missin out now)
whw: good call, i keep tweaking my baseman and thumbs have gotta get fixed ^^
anyways, here's some poop. Almost finished his gun (high poly -_-), so that, more textures and posing then I'm done with this fool forever :poly136:
Looks very good, though textures seem way too clean at the moment, needs some signs of previous combat, doesn't have to be a lot, in this case I think something subtle would do wonders.
Only lacks dirt and grime, and blood, show some character, some history, some realism! :thumbup:
Great portfolio piece indeed!