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stickadtroja polycounter lvl 11
Hey polycount! I'm recently started working on a fantasy character of sorts, some kind of moose minotaur. It is supposed to be some kind of old druid or shaman and I want it/him to look really old and mysterious, but also big and majestic.

Some pics;


and some nudes;


I havent really started working on the clothes yet since my biggest concern right now is his posture and proportions.
So any crits or comments would be super welcome.



  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    No one else will say it? Fine. I will. That thing is sick nasty.

    In all seriousness, this looks really cool. Although, I think it could use a beard of some sort since most adult moose have some type of neck scruff.
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    Fucking wicked man! Got any concept on him? Looking forward for updates!
  • PaulP
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    PaulP polycounter lvl 9
    This thing freaks me out, but in a good way! The only thing that looks a bit weird to me is his belly poking out so far in the side view, especially with the rest of his body looking so skinny/toned. Really like where this is going, looking forward to an update!
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    GOBEE polycounter lvl 10
    This has just become my worst nightmare, and I now despise you.

    Joking aside, it's shaping up to be something very original and will be an excellent addition to your portfolio. I've never seen someone model a Mooseman before.
  • daphz
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    daphz polycounter lvl 14
    cool character man, really dig the earthy color scheme
  • erroldynamic
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    erroldynamic polycounter lvl 18
    Rad character! Reminds me of a Wendigo.
  • praetor187
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    praetor187 polycounter lvl 11
    I just thought the same thing Rion411 looks awesome man and really creepy in a good way of course.
  • Hofsta
    Digging this dude for sure. Love the idea.

    couple of things, firstly I agree with praetus that he is missing some kinda funky moose neck scruff. Along those lines as well, I feel like his head may be a bit small. Moose have very large elongated heads. Right now his head reads more like a deer with moose antlers. Also the nostril/mouth region seems to taper off too quickly, maybe make it bigger/more bulbous(substitute in w/e words make sense there.)

    heres a few pictures to help illustrate what I'm getting at


    Hope that helps. Can't wait to see more!
  • stickadtroja
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    stickadtroja polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for all the comments!

    praetus; thanks! also i totally agree on the beard. will fix soon.

    sltrOlsson; thanks! I actually have a concept that i did, but its very basic, just for silhouette and color choice.


    SCB; Thanks for your critic! I trying to aim for old and saggy kind of body type, but maybe I oversized the belly to much. thought about fixing better ribcage too, but its all going to be covered in cloth later so im not sure.

    GOBEE; Thanks! Im glad that you think its original, I was ind of worried about people thinking; "Minotaur druid? You mean like an Tauren Shaman? Nice with WoW fanart brah!" wich is not really what Im aiming for :)

    daphz; Thanks a lot! I was really inspired by the troll paingtings of John Bauer, and I want it to be more like that with a shitload of accerories and stuff hanging from the neck and arms.

    Rion411; Thanks! I didnt know what a Wendigo was and looked it up, and that shit is nasty! Good inspiration!

    praetor187;Thanks! I hope it doesnt end up TOO creepy though :)

    Hofsta; Thanks a lot for the crits! I totally agree with the neck scruff and will put it there next thing. Im not so sure about the head size though.
    I can agree that it doesnt look as much as a moose with the small head but that doesnt botter me so much. If it reads like a deer I still happy. In my very early concept, I made the head very small cuz I like the silhuhouette better. But more than one person has mention this and if it looks bad I should change it. Heres a quick comparison picture I made:


    So what do you guys think? A or B or something in between?
  • timspanjer
    Design B seems to feel more balanced. But the larger head almost calls for some larger shoulder blades or something to create the hump that is the in the moose reference photos. I love how this project is going btw... Keep it up!
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    looks slick...I kind of like the wispyness of him in the concept and in A...B seems to make him way too top heavy...goood work!
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    I actually think that A looks more creepy. Maybe some more neck on A, like the one on B? But staying with the size.
  • Hofsta
    I see where you are coming from. What it really comes down to is how you want the character to feel. I agree that the larger more mooselike head makes him look a bit top heavy and you would have to make some other changes to adjust his proportions.

    Maybe try and find a happy medium between A and B or something like that. Just a suggestion though. Keep it up man!
  • brwnbread
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    brwnbread polycounter lvl 13
    I agree with sltrOlsson... A with more neck. Looks so cool
  • Stinkfoot
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    Stinkfoot polycounter lvl 11
    Great concept!, though I'm probably the only one who was kinda dissapointed it didnt look like this.


