frell what are the pros and cons of this game for you, when i first saw it on steam i was going to buy right away, but than thought back to how many games i already own that i haven't played and that for the tiny bit of gaming time i have, i already have a main fps game.
I dunno... just watched a video of both RO2 and CoD2 on youtube and they don't look that different, but I wasn't talking specifically about the graphics, moreso that it just looks like a very very similar game. And that score on the steam page is pretty mediocre. Way below average for what a good shooter would get.
frell what are the pros and cons of this game for you, when i first saw it on steam i was going to buy right away, but than thought back to how many games i already own that i haven't played and that for the tiny bit of gaming time i have, i already have a main fps game.
Pros - realistic
Cons - realistic (sometimes a match can get a bit slow, but they added action mode recently which is still more realistic than COD/BF3)
Bullets feel powerful, deaths are unexpected if you don't pay attention, maps are real places where battles were actually fought. This game is anti run and gun. Bullet drop on every gun.
Team work is a bit lacking if your team has a shortage on mics, im hoping theyll support a better chat interface much like WoWs or TF2's to allow everyone to contribute.
I dunno... just watched a video of both RO2 and CoD2 on youtube and they don't look that different, but I wasn't talking specifically about the graphics, moreso that it just looks like a very very similar game. And that score on the steam page is pretty mediocre. Way below average for what a good shooter would get.
"good shooter" is defined by the general gaming community as arcade garbage. The game has a low score because it had a horrible launch, it was buggy as hell and I even stopped playing it. Its been months and the game has been improved so much, they brought back a gamemode from RO1 and added action mode and fixed alot of hit detection bugs and improved overall performance.
I dunno... just watched a video of both RO2 and CoD2 on youtube and they don't look that different, but I wasn't talking specifically about the graphics, moreso that it just looks like a very very similar game. And that score on the steam page is pretty mediocre. Way below average for what a good shooter would get.
I've been waiting for a sale on this! I played the beta like mad in the weeks leading up to Battlefield 3's release last year but I didn't want to buy two FPS games in one month so I decided to wait.
Here's my honest opinion on the game as someone who bought the digital special edition day one (which didn't actually do anything except cost more money on release):
It's a great FPS that falls neatly between war simulators and COD. Constant action, plenty of strategy, character progression, suppression, bleeding, etc. The game was worth every penny the day I bought it even though it ran like crap, crashed often, and was unbalanced. Now the GOTY version, with all it's optimization, is a steal at 10$.
That said, the game has been fairly empty for some time. If this GOTY version fails to revive the game, you better enjoy playing with bots. I never stopped enjoying the game, but it became too difficult to find a server with a decent amount of players and a reasonable ping. This GOTY release has been a delight!
ya sounds like the new editoion was mainly meant to revive, and get new people, with the classic and action mode thing, with action being a faster paced less realistic mode similar to bf or cod.
It had a horrible launch and I even hated the bugs at first. Theyre doing this because the game has improved SO MUCH since launch and they want people to try it again.
Hardly think a game that looks like Call of Duty 2 with nicer graphics (and has an average score at best) deserves it's own thread.
I dunno... just watched a video of both RO2 and CoD2 on youtube and they don't look that different, but I wasn't talking specifically about the graphics, moreso that it just looks like a very very similar game. And that score on the steam page is pretty mediocre. Way below average for what a good shooter would get.
Cons - realistic (sometimes a match can get a bit slow, but they added action mode recently which is still more realistic than COD/BF3)
Bullets feel powerful, deaths are unexpected if you don't pay attention, maps are real places where battles were actually fought. This game is anti run and gun. Bullet drop on every gun.
Team work is a bit lacking if your team has a shortage on mics, im hoping theyll support a better chat interface much like WoWs or TF2's to allow everyone to contribute.
"good shooter" is defined by the general gaming community as arcade garbage. The game has a low score because it had a horrible launch, it was buggy as hell and I even stopped playing it. Its been months and the game has been improved so much, they brought back a gamemode from RO1 and added action mode and fixed alot of hit detection bugs and improved overall performance.
CoD 2 = rambo run 'n' gun
RO 2 = not rambo run 'n' gun
It's a great FPS that falls neatly between war simulators and COD. Constant action, plenty of strategy, character progression, suppression, bleeding, etc. The game was worth every penny the day I bought it even though it ran like crap, crashed often, and was unbalanced. Now the GOTY version, with all it's optimization, is a steal at 10$.
That said, the game has been fairly empty for some time. If this GOTY version fails to revive the game, you better enjoy playing with bots. I never stopped enjoying the game, but it became too difficult to find a server with a decent amount of players and a reasonable ping. This GOTY release has been a delight!
Action is still more realistic than cod or bf
Yeah, play the multiplayer. Then quit if you don't like it.
BF3, Metro 2033, and Stalker are arcade garbage now?
Try deleting all config files in \Documents\My Games\RedOrchestra2\ROGame\Config
That way the game will regenerate them from the base config files which reside in the steamapps folder of the game.
And the game is half-price now.