Hello I am making this as my first creature sculpt attempt at Zbrush , I am fairly new to the tool and a total noob so I ask a lot of questions around ...
I am not satisfied much of the result mainly because I reached the lev 6 subdivision and ... well doesn't look that detailed and precise as I wanted , may be is fault also of an uneven distribution of polygons of the base model as some areas I couln't even project any alpha couse looks fuzzy and low res compared ot other areas ...
Like higher res is the facea and lower res is the tail ....
Anyway how can I do to improve or make it better?
My plan is to export the high poly and then use xnormal to bake and port into skyrim game ...
here are some more pics as requested ....
Dragon pics
I have seen a documentary once that was about a possible creature dragon in reality ... it analized all the possible aspects of a dragon from the firebreath to the wings span etc ... it so mixed a lot of real creatures abilities and stated that a Dragon coudl possibly really exhist in nature under certain circumstances ... one of those was the need for 4 legs ...
That's why I like how they portrayed the dragons in skyrim , so I wanted to make my new Dragon version and variation from the game ...
I woudl appreciate tough any sugestions and help as this is my very first creature I am trying to do with Zbrush and I have some problems I woud like to fix as I stated in the main thread post ....
Dragon Pics
I want to be able to have more details on tail and so on ...
Reptiles tend to have scales that are quite crisp as seen in this image:
To sharpen up the borders of the plates you can use the pinch brush with a low intensity. It won't look as muddy after you do that.
You only have to start over if your mesh is so high res that Zbrush crashes if you try to reproject it (learned this this hard way when I didn't bother to retopo a very very large dynamesh model until late in the game, also a dragon)
Retoppoing is still your best option though as it will give you the cleanest mesh.
Thannks a lot,,,