Lelith's face...something about it is off. I'm not a character artist though, so I'll let someone else figure that one out.
I'm not a huge fan of the perspective of the Tyranid heads. They look too parallel with the camera. I would also add a fifth nid head in the foreground to help with the composition and make it less of a mirror image. And not really a fan of the glowy eyes...that's a personal preference though.
For this particular scene, I think it could really help to have the horizon on a slight angle.
I really like your atmospheric work. The tyranid spiky shapes in the distance really remind me of the paintings in the 4th edition codex.
And what if you had the space wolf turned more, to face the other side of the horde (like a last stand sort of pose. Maybe with their backs to eachother?)
Anyways, I think the main thing is the perspective seems off and is also kind of boring. It would be good to block everything out in a 3d package first, and use it as a guidline sort of.
Anyways, I'll be watching this. Good work so far *thumbs up*
Thanks Selaznog,
I agree the perspective is a bit 'boring', but this is more of a character piece than an action shot; I personally would have chosen a different/more dynamic perspective, but this is what the client wanted; and the girl is the 'focus' of the piece, I wouldn't want the Space Marine to outshine her in the composition.
As for the glowy eyes, I think they should be even brighter
@SA_22, as if painting the scene didn't take long enough thanks
now make it in 3d!!!!!!
I'm not a huge fan of the perspective of the Tyranid heads. They look too parallel with the camera. I would also add a fifth nid head in the foreground to help with the composition and make it less of a mirror image. And not really a fan of the glowy eyes...that's a personal preference though.
For this particular scene, I think it could really help to have the horizon on a slight angle.
I really like your atmospheric work. The tyranid spiky shapes in the distance really remind me of the paintings in the 4th edition codex.
And what if you had the space wolf turned more, to face the other side of the horde (like a last stand sort of pose. Maybe with their backs to eachother?)
Anyways, I think the main thing is the perspective seems off and is also kind of boring. It would be good to block everything out in a 3d package first, and use it as a guidline sort of.
Anyways, I'll be watching this. Good work so far *thumbs up*
I agree the perspective is a bit 'boring', but this is more of a character piece than an action shot; I personally would have chosen a different/more dynamic perspective, but this is what the client wanted; and the girl is the 'focus' of the piece, I wouldn't want the Space Marine to outshine her in the composition.
As for the glowy eyes, I think they should be even brighter
@SA_22, as if painting the scene didn't take long enough