Generally your larger forms need work. You've begun to work on some muscle definition, on his quads for instance, but the overall shape and volume of his thigh isn't ready yet. This applies to generally all the areas of your sculpt -
The flexible vs. stiff in this image is a great example -
and the rest of the tut
could be really helpful. Even though it's about 2d stuff a lot of that carries over into sculpting.
I'd recommend stepping back down a few levels, nail the larger forms using a ton of reference and then slowly work your way back up the subdivision levels.
Hah, sorry about my vague post before... that's what I get for posting when I'm half asleep. Anyway, here's a quick liquify/paintover that hopefully gets my point across a bit better -
Mostly I just moved around his silhouette and tweaked a few things here and there. I'd recommend checking out some anatomy diagrams for the legs and stuff - a common mistake for is forgetting the sartorius.
The flexible vs. stiff in this image is a great example -
and the rest of the tut
could be really helpful. Even though it's about 2d stuff a lot of that carries over into sculpting.
I'd recommend stepping back down a few levels, nail the larger forms using a ton of reference and then slowly work your way back up the subdivision levels.
Mostly I just moved around his silhouette and tweaked a few things here and there. I'd recommend checking out some anatomy diagrams for the legs and stuff - a common mistake for is forgetting the sartorius.