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Unity and Localization

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rooster mod
hi all.. I'm curious to see if anyone who uses unity has a localization system in place?

I'm actually hoping to make my next project contain 0 text whatsoever, but managing input is still an issue.

does anyone know what happens when someone tries to use the input manager on foreign language systems, especially with different character sets like japanese or chinese?



  • Frankie
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    Frankie polycounter lvl 20
    You could try asking on the unity irc, freenode #unity3d
  • equil
    it just works. unity uses utf-8 for all string representation, so displaying more or less anything works as long as you supply a font with the neccessary character sets. As for input methods, this should just work too (i've tested a few languages including japanese), but i don't have any experience working with any gui systems beyond the built-in one, so i can't guarantee that they'll work as well.
  • Brice Vandemoortele
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    Brice Vandemoortele polycounter lvl 19
    i use this one http://u3d.as/content/m2h/localization-package/1Ya

    a Google docs spreadsheet-based solution proved very useful for outsourcing translations, especially with low cost services like fiverr
  • Brice Vandemoortele
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    Brice Vandemoortele polycounter lvl 19
    btw Japanese font are available in FNT format in the store.
    There doesn't seem to be an equivalent for Chinese since there's too much symbols for the bitmap atlases. It seems for now we're stuck with rasterized fonts on mobile.
  • kio
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    kio polycounter lvl 16
    i used excel to list all keys -> langvaule_en -> langvalue_de -> langvalue -> fr etc. I then wrote a small python script which converted the key - value lists for each language into a xml file, which i then parse in unity. worked pretty good. but i did not do any fancy languages like japanese, or kyrilic languages.

    usage was something like Debug.Log( "new game".localize() ); and localize looked up the value in each the corresponding language dictionary.

    but i guess the one brice posted is doing a good job :)
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    how do you guys handle the input manager then? (and by that I mean, allowing users key customisation before game begins)- or do you have custom input solutions?

    hmm thinking about it I guess this is a desktop specific question

    the key config screen runs before the game does on desktop, and you only enter one name for input axes/buttons (presumably in english)

    I'm trying to figure out how to make that usable by a non-english speaker
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    is everyone doing mobile? :/
  • DreamCreations
    Unity Asset Store: http://u3d.as/content/dream-creations/excel-local

    Video Demo: http://youtu.be/BzPrmEkUIRQ

    ExcelLocal is a powerful language localisation system using Excel Spreadsheet with Unity.
    This process is highly scalable and provides an architecture which separates data from logic.

    - Support UTF-8. The demo scene demonstrates localisation to Chinese and Spanish.
    - Support both GUI Text and NGUI UI Labels
    - One click export from excel spreadsheet
    - Seamless integration with Unity. No need to do extra step of importing.
    - Automatic localisation component with the flexibility to use global language settings or individual selection
    - No coding required as all components are provided. However, APIs are also exposed for use.
    - Support all platforms
  • bluedarker

    Reference this unity asset : DocsPin Asset , Overview

    Following are the features of DocsPin.
    - Retrieve data from Google Drive
    - Save and upload in local file all of Google Drive data
    - Protect and encode data
    - Manage multi-language text data
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