concept created by gameloft
the object is to re-create the concept as close as possible. Outer shells have a 6500 tri count, and the inside wires and legs have a 3500 tri count after being normal maped. the pictures show only the modeling, and with no bake yet, strictly the 6188 tri's and the high poly legs and wires pre-bake. Any crits or comments would be extremely beneficial!!! the first picture is the concept obviously... THANKS!
as far as modeling its looking pretty good!
Richard - what round parts are you talking about? the upper half? the outer shells on the top?
Take another pass at the legs. The knee in particular has departed pretty far from the concept -- You're missing some pieces in there that give it part of its form.
Also make sure you really define your shapes and have nice clean lines, some of the shapes on the main body are sort of blobby.
I did a paint over of you model to show the things I would tweak.