Ok so I had to put this off for school stuff for a long time but finally I was able to pick this up for a 3d environments class. Made a few changes to the assets and textures.
All my reference is from
most recent update

Don't be afraid to add some extra polys to make the piece more interesting. Try adding an edge loop and warping the wood beams a little, softening the silhouette on the rock wall and putting some of the stone shape into the model, roughing up the stairs so they're not so perfect, etc. In nature, there are not perfect straight lines or 90 degree angles, so your models should have hints of imperfection too or it looks very fake. It doesn't need to be anything dramatic, but you would be surprised at how much of a difference it can make.
Great work! I'm still in the process of learning a ton of info before I delve into a similar style environment.
Keep up the awesome work though!
populated the place with udk assets because of time constraints. I also used their water shader and mountain asset for the background.