Ok guys welcome to my new WIP thread. The Space Opera Princess!!!
I recently made a thread looking for feedback for my portfolio here on PC and I got some excellent feedback which I am now putting to good use (you can check out the thread
So I’ve been combing the Internet and my stack of Imagines FX’s for an amazing character concept as I need a “wow factor” piece for my portfolio. So long story short I found it. It’s a character that was design during an Imagine FX tutorial “Design a Space Opera Princess” found in IF#75, which was created by Kevin Chen. So after a quick email asking for consent to turn this concept into 3D I got the nod to start. You can see the concept below.
So here it goes! As always C&C would be an amazing help. Cheers for your time.

edit: are you any relation to dave cockburn?
garriola83, Yeah the face is pretty much still WIP but thanks for spotting those. I've made the changes and things are vastly improved, especially with the wider nose bridge.
skylebones, Cheers buddy. Yeah it was sound advice and it would be such a waste to ignore it.
Vio, Hey Vio glad to hear you're tackling your first female character model. I'd suggest making a thread as it'll help you out a shed load in the long. As for your question, yeah its there but the it's hard to tell from that screengrab above. I'll have a closer shot next time.
systemic, yeah. That cannot be a bad thing right :P Cheers.
Tristla, Good for you!
disanski, Good eye bud. I was originally going to use the legs to extract the boots. But I changed my midn in the end and forgot about the length.
I've made some big changes (plus the feedback from above) and I've started blocking in most of the suit at the moment and when thats done I'll post an updated. I'm currently juggling 2 project, this and my cspromod work so that's why the updates aren't coming thick and fast.
Once again cheers for the feedback.
Well I've finally got some time to myself so that means I get to work on the princess a bit more. I've blocked out most of the suit apart from the robotic arm which I'm still currently playing about with in max.
At the moment her upper arm is reading a tad too thick at the moment so I think I'll have to thin in down but I think the problem lies with the overlapping plates of the armour. With a bit of tweaking I can have them in a better poition that they are in now.
Also please note that the collar is just a place holder.
Any C&C would be great thanks.
I wonder, how does this kind of clothing be skinned and rigged ? I mean, it looks right with this pose, but without some physic it will looks bad ingame when she moves the arm, right ?
I think that your head is way too small compared to the concept.
As for the head you are right and I've addressed it and its looking much better, thanks!
the braids are nice!
i did a little paintover if you dont mind...
garriola83, hey bud cheers for taking the time to do a paint over. Really helped when I had another bash at it. She's looking more human now
Since the release of CSPROMOD 1.9 the other day I'd had some personal time to pick this project back up. So here is the progress I've made so far.
Overall I've been working on the face and robotic arm mainly. Trying to nail down those focal points. The face is a dramatically change since my last update (for the better I say) and I've done away with the old arm and reworked it, so it suits the design of the concept more.
I've also started work on the backpack, but it may be hard to see the detail in the pic below. I just sculpted the shaped and added a few grills here are there.
Anyways enough from me, enjoy.
I kinda feel the forms on the face are a bit too strong/defined tho. Might be an idea to drop down to a lower level and smooth things out a bit more, get stuff a little softer. And maybe reducing the size of the eyes a tad too ^_^
And the segments on the torso suit bit seem more segmentey on the concept, but it's still wip so i shouldn't say anything yet :P
Anyways, going coolies so far, hope you finish ^_^
SA_22, Thanks buddy!
Nizza_waaarg, Cheers bud. I smoothed out some of the facial features but I think I may give the brow another pass as it still appears quite strong.
Fomori, Awesome man. Glad to hear from a fellow artist that I'm improving. Yeah, when I saw the concept I was completely sold and just had to make a 3D model. After hearing what you had to say I enlarged the head a bit more.
I've been adding some additional details such as scratches, patterns and slight modifications here and there such as the armour on the bicep as it was alittle boring and the concept didn't show any detail there so I took some artistic licence on it :P
Im in the middle of portfolio work, and wondering whether to stick to my own sucky base mesh or use the default zbrush bases. However don't want to create a portfolio in which gives the wrong impression
Anyways i've started texturing the low poly and decided to scrap the poly paint as I felt it would be best to start from scratch, although I did decide to keep the polypaint of the legs as I can just add and adjusted them to suit my needs. At the moment I'm mainly just working on the torso, even though I've blocked in some rough sections here an there.
Any C&C is always welcome.
I been plodding along with the diffuse and spec map to better show off the materials and the progress is going steady but I have yet to touch the head, so please ignore it unless you have any suggestions.
I still have to paint the leather straps for her robotic arm as well as the cape and cloth drapes, looking over them I will have a rough attempt at painting them but I may redo them due to the way it was unwrapped.
Anyways enjoy and C&C is always welcome.