Huh,you're right,couldn't get it to work either,i remember once i managed to hide my pawn through uscript,though for some reason the hands wouldn't disappear....
ok so i found out that invisible 1 = player invisible as in i noticed that the shadows were removed but the mesh still remains and the bots can shoot the player.. zzz
i am tryin to get the player invisible so that the AI bots dont attack him.. seems like there is a invisible command but that does nothing as far as to what i want to have done. So why is it even there in the 1st place
anyways. any idea on where i could start atleast?
SetInvisible makes the player invisible to AI and removes the shadow casting - or at least it used to. I suspect the AI doesn't care any more since it was updated in UDK.
i am tryin to get the player invisible so that the AI bots dont attack him.. seems like there is a invisible command but that does nothing as far as to what i want to have done. So why is it even there in the 1st place
anyways. any idea on where i could start atleast?
toggle hidden on the player should do this. Unless it's broken
you can just use a toggle hidden node in kismet if you want to hide an object via script.
anyways. any idea on where i could start atleast?
toggle hidden on the player should do this. Unless it's broken
I am using the march version. I tried toggling hide player but the Ai Stills fires at me with no mercy :poly118: