Hi! Havent really gotten any feedback lately wich is probably a bad sign that my work dont stand out. so I thought I start up a thread with my recent stuff and hope it brings in some feedback

I graduated a week ago and Im currently reworking my portfolio since I havent gotten anywhere on the job front with it. would really like to know whats wrong with my work and so on

My current site:
and below is a few WIP shots of what I will be replacing most of the current stuff on there
very WIP environment based on a concept for pirates of the carribean armada of the damned. alot of placeholder assets still there. faaaaaar from done ^^

some Props for it:

and some new trees for my foliage section of my portfolio, would like to do a "swedish forest" kind of environment with some cliffs and more trees.

and a video of them

and a character following the different concepts sheets for the Hellchick character. I only work on it abit now and then, mostly to practice hardsurface and organic modelling/ sculpting. still in kind of blockout/trying things out phase.
Just with the cannon, inside/outide the start of the barrel it looks to be more like wood than metal. Id suggest just reduce the amount of detail on the end
and would love to see more of your character (hellchick)
Other than that, excellent job
Looking forward to seeing more of your work
I might work on her a bit later this week and can post better renders since these where just a printscreen from maya ^^
I like where its going. Could be pretty cool. Keep it up
I´ll keep that suggestion in mind! in case I feel it doesnt work out. Altough Im hoping to do both the environments
thanks for the good feedback!:) I will look into it during the week.
an update on the cannon, removed the cracks and built a lowpoly. This is just a testbake
off to make a proper UV map! ^^
sorry for the bad quality it is a screenshot. the tiledshot command "cuts" my bloom effects in half leaving an ugly seam, going to investigate why for future screenshots. also the imageshack compression have a say in all this I believe.
still UDKs own water shader
Unlike the real thing.
yes they really do:) I will be using meshpaint to get in some color variation, cracks bricks and such. been waiting abit with it since the building Atlas is not finnished yet
Disagree - If you can step your game up on any "unoriginal" model and make it something to remember. I say go for it.
I agree with this too, but i think he must focus on the props for now, it is a real pain to make a good shader in udk (at least for me) The guys from 3dmotive.com have some pretty good material tutorials. Also this guy has a great Ocean Material [ame="
I havent been able to figure out why this is happening when I use the Tilesshot command from play in editor mode :
anyone have any ideas? its not always happening, but most pictures get some of this wierd cuts.
so since the light wouldn't be on screen for the top set of screen shots the bloom renders differently.
I ran into a similar problem when I tried adding a vignette post process effect. It would tile the vignette. I had to add it in photoshop.
Rotating the camera a little lower so the light gets caught in the upper section might fix it. Don't know for sure though.
since my target size is about 1400 pixels wide I could do normal print screen in the worst case scenarios. shame to loose abit of that extra crisp from highres shots but oh well
I jumped on the shotgun wagon as well. I had an old shotgun lying around so I felt the itch to go back to it and redo the textures.
some stuff left to do. also experementing a little with presentation layouts, let me know what you think! the signature itself isnt very hot :P cant really get it right on a tablet yet hehe, its just to show the idea.
The pres shot for the gun is ok... I wouldn’t go with the gradient background. What I try to do is 'theme' the background to my model. For this one, I'd go with a really dark or really light metal texture. EG.. http://hailswebzine.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Black-Background-Metal-2560x1600-by-Freeman2.jpg
The main thing is try to make the whole image look good, attention to every detail. Rather than just focusing on the model. Try to give the whole image a theme that focuses on the model you're displaying.
Eg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Iuly9c3jUHI/S9h93WZGyyI/AAAAAAAAAHw/aFjVF0fjYBc/s1600/M_commando_1.jpg
Not a great example, but you get the idea.
At least for portfolio images, you want every image to look just as good as the next.
I started goofing around with some of the suggestions. used the linked image as a test.
better/worse ? the model isnt final yet either
Otherwise it's looking better already
thanks again!
any crits are welcomed. posted the flats aswell. Im not claiming to be a weapons artist and I know its probably not so very impressive piece
Polycount might be abit high but this mesh was for an old art test where I only got to use an AO map so the shading of the model was important and I decided to keep the topology as it was
Gun's looking really good. The specular at the tip of the tube magazine looks a bit plastic-y but it's turned out really well.
The walls, the planks, the boexs (by the sea) they all need more wear and tear. Think about the environmental storytelling, where were those boxes before they ended up there, did they stand in some ship, out at sea, rocking about and baning into each other all the time. Were they scraped when someone carried them too close to the ground
Or whatever, stuff like that! Rain-leaking shit on the walls and stuff
It really adds alot to an environent, don't over do it though!
....Maybe bust a light in one room and keep one window dark, just to add some kinda assymetry I dunno
Hope it helps!
And some tips on your dungeon if its ok. It looks very greyish and mostly stone material, maybe mix it up with some more materials and also adding some more detail props looks very clean now. And the sand that comes out of the wall doesn't look very realistic/dynamic to me looks more solid. (I understand that you probably don't want to fix it and rather work on new project but i thought you might would want some feedback on it anyway.)
nice feedback thanks! I will go over another pass on the textures
texture for more "extreme" weathering on some boxes and stuff.
I can try to bring some of the specular sliders down in marmoset and see it that does the trick, might have gone
a tad overboard with them.
yes all feedback is welcomed!
UDK. I will go back to it and try to push it a bit further, like that sand thing. probably gonna do a propper
vertex blend with a cool mixmap and remove that lump:P and yeah try to add in some more variation in the scene,
might even go over some textures and such.
started working on some produce and bottles to add color and interest in my open boxes and barrels. still quite WIP. going to add some more things like Cabbage,fish and maybe oranges or lemons as they are a common seafaring snackable.
The faces of your buildings could use alot more variation. As somebody already mentioned, turning some window lights off could help, but I think you should do more to vary the actual structure. Buildings generally have a fair amount of variance from floor to floor to keep it looking interesting, but yours have a mostly square, gridlike appearance.
here are some more up to date screenshots. still some things Im not 100% happy with.
going to spend a day or 2 fixing up things people have said about it this week
and those doors are pure CG textures atm, going to build my own doors soon! :poly136:
first image from marmoset and the second is inside UDK
some more small props to make and then look over the feedback people have provided and then I hope to be done... feel like its time to move on pretty soon from this.
But here is the current state of it! I apologize for not having the time to consider all the great feedback I recieved but I tried to adress some issues and now time is up
Going to continue with these projects in about a month or so after I have moved and gotten everything fixed
and start making some real assets for my Swedish forest environment as well as going back to my old Castle cellar environment and freshen it up a bit as suggested
The forest is looking good but right now lacks a center focus, my eyes are not drawn to any particular area. I know its early but just though id point it out.
Keep pumping out good work, I can't wait to see more of the forest!