I really enjoyed posting PSC updates and getting comments and encouragement, so I'm starting a new thread for the next project

. I'm now developing in Unity with Antares Universe node based programming plugin (which kicks ass btw)
I should warn some posts and most videos will be presented by my gamedev alter-ego RichMakeGame, who sound a bit like Hulk crossed with Cookie Monster.
The theme of the game is still a bit up in the air, but I want to do a series of short stories in a framework, each taking 1-2 months to complete. Right now I'm working on setting up the basic mechanics behind it all- movement, interaction, character systems etc...
Anyway, here's the first style test, some may have seen the development thread here:
visual inspiration will be drawn from many sources including Moebius, Kilian Eng, and anachronistic design concepts like American Astronaut or Naruto's feudal Japan crossed with pipes, wires and other technology
I'm attempting to do a weekly video update, there are two so far:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIplyfgA0Co"]RichMakeGame Make Game- E01 - YouTube[/ame]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8S3rjYGW8P4"]RichMakeGame Make Game- E02 - YouTube[/ame]
Ok, that's all for now hope to see you later down the line with more stuff!
I am thinking the same thing about your post!
I am curious though, what limitss/advantages do you find with using antares?(are you using the free version by the way?)
It seems pretty simple from your video, but i can imagine it becomming quite cluttered very fast...?
Can't wait to see your next update
Chief benefit to me: it's visual. From an art background, I just understand things so much better when I see them laid out- some examples: you can clearly see the connections between things, and how the 'flow' of code works- especially when you view the graph at runtime any logic being called has a bright rim, so you can see changes in if/else statements etc as they happen. Finally, when I mention viewing the graph in runtime- you can also edit as the game is playing, and save changes made during runtime.
to avoid clutter- yep, it can get a bit cluttered but it comes down to how you organise yourself. There are tools like colour coded shortcuts which avoid the whole graph becoming a mess of wire, and things called 'containers' which can contain another logic graph and be reused anywhere as functions (this is very handy)
the example is really simple of course, but I programmed Pineapple Smash Crew in Quest3d which uses a similar node approach so don't be fooled into thinking it doesn't have the power
(ps, I'm using full versions of this and unity)
Ninjas: it is silly
I can no longer use my PC (sending this from my phone) because it'll screw the reminder up and I might end up buying another game. For instance when I alt-tab to another screen the post it will still say 'buy this game' when I'm playing PSC or L4D (which I already have) or on facebook or google (which aren't even games) - which makes no sense.
Please give an update to fix this in your next video because I'm missing out on lots of productive hours of playing other videogames and watching porn I mean doing anatomy research. Thanks! Loving it so far! I love that you're using!
Anyway, good luck with this project.
[size=+2]I've found a fix![/size]
To make it work with other things and programs, write "Buy richmakegamemakegame" on the post it. It's important to write richmakegamemakegame because that specifies WHICH game to buy and so you don't get confused.
In this example I'm on the internet (which isn't a game) and I didn't get confused:
(ignore the spelling errors. I have problems with the word pucharsed.. purcass.. ...buying but the more difficult word for it)
PS: Snader: LOL
nice start on the art! like it
Maybe something like this would be more in line with the concept?
also, WIP mockup of soldier dude:
edit: hmm, I was going to just go for subtle highlight edges over gradiented models, but in this case I quite like the dark outline version:
Just my 3 cents.
Bring back the strength the overall gradient, lighten some of the armor bits to separate them and I think you've got a winner.
I'm not sure the soldier matches the cowboy in style but I'm going to forge on, I'm still figuring out the ins and outs of the style. Once I have some scenes I'll revisit and match it all up
style wise I'm looking to settle on something:
- quick and fun to produce
- striking/bold and easily recognisable
- crisp looking- low resolution textures but used in a way that retains a sort of 'HD' feel overall, particularly in environments (eg- diamonds not square pixels, suggestions of texture through pattern)
7 day fps is coming up tomorrow, I think if I participate in that I can give the evolution a bit of a kick
Oh, and I want to mention that I like your stylisations. They're very cleverly simple and very distinctively you.
Zwebbie: I hear you- I'll come back once they're in game and see how they read, will keep an eye on it
here's my first noodling for the 7 Day FPS ( http://7dfps.org/ )
colouring is a mockup, it'll be better
got a health system going for the baddies, and headshots take more damage, arms/legs less. tomorrow will be AI day..
this one was fun to make: (explosions!)
check it out here: http://www.richmakegame.com/?page_id=732
some screenies: (sorry for the size!)
Game looks great btw!
It was simple gameplay wise but fun! The art made me want more. It also makes me want to do an unofficial seven day FPS. Hadn't heard of that challenge before.
just made a video trailer:
@vrav: it was really fun but gruelling as hell. I could have tried something smaller though I admit.. an arena based game would be smarter. many nights I got the barest minimum of sleep!
Out of interest. What did you use to create the vocoded voice in the menu?
Edit: NOW HAS!!!!!!!!!!!
it's still super early mind but I want to start posting updates publicly, I work alone and it gets kinda claustrophobic without sharing what I'm working on.
So the new game is called Car Tank! (at least for now) and it's about an off-world colony who have got into trouble with rogue robots and plant monsters, so they call in the one man who can sort it out- Sheriff Cop, driver of Car Tank. It's going to be a kind of arena shooter, where you enter each new area and fight baddies, destroy a base, collect stuff etc and move on to the next. Arena shooter with a bit more level structure and even some exploring. Traditional WASD/mouse or twin joystick controls, which may confuse some at first since it's a car but it's very responsive.
The art is still very WIP but I'm quite attached to the banded gradient landscape and shaded polygon look. it doesn't all gel quite yet but I want the end product to be very striking visually with a wide range of palettes between levels.
here's some video and screenies:
here's a breakdown of some current tasks :
- Switch from plugin Antares Universe to UnityScript- most of Antares is replaced, now finish the switch-over and re-organise project for easier development (project getting messy)
- develop in-editor level editing tools. This means ability to edit terrain directly in editor and not rely on modelling tools (modo) for level design changes. Fast editing essential (non destructive if possible- eg, can change landscape polygon resolution at will)
- create new enemy spawn logic- able to randomly spawn certain groups of enemies but keeping to a strict difficulty curve. Levels and areas will have certain enemy types available to spawn, and code decides how to use them to create fun varied experience- not quite the same each play.
- develop level progression structure. currently thinking of some outrun-ish idea of branching routes, some hard some easy.
comments welcome, cheers!
I like the "Giants Causeway" hexagonal blocks surrounding the arenas. I'd like to see some of that geo more within the arenas as well. Maybe some lower ones that the cars can drive over and use as platforms. Also instead of the "traditional" style rocks you have within the arena, they could be more hexagonal to keep things consistent. Large toppled or brocken ones, and ones sticking out of the ground at angle, etc.
Anyhoo, just some things for you to ponder, or not...