Just wanted to post what I am working on. Keep going back into zbrush to add detail (wrinkles), and then re-rendering the normal map. In this render I am using a displacement and the normal map. Haven't tried using both a displacement and a normal map before but I am pretty happy with the result. Still have to work on the eye ducts too. Feedback is absolutely welcome. I will be posting the concepts work, this will be a fully fleshed out character...eventually.

This looks awesome! However I do think that his wrinkles are lacking weight. He doesn't really look like he should have wrinkles by how tight they are. Give them some gravity and I think it will look better.
But I really like it regardless, good luck!
To Natland- I definitely see what you mean, his head wrinkles are exaggerated too much and not subtle. I will go back on smooth these out in Zbrush, re-render the normal map, and the displacement, and see what I come up with. I have been working on the body but can't upload an image until tonight (at work).
In these rough sketches the character's proportions are pretty cartoony and the concept has evolved a bit since these two to make it more realistic but I am still working on those and will post them soon. Any feedback would be great!