    Great stuff!
  • underfox
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    underfox polycounter lvl 7
    well if you decide to stick with the concept, A is beter but in all honesty i prefer B, it has a " wise " feel that A doesn't have. just my opinion of course

    edit: great work by the way :P
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    FAT_CAP polycounter lvl 18
    Great design! Really looking forward to seeing where you end up with this guy :)
  • MikeJonesy
    I love the concept and definitely think B is the way to go. I agree with timspanier that he needs some more shoulder and neck bulk. Give him the ability to use those antlers against another Mooseotaur, whether he actually would or not, as now I don't feel he'd be able to do much more then hold them up. Less so if he would have all kinds of shaman like pouches and trinkets hanging off of his antlers like I'm imagining him. I'd probably go with a bit of a longer neck as well and trail it's neckbeard down onto it's chest more like Hofsta's first image.

    A isn't bad by any stretch, but it just doesn't match up with what I pictured in my head when I read your character summary. It just doesn't give me the "big and majestic" feel you said you wanted, while B. is a step in that direction. I do think however that A.'s head gives me more of a female vibe so maybe that's something to consider. I'd be interested to know a little backstory on this guy and maybe the culture of his society, if he's part of a society at all I guess.

    Looking forward to updates, keep up the good work!
  • stickadtroja
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    stickadtroja polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for all the comments! Really guys, its super awsome, makes me wanna do more and better!

    Since people seem to like both variants of the head, I more or less decided to go in the direction of the concept and picture A.
    I have spent some time putting more detial on him, and dont know what to add anymore, so I moved on to retopoing. YEAY. or retopo sucks ass, but after that comes texturing and that is YEAY!
    some pics of mr mooseface;


    MikeJonesy: I really like all the suggestions your making! The way i have thought about it though, is that I want him to look old as shit. Like really super old. So that he looks like he cant use hes horns doesnt bother me. Maybe he headbutted other mooseotaurs when he was young but not anymore. Actually I want to take that thing even further, like hes struggling under the weight of the horns. I have heard that nails and hair keeps growing after your dead. Maybe that would apply for horns too. Like they just keep growing during a mooseotaurs life time and when they are old, they have super big horns that they barely can carry.

    So cool that you mention the stuff hanging from the horns. I thought the exact same thing! Totally going to do that.

    As for the backstory and such, I have only thought of it in very vague terms. And Im not really good at putting it into words. But I will try.

    This character is a wanderer. He travels far, not in a rush, but seems to be searching for something. He greet other travelers and can share campfire and stories with them, but stay away from large societys. Most people will only ever catch a glimpse of him as a siluette on the horizon, and hear about him in stories and fairytales. Old and grey, nobady has ever seen anybody like him. Maybe hes the last of his kind?

    So my next step is to get him into Max as fast as I can and start texturing and adding all the small props and stuff.

    Also since I cant really afford to disappoint anyone here is for you Stinkfoot:
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    Haha, love the Elmo :P

    You could make the two horns different size. Since, real, mooses fight with there horns they can lose them. So you could do 11 spikes on one and 15 on the other. I would open up for asymmetry both in the visuals, put more weight to one side, and in animation or pose.

    Keep it up!
  • Stinkfoot
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    Stinkfoot polycounter lvl 11
    My drink is now on my desk and monitor, I tip my hat to you good sir!
  • FullSynch
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    FullSynch polycounter lvl 12
    Some dangling antler ornaments would be nice. :)
  • Rhoutermans
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    Rhoutermans polycounter lvl 12
    or maybe he's hunting humans ;)
  • Aga22
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    Aga22 polycounter lvl 12
    if you want him to look majestic i suggest you enlarge his antlers. great work btw ... i think the fabrics are too thick imo.
  • stickadtroja
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    stickadtroja polycounter lvl 11
    Well been a while since I posted last. I dont want to post unless I made SOME progress and it has taken a lot of time doing all the shitty things (retopo, uvmapping and baking). But now at least I started on the texturing! And its fun! YEAH!

    sltrOlsson: yes totally agree. going to fix the asymmetry in Max by pushing around verts so I still can have a mirrored texture.

    Stinkfoot: well I guess the 1 min polypainting wasnt wasted then :)

    FullSynch: Ill have those for sure! Im thinking about going a bit shamanistic and have like bones and talismans hanging from them.

    Rhoutermans: Nah want him more like a wise and mystical character than a bloodthirsty hunter.

    Aga22: I just worry that I make him too cartony by having big antlers. have to experiment with this though. Agree about the fabric. it looks a little too thick. hmmm. not sure if I change it though, due time contraint. Thanks anyways for the crits!

