I dled a bunch of textures from their site yesterday but today for some odd reason I think I may have been banned from cgtextures.com I click on the links says " Banned! " next to the links and I'm getting fatal errors connecting. Would someone mind sending me the info to contact one of the moderators? Is this happening to anyone else? Thanks.
Shoot Marcel an email and explain yo'self - support@cgtextures.com
I think, when CGTextures started, they had problems with people running scraper scripts that'd cause problems with their servers, so (Again, I think) they put in some protection against that. It used to be in the FAQ, but I can't seem to find it now.
So I don't know how downloading would get you banned unless you were doing something to get around the system.
I'm talking about them having installed an anti-scraping script that'd be an active countermeasure.