Hey guys, I am trying to have some nice portfolio piece so I decided to work on Svv Vintorez...Id like to hear tons crits on model itself (arent edges too sharp on some places, to get nice bake? is missing something somewhere?) and wires also (I think, in lots of places I have not very nice polyflow, but I dont know how to make it better)
So C and C are highly welcome
okay so I started to try some baking....and Id like to ask u polycounters, if u bake into triangulated mesh or quadded mesh,I did some tests here,and it looks like, tris mesh makes much better results:
also Id like to ask u for some good normal map tutorials, tips and so on
and also , I d like to hear critics on my HP model and on this mag(too much or too less of polys?)
I personally tend to triangulate before baking, so that when I export the model into a game engine, I don't get errors from the the triangles possibly turning on export.
actually, this is one of my first real hipoly things, I have one colt anaconda, but it had terrible polyflow, so I want to hear critics, because I am in "experimental mode", I always just experiment(for example I did around 4 different models of rifle butt, coz I didnt knew how to model it...same with switch)
Also I didnt read probably anything how lowpoly should be optimised or if it should have some polyflow...so I just always experiment
I'm not really sure how necessary it is to model those raised lines in the low poly, it seems like the sort of detail that could be normal mapped, maybe try it and see what sort of results it gives.
after few months I made (finally) this PSO-1 scope, and honestly I am quite proud of it :P , however edges could be softer, so here are pics and hope u like it
Any critics are welcome
and I'd had it bookmarked because he'd made a quick tutorial about the UV layout he went with for it, but it appears it's been taken down (was on page 2). You can see more of his pictures if you go to his portfolio though http://www.patricksutton3d.com/portfolio/vintorez.html
So you might find something useful by comparing. PSO scope look great too, any chance of wires?
Man Paul that's a darn nice scope. I really like the material definition of that rubber
But I think you could make the spec highlights on the metal a bit sharper. And you totally should add welding seams to your iron sights, I've marked the spots in your shot.
Am I missing some proverb or metaphor?
I hope some image from midpoly mesh, learn a few technique.
i dunno how it looks on original gun but i'd double check if beveled lines on the mag have the correct curve.
also Id like to ask u for some good normal map tutorials, tips and so on
and also , I d like to hear critics on my HP model and on this mag(too much or too less of polys?)
Also I didnt read probably anything how lowpoly should be optimised or if it should have some polyflow...so I just always experiment
Any critics are welcome
There's this polycount thread where another user made the VSS http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=74921&page=3
and I'd had it bookmarked because he'd made a quick tutorial about the UV layout he went with for it, but it appears it's been taken down (was on page 2). You can see more of his pictures if you go to his portfolio though http://www.patricksutton3d.com/portfolio/vintorez.html
So you might find something useful by comparing. PSO scope look great too, any chance of wires?
But I think you could make the spec highlights on the metal a bit sharper. And you totally should add welding seams to your iron sights, I've marked the spots in your shot.
Here is a version a friend of me did some years ago where you can see it too.