    So my progess right now is that I started rougly with texturing and blocking out colours and trying to get a feel for the materials. Next step is to get all the props on him, so I dont spend a lot of time painting a part of the texture that gets covered by a pouch or bag in the end.
    And that is my biggest concern right now. Getting shitloads of props on him. Like a lot. I want to cover his neck in neclaces and talismans, hang bones from his antlers and put pouches , a horn and a big ass hunting knife onto his belt. Maybe make a backpack or something to hang on his back. So its a lot of work. But it will be the most fun part I hope.

    Texturing first step;



  • stickadtroja
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    stickadtroja polycounter lvl 11
    Hugh: thanks man!

    Im in the middle of texturing the clothes, took a while though cuz I have been bouncing around colours and values and such, but now Ive more or less decided to go in this direction;


    I have also blocked out most of the props, and will start to texture it soon.

    I feel that he is a bit naked maybe? like the arms and such? thinking about adding bandage or bracelets...
  • papagersi
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    papagersi polycounter lvl 16
  • erroldynamic
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    erroldynamic polycounter lvl 18
    Nice update, textures are looking good! Yeah, a lil' something on the arms would look good.
  • Bokaja
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    Bokaja polycounter lvl 16
    I really like the "corrupted", ill-looking yellowish skintone you got going on. I think it's cool he's kinda creepy. Personally, I think the color palette for the clothes/assets is becoming too generic now - and blends with the antlers. Maybe you can experiment with some complementary colors or add some more contrast into it.

    Cool stuff, keep it coming...
  • mr_ace
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    mr_ace polycounter lvl 9
    cool character, i like the way it's going. look forward to seeing more texture progress
  • stickadtroja
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    stickadtroja polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for the comments guys!

    Bokaja: Hmm I partly agree with you. I starded out with something crazier han I ended up with. But I didnt really liked the green cloth and I like the way the skin colour is very saturated in contrast to the grey cloth. But still the antlers have almost the same colour. not good. maybe it can be fixed with some intresting lighting?

    soo... starting to feel finished with this dude.
    now comes my weakest part, presentation. I tried to experiment more with the lighting then I useally do, but I really need some feedback on this;








    Also I tried to make some kind of background:


    I would be really grateful for any critic and feedback, since this is going to be the most imortant piece in my portfolio.
  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    i think he'd look much better with this staff in hand:

  • stickadtroja
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    stickadtroja polycounter lvl 11
  • PaulP
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    PaulP polycounter lvl 9
    That staff definitely completes the character, looks great!
  • Texelion
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    Texelion polycounter lvl 8
    +1, looks great. Too bad you didn't do the white hair ( or maybe you will ? TL : DR, I'm lazy, sorry ^^ ). And a beard, someone talked about a beard on the first page.
  • TehSplatt
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    TehSplatt polycounter lvl 11
    stickadtroja that looks awesome haha
  • stickadtroja
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    stickadtroja polycounter lvl 11
    SCB and TehSplatt; Thanks!

    Texelion; Yes concept wise I would really like to add the hair and a beard, but I dont have time or the skills to pull of all that fixing with alpha planes and stuff.

    So basically I consider myself finished with this piece. Put it on the top of my portfolio. Check it out: www.ottoart.se

    A question though, should I remove some of the old stuff? Like the other models in the 3D section? They are more than a year old and I dont really think they are representative for my skill level. Maybe I should write something like "New - Old" to indicate that.

    What do you think, polycountians?
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Regarding the hair - at least try and make it, don't just write it off. If it looks bad (technically) or you feel it just detracts from the character, than by all means, the model doesn't need the hair to hold it together. The model looks awesome, don't be so quick to write off your skills.

    As for your portfolio, I think you may have answered your own question. Your portfolio represents you and if you feel that your presented art doesn't jibe with what you're current skills level is at...well that's not a great setup. I used to keep some old art on my site because I personally enjoyed the models, but they detracted from my current work. That being said, I took them down.
  • Texelion
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    Texelion polycounter lvl 8
    Yeah you could at least remove the "Hunger" thing, doesn't look really good ^^. And please correct that mistake, you wrote "Charachter" instead of "Character" top of the page, it's really bad for a portfolio ^^.
  • toxic_h2o
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    toxic_h2o polycounter lvl 14
    wow thats so cool. Gah you really should add the hair, it would add so much to this piece, really push the moose man concept.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    Very cool! I would love to see the hair too ha.
  • stickadtroja
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    stickadtroja polycounter lvl 11
    well maybe I do the hair sometime but not right now. I need to get a job soon and hair on this character is a bit down on my to do list. Sorry guys :(

    But I agree that it would work better with the concept. I imagened big ass braids with talismans and feathers stuck in them. oh well.

    Removed the Hunger piece and fixed the typo, thanks Texelion :)

    So now the only thing left is to look for a job... Need them moneys
  • brwnbread
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    brwnbread polycounter lvl 13



    This is awesome, love the environmenty background
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