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Crysis - Aquarium Environment (WIP)

polycounter lvl 15
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jacob07777 polycounter lvl 15
Hey there Polycounters!

So it's probably been about 2 years or so now since I've done or at least posted any personal work lol I've been interested in trying out some new engines, just to get my hands on some of the other industry tools out there. So the first one I wanted to mess around with is the CryEngine and I figured, what better than to make a Crytek concept in it haha? This is the first time messing around with the CryEngine at all and getting some of the shaders/lighting to work has been interesting. So I was hoping you guys wouldn't mind giving me some feedback on what I have done so far and where you think it can go. I'll stop talking now and just let the pics flow.
PS: I still have no idea how to take pics without that FPS count up in the corner there capture_frames=1 still just captures what i see. Ideas?


So here's the concept, I'm not trying to directly match it, but interpret what I like about it and add to it with what I wanted to create
Concept art by (Viktor Jonsson)


So that's kind of what I have so far. I'd say the scene is maybe 50-60% done? I'm still tweaking shaders as I go and working on reflections to make those look right. I finally came up with a story that I like too and made a little paint over for it. I was thinking of going this direction with it, because the clean/mixed with the dirty I think would be a nice contrast and a nice mix. Plus I just like story and destruction :) Check it outttzzz!


So any feedback you guys have so far or ideas for it moving forward, let me know. Thanks! :)

You guys are my BAST FRRIEENNDSS!


  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13
    Interesting. It would be even more interesting if it were in UDK, for science of course. Although, It's a cool exercise, remaking it and all.

    Get some water volumes up in there and put it under water.
  • Darkleopard
    Looks really great. The only crit i have visually is that i dont like the red carpet, its to strong. The orange in the concept looks nicer.

    Love the idea of dirtying it up a little.

    I agree with computron about the water to
  • jacob07777
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    jacob07777 polycounter lvl 15
    @Computron Haha, I know UDK well enough for now, so I just wanted to have some fun and mess around with somethin new. A while back actually I tried that, but couldnt figure out how to turn the camera distortion off while inside of the water volume, so everything was always effed and bendy looking

    @Darkleopard Thank you sir, I agree with the carpet, I gotta tone that sucker down.

    (Early shot)
  • Skummel
    Oh dear lord. Thats epic. Looks as amazing as the concept, just missing a few minor details. Wow, great work!
  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    awesome, besides carpet everything looks spot on.
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    Have you figured out what's outside? Cause it kinda looks like water tbh. The only two things I don't really think is there yet is the outside and the reflection on the pillar. Is much more contrasty and got all that nice blacks in there. Maybe that's hard to recreate.

    I really like it! I want moar! Gonna be epic with some destruction!
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13
    jacob07777 wrote: »
    @Computron Haha, I know UDK well enough for now, so I just wanted to have some fun and mess around with somethin new. A while back actually I tried that, but couldnt figure out how to turn the camera distortion off while inside of the water volume, so everything was always effed and bendy looking

    @Darkleopard Thank you sir, I agree with the carpet, I gotta tone that sucker down.

    (Early shot)

    Don't you have Crysis 2? (GO BUY IT NOAW) Just look how they did it. I assume the align the boundaries of the water volume with the windows, not actually engulfed the building, just surrounded it.
  • SniperStealth
    This is all kinds of awesome, keep up the good work.
  • jacob07777
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    jacob07777 polycounter lvl 15
    Thanks a lot guys! Yeah I definitely still want to push this a bit further to get those last few details. I took the weekend off for my brothers bachelor party, but hopefully later in the week I can start catching up again.

    @sltrOlsson - I think I will try to make it water eventually, I just want to make sure it looks like it makes sense. Like why is this structure under water? How does it support itself underwater, oxygen supply, glass thickness, how do you enter and exit without water rushing in? So still need to work out some kinks

    @Computron - Lol I am playing actually, im just not to this point yet. I created a shader to replace the glass with that gave the exterior a wavy "watery" look, but I want that water ceiling and the caustics. So without being INSIDE of a water volume caustics and the water ceiling dont show up, but INSIDE the volume you also get the bendy waviness, so im posting a bit in the crydev forums to see if anyone knows how to turn off the distortion
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    ^ Yes - the way they'll have done it in Crysis 2 was by creating a shader for the glass. Water volumes won't work unless you're inside them, as it's a post process technique.
  • jacob07777
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    jacob07777 polycounter lvl 15
    ambershee wrote: »
    ^ Yes - the way they'll have done it in Crysis 2 was by creating a shader for the glass. Water volumes won't work unless you're inside them, as it's a post process technique.

    Yeah, I've already got the glass "water shader" working, but it doesn't feel complete without the caustics and the water surface at the top. I actually took one screenshot where I flipped my whole scene upside down above the ocean, then flipped it back in photoshop to give it the "appearance" of the water surface under water lol It was pretty ridiculous, but kind of worked?

    No, thank you sir :)
  • TheGoozah
    Amazing piece!! Keep it up!!!!
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    Can you create a volume inside of the ocean? You could cap your scene in that, keep the shader and still see the water up in the sky. But yeah, there is still the problem of caustics. Can't you animate a light gel/alpha? Or if you just want it to be a still you can just take a caustics pattern and project it with a light.
  • jacob07777
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    jacob07777 polycounter lvl 15
    sltrOlsson wrote: »
    Can you create a volume inside of the ocean? You could cap your scene in that, keep the shader and still see the water up in the sky. But yeah, there is still the problem of caustics. Can't you animate a light gel/alpha? Or if you just want it to be a still you can just take a caustics pattern and project it with a light.

    Hmm unfortunately as ambershee and I were saying, nothing can show up at all from the water volume unless you're actually in it. So if I created a subtraction volume under the ocean, the water ceiling, ocean fog, and everything that makes it underwater would be gone. I basically need to find where the post process stats are being created for the water volume, whether it's a shader, or in the coding, and then disable the distortion settings. That way I can keep the caustics, water ceiling, ocean fog and light rays, all the good stuff. Then I can apply the liquid shader to the window so that things beyond the window and "underneath the ocean" still have the distortion effect and will appear correct. The problem is still just finding where on earth all of that information for the ocean volume is being pulled haha

    As for the caustics emitting from a light projection, I had tried that at one point, but it made the scene look very flat. The caustics were either very bright or very dark and was a solid spread of light. The caustics that the water volume creates gave me a much more patchy, spread out variation of light distribution that looked more natural depending on how much light would shine on a given area.

    I guess for now it's no rush as I'll be taking a little break on the scene for now to finish up a deadline at work. But soon, hopefully soon i will be able to get back to this. Thanks again for all the suggestions and feedback everyone :)
  • JoshC
  • Grimmstrom
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    Grimmstrom polycounter lvl 7
    I'm going to enjoy following this thread, great work so far, very close to the concept. I'd defiantly tone down the rug to closer match the concept though
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