SUp everyone!
so heres the last sculpt that im working on right now,!
its a concept that i found in the artbook of ME.
C&C are very welcome!

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fred2303 at 2012-06-04

fred2303 at 2012-06-04
you are right and it seems abvious now , he is way to short
For the feet, i had the exact same feeling while sculpting and tought about using the one on the other design beside but finally decided to keep them like on the original concept.
ill post some update soon!
thanks again!!
but since its only gonne be a sculpt and i dont plan to animate it , i decided to keep it for the silouhette.
thanks alot for the comment!
so heres a little update, started to define the skin and face + fixed the height
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to match the cloth that look a little bit like what samourai wear . the blade would be something like shepard ''laser sword''
let me know what you think about it
By fred2303 at 2012-06-04
By fred2303 at 2012-06-04
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FInished it, tell me what you guys think!
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ANd Marq4porshe, those pointers where very usefull!! thanks!
pushed it abit more , hope it gets better!
and my first ever.. GIF animation!!! :poly142:
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