well, i dont know if theres ever been a thread like this here in polycount.
but in everybody's life, some earlier, some later, comes a moment when you stop, look at yourself, and realize there's something wrong... and you think "AM I CRAZY? WHY THE FUCK AM I DOING THIS?"
but you take that task to the end anyway xD
so im creating this thread, for people to share their own "why the fuck" moments, and for us to have a good laughter, after all laughing is the best medicine... even for us crazy dudes xD
the inspiration for this came right a couple minutes ago, when i realized i was shaving... at midnight... with an old, manual razor that had been used often times... with cold water... and singing along pink floyd (it was playng in my cd player). all of this cos i thought, "well, tomorrow i have to wake up early, dont have the time to shave in the morning, so its better for me to wake up shaven and leave". then i looked in the mirror and realized how comical the whole scene was. but took it to the end anyway xD
well, its your turn

start sharing, crazy polycounters

Running around naked at a hotel in Riga/Latvia cause I manage to lock myself out of the room while showering, needless to say I was hungry so I went down to the gas station and they did not take it to nice, they did not give me the chocolate I asked for
Next please
Did it for the lolz
Also, I was listening to Dark Side of the Moon. Something about Pink Floyd makes us crazy I guess haha
so, there was this soccer field between the streets and the garden, and it was surrounded by a huge wall with a gate on the other side, which we reckoned closed.
so we climbed the wall (a friend of mine got hurt doing it), and got in the soccer field. there were cameras, so we just wrapped ourselves with our shirts (i used my helmet, as i had taken it with me - we were on scooters).
we ran thru the soccer field at 2 AM, to get to the garden of this guy, discover that that year he hadnt planted any pumpkin, get back running like crazies cos a lamp had turned on at the dudes house, and discover that the soccer field's gate was open all the time... it was a nice climbing anyway ^^
edit: one of my favorite bands is PF xD
Each time a car'd pass us, we'd set the furniture up on the side of the road, and act natural.
So I spent from 7PM that night till 8AM the next morning just kind of walking around, with only 4 euro to get food, in only shorts, a t-shirt and a light rain jacket. I got so tired, I just wanted to sleep somewhere, so I found a half completed apartment complex and just slept on one of the porch areas leaned up against the cold concrete wall. It was the worst, most miserable night of my life and I swore I would do everything in my power to never ever be homeless again even for a single night.
Craziest though was probably racing a lamborgini from the West Hollywood area of Sunset Boulevard to the 405 on my motorcycle doing around 75-100mph the whole way. Anyone who knows that route knows it's a twister even at normal speeds. :-)
also, respawnrt, i know exactly how that is. i was up for 4 1/2 days straight for one of my ID semesters! 3rd day you start getting audio and visual hallucinations. luckily i heard the beach while my classmates were seeing apparitions come out of the walls
I have.....
oh and growing that nutso beard in my profile pic.
racing my friend down the steinheitche highway in fl in our cars.. in reverse. i ended up in the ditch.
buying a mazda rx-8 spur of the momment, when i worked at mythic on the way back from lunch i saw one and liked it, went out after work that same day and bought one.
getting married / divorced
becoming a licensed and trained pro wrestler.
1 years ago or so I was trying to wrap up some work for a possible internship deadline, so I decide the only way to do it was not to sleep... FOR 3 DAYS!
So it's night time about 60 something hours into this no sleep thing or so. Ive been downing a LOT of energy drinks and I've locked myself in the room where our computer lab is, ducked security for about an hour and around 1am I get back to work in my pitch black computer lab lit only by the glow of my monitor.
Then I start hearing it... A few of the computers turn themselves on, in my current state I don't realize that they were just coming out of sleep mode for automatic updates, so naturally I think "OH SHIT GHOSTS". So I try to stay calm and decide, "You know what? You're bladders gotta lotta urine in it, maybe now would be a good time to take care of that"
I get up, exit out the room into the dark hallway and make my way to the bathroom to take care of my bladder issue. I get there, do the deed, and I start rethinking the whole ghost thing as Im walking back to the lab... Then I hear someone whisper my name in the hallway (I think, I was 60 something hours without sleep here).
So naturally I FREAK OUT and run as fast as my legs will carry me back to the lab close the door behind me, get back in my chair and try to not see the "shadow people" that my sleep deprived brain keeps telling me are outside.
I decide I need to keep my mind and eyes and ears occupied. So I do the logical thing turn on the computer next to me, fire up netflix to find something to watch while I work and pick...
Hot Tub Time Machine.
Sad thing? I still missed the deadline I was shooting for...
Back in the day when i'm still unemployed. I made a decision to take a total break from the internet for a month. I thought it would be healthier for my soul
Ends up with few job offer in my inbox by the time i check it up, which i missed..
not a good idea everyone!!
Me and my mate have done this before! We set it down every so often so we could have somewhere to sit and smoke!
As for crazy, I used to have a bad habbit of scaling high buildings when I was hammer-drunk. I once climbed up to the top of the National Gallery in Edinburgh, beautiful view!
My friend and I had a good laugh, mainly because it just happen so spontanic, and well timed.
My friend thought I was a bit crazy.
Any luck with the chick? Reminds me of a mate at a party who tried the worst chat up line known to man: "Nice shoes...wanna f*ck?"
Also, my last two roommates were legitimately insane. One of them would go into the bathroom, scream and curse at himself in the mirror, and then sit back on the couch like nothing happened. The other had a girlfriend who claimed to be a witch and he said that they were putting up barriers around the apartment to keep the army of demons out. He also disappeared for a week and came back saying that he helped a CIA operative escape and a million dollar check would be coming in the mail for him.
nice friends you got there xD
Saturday I angrily told my friend's grandma to just 'stick it in your mouth'.
A piece of sushi of course.
The longest was about 115-120 hours (almost 5 days) because I had a LOT of work to do before several very short-following deadlines. I actually commuted to school each day and that was my half hour of rest (no sleep because of changing trains) and followed classes as well. Remarkably I still kept up better than some of the others. Anyway, I never finished the last thing, even after breaking the deadline, and even after presentations should already have been over. So I decided to give up and sleep.
I couldn't.
...why the fuck can't I sleep?
...have I forgotten how to?
...oh shit I'm gonna die of sleep deprivation now aren't I?
Those were the 5 most scary minutes of my life.
edit: I now have a slightly better handle on things like deadlines and sleeping, so that's good.
Someone I was collaborating closely with got a threatening call from the Iranian secret police (VEVAK) for Doing The Right Thing.
It was a local number. They weren't in Iran.
:poly117:a friend of mine had sex on my couch, that's low bro LOW!!! lol
Too funny. Would be even funnier if this is the first Bobo has heard of this.