So a few friends of mine and myself are going to be working on our final project this coming school year.
We've started hashing out bits of story and stuff like that and getting a feel for what we want. We'll be posting lots of stuff for it once things get going but at the moment we're starting on the basics, which is to say, a style guide so we all a have a clear vision of what we want to achieve once we get down into concepting and modeling.
One of the things we've decided on so far is that it will have stylized models/proportions but relatively realistic textures.
I'll be doing lots of my own research as well but I figured I'd ask PC can you think of any beautiful games that fit that criteria?
Cause I know generally the idea is to go both stylized or both realistic...
So yeah, it is possible, but the problem that you will encounter is balancing the two so that they look natural, so one doesn't outweigh the other in terms of design or feeling.
Pixar not so much.
EDIT: Ninjaed
I guess it comes down to what you mean by "stylized".
Has lots of realistic materials for things. but on a tiny scale and using stylized models
gears is not so much stylized... its more exagerated id say, but those anatomic traits are fairly possible to be found in a human being. at least thats what ive read and been told.
though guess your also fighting a alien bug army that digs through the ground, not the traditional army that uses artillery and bombs.
though gow and ut games are largely meant for showing off epics technology, so of course they want the brick in the wall poping out of your screen not the wall, and thigns like that.
but ya for what you want play with proportions especially on characters, but also on objects, also play with the amount of detail, large amounts of detail doesn't always = more realistic so you prolly could go more sparse on it, also play with color.
for games a other good example is Mirrors Edge, very stylized look, but if you break it down, all the materials and props are very much based in the real world.
when it comes to stylized environments, i find the most interesting ones, are ones that feel like they could exist in real life, if the world had a different past, which kinda brings me back to the Mirrors edges example, and the start of hl2.
excuse the horrid bumpmapping effect in that last one, its a result of the extreme light. They're all heavily WIP.