Alright, let's get the LOL furries comments out of the way first. Go on. I know you want to.
Done? Okeydoke then. What we're working on here as a side project at work is a puppet that might eventually be used in a performance for the Melbourne Fringe Festival, or some such event where adult oriented puppetry is displayed.
The idea is that she's a literal Playboy bunny. I don't really have a very good idea about what the narrative will be, but it's a bit of social commentary on exploitation of women or some such thing.
Anyway, I'm trying to find a good balance combining rabbit and human. The objective isn't to make her sexy so much as to look like some girl who's gone out and gotten a lot of plastic surgeries towards some kind of sexualised ideal and come out of it looking the worse for it. She's obviously supposed to look a little disturbing too. It's a lot to try to work into a character design and while I think I'm more or less on the right track, I'm not there yet.
I'd be interested to hear any thoughts on direction here. Don't worry about her legs. They were only modelled as a proportional guide. The final version won't have anything below the hips.
You've succeeded beyond your wildest dreams. That face is going to give me nightmares.
I'm not too concerned with the clothing wrinkles and incidental detail like that. It'll all by cloth in the finals. I'll probably go through and do a nice fully modelled and textured version for my portfolio once I'm done here, but design is all I'm look at for the moment.
Spent a few hours on this tonight. Face makes a bit more anatomical sense now. Not too sure about the fake tan, but I think I'm a step closer.
Why you ask?
Because i dont think its far from what ive seen IRL