Hi, I keep finding that I want to edit prefabs I've made which have a few children deep hierarchy. As the full hierarchy isn't displayed in project view for some reason, I've taken to dragging the prefab into the scene, editing then applying.
seems fine in general, but sometimes I want to add to the hierarchy with another object, and unity says doing so will break the prefab.. but I don't want to break the prefab.
Any advice on the topic?
I can't recall offhand if "Apply changes" works when you break the prefab connection like this, but it's worth a try.
I just tried and actually even though it says 'will break prefab' it still allows you to hit apply and resume the prefab..
I hadn't got that far because as soon as it said 'this will break prefab' I was like.. uh, no don't do that!
good to know, but kind of unintuitive!