Darkout has been greenlit!... a few weeks ago by now but hey better late than never. So that is awesome! There is also a new Male character in the game now so both genders are present. Was Ladies first for this one. Speaking of the lady, she is in a bit of trouble in this screenshot that shows off the new Brute Boss that can be found in the City Ruins, a high level area in the game.

Darkout has been submitted for the Steam GreenLight selection! Everyone please take a look and show your support if you think this game should be released for Steam. I have also added the new trailer for the game. It sets the mood very nicely.
Hello Everyone,
Just dropping by to pimp my brothers new game he has in the works now for a few months now. Some links to visit and a few snapshots he has made public!
Its inspired by games like Terraria and Minecraft but with a Scifi Theme. "before starbound was announced btw..." And this one is actual about survival in a world where light is your only refuge from all manner of nasty things hiding in the dark!

In this case its a good idea to be afraid of the dark... it wants to eat you.
"Skiffy the junkyard monster turns on all the lights he can find..."
Just thought I would post some images of items and monsters from the game.
Let us know what you think
Also we just finished the new unblocky terrain!
A small bit of feedback...
While watching the teaser trailer for the game, I noticed the camera movement is directly tied into the character's root.
meaning... If the character moves, the camera moves instantaneously, resulting in a somewhat unsmooth experience of the world for the player.
While I'm not a programmer, it would help the games appeal... to have a delay / lag of the camera movement as it relates to the character movement-to help smooth it out. possibly even ramping the speed of the camera movement in relation to the velocity of the character from point A->B
Also check out our brand new trailer!
Thanks for your support!
Anyone know how to get the embedded youtube videos to work again? for some reason it just posts the link...
I've updated the top of the page to include the new status of Darkout on Steam since it has been officially Greenlit a few weeks back.
Some Dev chatter for the game now which should be at least once a week for those folks interested in keeping up with developments on Darkout.
New armor sets for the male character, well the equivalent for the male compared to the female.
Oh and some more evil boss action!
And DANG I have to say the lighting model has become pretty moody. You can make some sweet screenshots now.
For anyone interested in what roams those dark lands look no further. Below are some shots of just a few baddies that you will find stalking the darkness.
The lovable imps, one dark one fire. The deeper you go the more likely you will be to find the fire ball tossing cousin.
The evil little crawler fellow can traverse all surfaces. Walls wont keep this guy out. He will simply climb over them.
The local voodoo man is not happy with your arrival from the looks of things either.
Just a side note I did not create these. This is from my brothers game and I felt like sharing its progress with everyone.