I started work on this monster/person last week, I only have a high-res sculpt in ZBrush, no ingame model yet. His name is "Something" and he is the primary antagonist of a survival horror game I have bouncing around in my head, also called "Something". The reason behind the name is that you play as a child, running away from this creature you can only describe as "something". The game involves solving various puzzles whilst avoiding being attacked by this monster.

Crits are welcome, as I am alwahys looking to improve.
Got my Something into the UDK with all the DX11 goodies turned up to 11. I'm wondering now the best way to add body hair... I want the body hair to be 3D, not just a texture. what would be the best way to go about that?
Im not a character person so i cant give much help either way, but if your going for creepy, your definitely on the right track
Why didnt u call the creature "Skinny" ?
and, no there are no intestines on his arm, just fatty, lumpy growth.
Anywho, does anyone have any suggestions on how to do the body hair?
I think I found a pretty good way to get that 'hairy chest' sort of look. I have to do the rest of the body, but I think this is the method of choice!
I never did get the hair right....