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Lamborghini Sesto Elemento project.

The Sesto Elemento is one of those uber rare super cars many of us may never experience in real life. For years I have DROOLLED over this sexy beast, still I finally had enough. Im making it myself!

I havent modeled a car in about 6 years or so (worked on Discovery and History channel), and this is going to be my first car to this level of detail. I still dont know how far I want to take this thing. I may do the interior, but im not sure. I WONT be doing an engine! Those people are just crazy ;)

This project will be Sub D in 3DS Max 2012 and Vray 2.0.

Anyways, enough gab. Here is the project so far.

-DAY 1-

A good start.



-DAY 2-

Dropped some Vray love on it. Just a basic shader with a diffuse reflection. Gives it a nice pearl look and shows off the shape well without hiding detail under reflection or spec highlights. Im working on the rear end today, as the front is mostly shaped out. I need to find good pix of the grill/mouth of this thing. Everything I have seen is in shadow, so I cant see detail. Also need to find some good pix of the headlights.




  • Gibbage
    -Day 3-

    The body shaping is mostly done. Im now starting on details like the wings and headlights and the vents on the top.

  • Gibbage
    -Day 6-

    I skipped a few updates, but progress is going very well. I did the badge "raging bull" in Zbrush and used some nice Vray materials on it. Looks almost real! Really happy with how that turned out. The inner workings of the "mouth" still illude me. Hard to find a good photo of that area thats not in total shadow. I just gave it my best guess.





    The open rear end gives me nightmares.
  • Gibbage
    Its been some time since I revisited the model, but I made some progress and even did some preliminary texture work trying to get the right carbon fiber feel.






  • Kon Artist
    Offline / Send Message
    Kon Artist polycounter lvl 8
    Looks really good. Kind of hard to tell, but you might want to check the topo on the door vent and back bumper over the wheel. It seems to be bunching and pulling a bit in those transitions. Still really good:)
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