Im currently looking into buying a 3D Printer, one of the affordable ones in the around 1400 dollar range. I was wondering what you here think about those 3D printers and maybe even have experience with one?
I know i cant print out detailed sculpts with those printers since they are pretty low resolution and then also print this jagged edges but even printing out simple sculpts and models sounds awesome to me. Im also wondering how tricky it is to print out stuff with it because you can't just print the layers in thin air?
The Printers im currently looking at are the Makerbot, Buildatron and the Ultimaker, they are all ca in that price range, but for that price they also need to be assembled. I hope that will be not very complex. Buildatron seems to be the best, i read somewhere that the resolution is quite a bit better then of the others.
anyways the cheapest 3dscanner you could get right now is autodesks 123dcatch, you shoot photos of your object and it calculates the surface for you, its kinda rough but does a nice job overall. or russian3dscanner once it is out.
I've been thinking about making a rep rap...
$1299, no assembly.
I gotta be honest and warn you though. The quality just isn't there yet on those ~$1k machines. Maybe in 5 years? I don't know. But definitely do not expect to make something in zBrush, hit Print, and then you get it. It takes quite an effort to set something up for printing, probably going to have to do some test runs, and then you get something that's pretty poor quality.
It's a lot of fun though, I gotta say. Just gotta know what to expect.
@ Bigjohn
I know, i dont expect much from quality. I dont know much of whats the tricky part of printing? I know it should be holed/concave and then it could need supporting structures in it?
yea, would be just for fun, seeing it create something that i can pickup.
you can buy similar filament spools in lbs from elsewhere for for lot less
however, i dont know if you would be able to match their custom requirements if any such thickness or melting temperature.
also, here are couple more printers which has the option of direct spool feed so you are not restricted to specific cartridges.
The support structure thing is the real killer. You can get a printer that has two heads, which would mean that you could print the support in a different material. This is good, because then you could just snap it right off. Otherwise you have to print the support in the same material. Which would mean you'd have to cut it off with an exacto-knife or something.
But yeah, it depends on what it is you're trying to print. Like I said, don't expect anything coming out of zBrush to actually print nicely. (meaning high-res sculpts)
Shipping took forever though.
@Bigjon i guess the UP! mini has that then with the different material for support sructures since it should be able to break off? The cubify looks to me like they made the whole process of printing something out more consumer friendly with their own programm. The UP! gets also advertised with easy to use software. But no idea how easy that then is.
@ slipsius
10-12 weeks leadtime it seems to be currently for a makerbot
Anyway, yeah that sounds about right. You may also want to take a look at some of the new liquid polymer printers coming out. That's a really interesting technology that looks like it produces much higher quality prints than the rep-rap ones do. If you scroll down that page, there's a shot of a whistle printed with a rep-rap printer, and that's about the quality you can expect from yours. The liquid polymer one looks much better. Though it's probably way out of your price range for now.
Here is a little review of a UP! mini prototype:
Still needs to find its way to europa it seems.
Liqiud Polymer looks great, though i have my doubts that the tech is there yet for low price printers. Im wondering how much more that polymer will cost to print. Also lools like that project will not get funded. Do you know of any other cheap liquid polymer printers?
BTW, it will get funded. It's on indiegogo which, unlike Kickstarter, still gives you the money even if you didn't reach your goal.
My main goal will be to make one for at low at $250-$300, once I get enough money and my materials I will probably document the build process on here or something.
The great thing about Repraps and Open Source projects are that you can sort of experiment with materials and whatnot, so I've been taking stepper motors and stuff out of old/broken printers.
If your doing sculpts of models with less surface detail though a normal reprap can be good, there are people who have managed to get as low as 0.01mm layer height with good results and if you still need it smoother when your working with ABS plastic you can brush a little ABS juice (ABS filament scraps mixed with a little acetone to melt it down) it order to smooth out the surface.
You can see a 0.01mm layer height print here.
You can also use ABS juice on your print bed, it's almost a good alternative to a heated bed for printing in ABS since it will help the print stick to the bed as far as I have been able to gather from asking questions on the RepRap irc channel.
After I make my first Reprap though I will plan on making improvements to it and possibly make a second one later on with multiple extruders for multicolor printing and a better set up for support structures.
For brushing it smooth though I haven't seen much documentation, but there is a page for it on Thingiverse, which is basically a place people can post printable objects, improvements to parts and other stuff.