Hi everybody,
I would like to share with you my recent work on personal asset for a Persian street inspired from "Assasin's Creed Revelations".
You have maybe seen there are a few month that I had begin a Stargate Project.
(Level 28, with gate, etc.)
I have decide to put this project in standby, because I think it's more important to have a few little good finish assets for my portfolio rather than a big project.
(For the moment)
So here are some finish assets.
Thanks for watching and for your future c&c.
Good evening.

anybody has any comments ?
Ok, so it is a screen from the baskets with spices and carpets.:)
I just optimized these pieces. From +- 800 to +- 500.
Now next piece.
Good day to all.
Thanks Visceral, and just for you
Got you!
the wood texture was made with :
- First Zbrush to bake a good nm and nDo2 to add little details to the normal.
- Secondly, baked an AO and a curvature map in monochrome (Xnormal) ,
mixed these maps in Photoshop for the Spec and also in the diffuse.
- And finally play with the xoliul shader.
(Gradient + diff + nm + spec + half Lambert)
A little purple gradient to avoid too much black shadows and also because
I think it makes a fun style to the wood.
(It's the same process for both wood assets.)
I just think that XoliulShader 2.0 is very slow to load in max.
Good afternoon.
this is for this weekend the WIP of the palmtree.
But I don't really now how to do the bottom.
So, if someone have tricks or advises, there are welcome.
And what can I add to make more credible or realistic ? Coconuts ?
On this I wish you a good weekend.
Rest of work looking pretty solid,keep it up man
BTW are you modeling in blender?
thank you for these advices.
I work on it.
@ igi : Yes, I see that date palm tree are more right and palms are more rigid than tropical palm trees. I keep it up.
@ ivanzu : No I don't work in Blender but in 3dsmax.
Good evening.
Palm tree like that :
(For more info about what I'm talking, see on my blog (link below) )
[ Good evening everybody,
for this project I develop a Custom Unity Shader with the Strumpy Shader Editor, like the Xoliul Shader of Laurens Corijn. ]
And also 1 little problem with you models is they are not Persian They look Arabic . LOOOOOOTS of difference !
after some work with Unity, and trying to make a custom shader, I'm forced to return on the UDK cause of the limitation of the free version of Unity with lighting and post process features. But it doesn't matter, I have at least tried and learned some very interesting thinks about this engine more oriented for mobile platforms dev.
So this is a little test of lighting in UDK. Warm and middle of night.
Good afternoon.:)
After some holidays weeks and another architectural project
(of a Belgian Brussels building) I come back with this project.
The main textures of the house are done and others textures are in progress but I would like your help or advices, because I think that the scene is not quite living.
I don't know what can I add or change to make the scene more attractive, more credible ?
What do you think about the camera angle ?
I really want to finish this project and to improve my works.
C&C are welcome
Thanks you
PS : The door is modelled but not exported in UDK.
today, just a little update for the textures.
And some modifications in the lighting.
One thing though, it's hard to say without a texture on it just yet but the smaller archway that acts as a doorway into the building looks a little too grand and out of place. Keep in mind the rest of your setting and that your doorway shouldn't look too expensive
I post today an update for this project .
I don't have much time to work on, but it's almost finished.
Just some little things to make.
For the door, I don't know.
I tried to scale down, but it looks to small.
C&C are welcome.
it looks a little strange that the palm trees seem to grow right out of the pavement. maybe you can add some kind of flower bed for them?
(Yes I must add some sand or grass or flower on the floor because I also think that It's too clean.)
i completely agree with adding sand to the floor. (do you could probably paint it on in udk, especially if you have a height map for that floor) also think about fallen palm leafs or other debris lying in the street.
the sewer(?) thingy in the middle doesn't read very well. is there supposed to be water in it? otherwise it, too, needs to be much dirtier.
dramatic shadows could really help give the scene some life, check out assasins creeds lighting and atmosphere
thanks so much for your advices.
I ended up with palm tree details, and so after I'll re-work on the lights,
to improve the atmosphere.
good to see it progressing,
this is the last update with some changes related to the comments.
(Textures changes, lighting, atmosphere, ...)
There is just light mapping to work on, and maybe it can cause some strange things for the moment, because there is no light maps.
Thanks very much for your advices.