Hello everyone,
As a team of students in video game school in France, we finally made up a trailer of our game project.
We are working on this game for roughly twelve months (4 months of writing a game concept, making concepts arts and choosing the artistic direction; and 8 months of development).
As we are a team of 8 students, we have shared all the tasks during the production.
We shared positions as game designers, level designers and 2D/3D artists. Only one programmer had the hard task to develop all the game's levels ...
We decided to choose an action game, a beat them all, made for casual players (fom 7 to 77 years old).
So, here it comes!
Wilson, an alien who's working as sweeper in a space colony, accidentally launch an escape pod with him aboard.
Then, he crashes on an agricultural planet invaded by a curious and absolutly stupid pink slime, the Plop.
Wilson will have to cross on 3 differents levels, crowded with enemies and obstacles.
He will fight with the help of his broom (a squid-like creature) and with a lot of funny weapons he will encounter during his adventure!
Controls are rather simple, to makes things easy to handle: moving around, jumping and 2 types of attacks (weak and strong) that can be chained to make specials attacks.
Three levels are available for now : mountains, fields and kitchen garden, and the invaded city.
We managed to introduce gameplay variations to cut a bit the action and add variety to our game!
As the trailer is a bit short, here are some screenshots of our levels in Unity3D Editor, as well as some renders of 3D models!
Our Hero, Wilson the Sweeper

Some Enemies

And Finally, some screenshots from the editor view:

And a little trailer to show more interesting things !
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JguKinq7_P8"]Plop'O'Gum Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
We are sorry, the trailer is in french, so here goes the english translation!
"A Fantastic World"
"Or may be not!"
"Join us on Facebook"
We are hoping for lots of advises, and crits!
Softwares used: 3DSMax, Maya, Photoshop, Unfold3D, UVLayout, AfterEffects, Premiere, and, of course, Unity3D Pro
Should look like this:
Link to the one with the actual *.jpg in it.
and yeah, none of the images work, even sltrOlsson's fix attempt!
Sorry for the trouble...
Some sugestions:
-The waterfalls are very nice, but there are a few that when it is seen from the aerial view looks too low res. Maybe some extra geometry there would fix it. But if this is not seen ingame, forget it.
-the attack trail looks broken (not soft and rounded). Did you use Trail? If yes, try to adjust the "Min Vertex Distance". This could help.
-Are you using lightmap? The shadows are a bit monocromatic. In this cartoon game I expect more colors. Try to give the ambient light some color. It might help. But in other hands will change the overall colors...hehe (photoshop on the lightmap maybe?)
Just a few ideas.