hey guys, i am studying painting (last/master year) so most of my work will be/was done by hand but i do some 3d and graphic design for fun and money. Critiques are welcome!
something i made for humanitarian concert for Japan tsunami casualties and Vukovar (town in Croatia devastated by war 1991)

this water tower is symbol of war in Vukovar

and final work:
(experimenting with glass material a lot)
the idea was actually great but...sh.. happens.
Some drawings by model (I never drew people from reference photos, only by model)
coal and some school chalk on cheapest paper money can buy!
(its hard to make good photo of oil because of glossiness, colors are richer then on photos / some paintings have up to 50 thin layers of color)
cca 70x90
cca 80x90
cca 70x50