FullSynch, no this is not for a contest. I was in the mood to model something, and had my PS3 controller laying around, figured I would give it a go. A friend suggested that I convert it in to steampunk, so I think I will end up doing that.
Thanks all. KazeoHin, I will get some clay renders, or something along the sort, and post some wireframes, pretty sure the wireframe will get ripped a new one, haha.
Looking nice. The only thing i see is that the holes for the screws on the bottom look a little weird along the edge.
it's tricky getting that sort of thing to look just right. I learned some tricks at work I could share if you need it.
Snader is right. The micro usb port is off. You have 10 holes in the inner part, but there should only be 1 row of 5. and the metal outter rim needs some softer curves
Also, over all, it looks too deep / wide. Like, that back view seems really fat. Not side to side, but front to back. If you look at the arrows beside the d pad buttons, there is too much of a gap between the button and the arrow. The L1 and R1 buttons seem to tall. actually, the R2 and L2 do as well.
Don't get me wrong. You`ve done an AMAZING job. It wasn't till snader pointed out the USB that I grabbed a controller and really started nit picking it. But just some things to look for.
Thanks for the feed back. I will work on softening up the edges on the mini usb port.Slipius, it's actually only 5 holes, it's just the metal pins in the holes that's making it look like 10, I think I need to work on shaping that a bit more. I think I need to stretch out the D-pad buttons a little, so that would help with the spacing. And yes, it looks like the controller thickness needs to be thinned out a bit.
The start and select buttons have a slightly beveled indentation which I need to add. sorry for the amazing paint skills.
I think I might start over again using what I already have to help build it better as I would like to make cleaner geometry. wireframes when I get home tonight
FullSynch, no this is not for a contest. I was in the mood to model something, and had my PS3 controller laying around, figured I would give it a go. A friend suggested that I convert it in to steampunk, so I think I will end up doing that.
it's tricky getting that sort of thing to look just right. I learned some tricks at work I could share if you need it.
Also, over all, it looks too deep / wide. Like, that back view seems really fat. Not side to side, but front to back. If you look at the arrows beside the d pad buttons, there is too much of a gap between the button and the arrow. The L1 and R1 buttons seem to tall. actually, the R2 and L2 do as well.
Don't get me wrong. You`ve done an AMAZING job. It wasn't till snader pointed out the USB that I grabbed a controller and really started nit picking it. But just some things to look for.
Great work.
The start and select buttons have a slightly beveled indentation which I need to add. sorry for the amazing paint skills.
I think I might start over again using what I already have to help build it better as I would like to make cleaner geometry. wireframes when I get home tonight