Those statues really stand out as amazing pieces, but the whole thing looks incredible. Hope things are settled now and we get to play it! Is it an MMO?
Will it get published and what payment system are you guys looking at?
The reason I'm asking this is because of the current Govt' deficit 38 the studio currently is in, and private need for funds, so this could affect alot of things, including the game coming out or not.
There's no way to tell until it releases - but at what point does *yet another* MMO set in generi-fantasy hope to even make its money back in the current market?
The art is pretty guys, but no reason to overlook other factors.
I believe the reason for this thread is to separate it from the gloom and doom from the other one. If you have gloom and/or doom to air, please post it in the other thread
Yeah - guys, sick work!!! Love it - that gnarly earthy / wooden encampment looking place around the 0:52 mark - that tower around 1:08 reminds me of kingdom hearts... love that too! Glorious skybox at 1:17!! And love the view from 1:23 !! :poly142:
For now, that's all that's sharable. It's an amazing team and project and studio. If you would like to see more then 'like' the video and please please share/repost it with people.
This shit looks awesome. I know they will cross that river when they come to it, but I have to wonder if 38 studios is even prepared for maintaining an MMO when it comes out. Especially if it becomes pretty popular. The servers, the ever adjusting balance issues, new content, dealing with hackers/botters etc etc. The list goes on and on.
Love it. Beautiful, but do you think the idiotic public average gamer will think the same? I appreciate the art and I know all of us do, but I hope the rest of the MMO gaming crowd will too... I really want this game to succeed.
The reason I'm asking this is because of the current Govt' deficit 38 the studio currently is in, and private need for funds, so this could affect alot of things, including the game coming out or not.
The art is pretty guys, but no reason to overlook other factors.
- BoBo
Can't wait to go exploring!
Those screenshots however look stunning :jawdrop: