Hi guys, this is my first post on here and I was hoping for some good feedback on the Metal Gear Solid Port environment I am working on at the moment.
Tried to keep all assets as close to the game as possible, and making changes where I thought would help, I used both the original playstation version and the gamecube twin snakes version of the port for help in this as they slightly different.
This is currently rendered in mental ray using maya 2012, but I will be taking it into udk once I am finished but I still feel as if more needs to be added.
I would say that it feels a little blocky. This underground area should be worn out... the water adds fungus and stains, and corrodes. plus the cargo being loaded and unloaded cuz dents on where they hit and marks everywhere. Rust on the pipes from being in the water. Also... unless this water is somewhere with a current i don't see why it would be so busy. It would be nice to see a little bit under and add some gradients of greens. Your boxes on the top look plain white. They are really hard to read, so maybe add some shape to them and interest. Those smaller details tend to get lost. Then your fence looks a little blocky.
Its really going in the right direction tho. I hope this feedback helps you make this good progress into something awesome!
i'm really happy to see some metal gear solid environement , i love that game so much .
it looking for now but you should post more screenshot for it and some assestand work on the scale more because your
environment now is too big .
and change the colors and match it with metal gear solid 1 style . try to use on the
colors : blue and some green to get the right mood of the environment
i hope this help
I wouldn't be too worried about matching mgs1/twin snakes too much, you can update the scene a little bit to take it to the next level. Perhaps it would be cool to add more variation or damage to the concrete ledges, for instance.
There better be a ration under the water on the left there. :P
also made a cutscene video here http://youtu.be/CoW1qyHduaY?hd=1
Apart from that it looks wicked!
Yeah some of the sizes of the assets are a bit off, I was thinking that myself
Im going to look into vertex painting next for the fungus and stuff
and the character on top of the locker is meant to be action figure size not a proper human character lol.
just noticed the screentilting thing, youtube done that to the video for some reason - its not in the original file, should be fixed now on here https://vimeo.com/44806910
either way looking ace im not an environment guy at all so i cant help you on the technicalities
cant wait to see this finished bro XD
I took some pics directly from the game. You can see more on the materials in the env, the kind of textures and mainly the spacing and depth. Your env seems really compact.
made a few updates on the scene now though, rescaled the size of the level and the assets in it.
As other have said it does feel a bit cramped at the moment, last the locker material looks a bit off. Just a bit too much scratched metal texture.
Then... some of the metal structures that run on the wall are there for support. Plus it holds a lot of the metal fixtures that run on the ceiling. Apart from the beams running all the way to the top of the environment as well.
That railing on the side should be a lot shorter. In the game, Snake is almost as tall as one of the big crates. Usually a railing goes 3/4 down your arm for rest a safety. So that is why the railings make your env look a little crammed.
The objects on the side after the steps where you have to duck under, i still have no idea what they are. If you have some smoke coming out of there, i am assuming you have some idea of what they are for. Which also leads me to believe that there would be more intricate workings, or at least pipes that go into the metal casing.
The elevator still doesn't quite fit a cargo sliding door. I put some reference there for you. If you don't like the flatness of it, then google some reference and put some detail into it. Right now it just looks place holderish.
You are also missing some drain pipes on the side of walls.
When you work on anything you build from your silhouette (big shapes) and work your way down adding detail. Until you don't have the layout of the scene right even if you add a lot of props the environment will still not look very cohesive. I would suggest making sure the aspect ratio you are using mocks the MGS env, place some characters around and make sure that everything has good dimensions and when that is done, start adding art all over the place. I can guarantee that your work will look even more stunning.
I like what you have done with the scene, and i look forward to some more work on the thread. Keep up the good work!
any feedback would be much appreciated!
also made an updated cutscene for this environment here