It's definitely not final yet, obviously. It's a Kel-Tec PLR19. I'm currently having some trouble trying to flow the trigger guard into the pistol grip, as you can
see here in one of my reference pictures.
I wanted to make it high-poly originally for normal maps. I have no idea how to make it high-poly from here though; I know about Turbosmoothing but that gives so many undesired results I'm trying to refrain from using it as much as I can.
How could I do that?
Here it is. I realise it isn't as great as the usual wireframe render on the website, but I've learned this technique literally five seconds ago.
Other than that i cant really say much at this stage. You said yourself that its loong way from beeing concidered finished. So me mentioning that alot of parts are missing might just be beacuse you havent finished the actual model yet.
I like the forms of the barell however. Reminds me of an AK.
I've already seen some tutorials twice, so I think I should be covered. I just hope I can get the support edges to look right.