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3D Modeler for Middle-Earth Roleplaying Project


Hi guys, we're an ambitious bunch of modders who try to recreate Tolkien's Middle-Earth within Elderscrolls V -Skyrim engine. It's a total conversion and we plan to use as much of our own assets as we can. So, to cut it short, we need skilled 3D modelers.

The project is non commercial!!!, it's all volunteer and for fun! :thumbup:

Myself is a developer for 3D/2D there and I just joined the team a couple of weeks ago. I'm a hobby modeler and mostly work with Blender. The attached pics show some of my recent works for MERP.

I won't go in on detail on the project now, just check out our forum and MODDB presence. There is plenty of info and screenies! :)

Main forum:




Greets, Colt Seavers aka TheDaywalker!!!:\
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