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DAZ Studio - Animation - Export to Max, Blender, Maya, etc...

polycounter lvl 12
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Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
Heya peeps,

I was wondering if anyone knew any tutorials of ways one could export a set of animations for DAZ and into (example) Max in a clean and uncluttered way from where you can then 'bake' the animation to either CAT or Bip?

The reason I'm asking this, is I finally got a friend of mine to 'upgrade' to said applications, and he has a bunch of animations made in DAZ that we would like to bring into other apps (example) like Max so he can take stuff from there.

And yes, I tried Google, but most of the results seem to 'miss' out of the important steps on how to export/import animation data cleanly without having it fly all over the place.

Much appreciated for any response, cheers!


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