Hey everyone. A mate at work hit me up with this awesomeness yesterday.
Since it is year of the zombie and Jason Chan (
http://jasonchanart.blogspot.com.au/) is one of my favourite artists I decided to do a fan art for something that does not even exist yet :poly142:
Gonna start with a zombie bust then perhaps a hero.
OK gonna call him done. I started making guts. Then sat him on grass, Then I wanted to make legs for him and finally decided I had enough so did a super quick pose and finished him off.

Thanks again for all the kind words and support everyone, I have said it before and I will say it again.......... Polycount rocks!
Just throwing this out there but it might be cool if you could see some more of his rib cage to emphasize is in fact dead and has not eaten for quite some time
@ Ferg: Right on. Yeah I was going to stick to the concept pretty close as far as details and colours go. VERY minimal decay and yeah still quite smooth.
playing with hair. I like the length but I am gonna try and mess it up a bit.
just playing with stuff. High should be done soon, just gatta smooth out the skin and stuff. Then its time to build the low and start baking.
keep goin!
@ Torch : Nah the hair was a separate subtool.
@ KennyTies : Thanks. Don't think I will do them all but maybe a hero next.
@ konstruct : hahaha probably no legs but there might be some guts hanging out the bottom.
Built the lows and started texturing. Still plenty to go.
Have some .jpg artefacts :poly127:
dig how the monochromotomes are working too atm, guess you just gonna add some grime/dirt or some biz? bawsness mang
Should model the whole thing and see if you can get it in the game...
I like the light -> dark transition on the arms, but at the moment it's a bit "blotchy " which gives the illusion of bumps on the skin. So I like the transition, but personally I'd try a different approach and get rid of the "blotchiness".
(fyi, blotchy and blotchiness are actual words according to google
I was thinking of giving one of the characters an attempt, but after seeing this I might just sit in a corner and sulk.
@ Nizza_waaarg: HAHAHA Thanks man. Yeah ,dirt grime and I am gonna try and add some of that weird blood they got going on..... it is not red,,,,,but blackishblue Zombie Juice could look cool.
@ afisher: thanks mr.
@ MeintevdS: Thanks
"I was thinking of giving one of the characters an attempt, but after seeing this I might just sit in a corner and sulk."
Get out of town! ART SUIT UP! I would be super keen to see what RADS you come up with.
@ KennyTies: hehe thanks but I think I am quite a way off from Massive Black standards. I would just be happy if one dude there thought it looked ok. Those guys have some serious skills.
"You are also featured on their facebook page as well if you didnt know."
wow. I had no idea. I had a quick look but can't find anything. If you could wrangle a link I would be thankful
Just playing. Got a bit more blue in him to better match the concept. Started playing with T-Shirt designs. Gonna add some dirt & blood, and a gut sack.
HUGE thanks again everyone.
now finish it up : )
@Duncan, I should art suit up and just give it a go
I just created an account over there. I think I saw you getting in amongst it all. Jump in.
OK gonna call him done. I started making guts. Then sat him on grass, Then I wanted to make legs for him and finally decided I had enough so did a super quick pose and finished him off.
Thanks again for all the kind words and support everyone, I have said it before and I will say it again.......... Polycount rocks!
Although I do think my monitor is also a bit dark here at work. His right hand (left for the viewer) is pretty much invisible for me if it wasn't for the rimlight.
Anyway, awesome character! +1
Coincidentally, I saw your post of this in the WAYWO thread just moments after I saw the Massive Black Kickstarter project of a similar nature.
Very inspiring work! Cheers