I've made some very,
very basic modular wall pieces and plan to paint in a lot more detail in using vertex painting (hence the high poly count on one side of the meshes) but I'm running into hideous problems after the lighting has been baked. Anybody recognize the issue here? I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the windows that sit within the walls?
Here is a look at my lightmaps (obviously offset on the UV space to show each at the same time. They are
not exported like this)
And here is what the scene looks like in the different view modes. It obviously looks a trillion times better when it's outside of the scene but it still isn't all that pretty.
And lastly, if you have seams after that, hide them. Try to make the seams look like normal pieces of the architecture.
Design your modular pieces in a way that takes advantage of natural break points and seams, will save you lots of time and trouble down the line.